What other games are we all playing?

Mass Effect 3 - my first playthrough ever. The game sat on my virtual shelf for over 6 years. I had to dig out an old hard drive to find my ME2 save for import. 😄 But it's actually pretty cool.

I will never surrender
we'll free the Earth and sky
crush my heart into embers
and I will reignite! 🎶
To obtain Kitakami you need to spend one of these resources:

192,000 Research Bureau Points.

136,000 Steel.

1,520,000 Coal.

There is a mix-and-match way to obtain the ship, but it's too complex- see the Sea Lord vid.
I know what you mean with their urges to get you to update. I haven't seen that in WoWs but I watch a Kabuki theater on CSpan and other news sites.
Have a nice evening
I just bought Tomb Raider definitive trilogy, the three latest games in one package for 17,50euro.
Never played a Tomb Raider game but they look fun, a bit Assassin's Creed like and I like those games as well.
They're in my backlog for now, still doing a new play through of Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 with Phantom Liberty and some Starfield.
I'd like to play Starfield a bit more but I'm waiting for Bethesda to fix the broken quests.
Spending more time this last day or so playing "five Parsecs from Home". I have rolled up a crew and ship and am fighting the bad guys.

That looks like a fun game.

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Mass Effect 3 - my first playthrough ever. The game sat on my virtual shelf for over 6 years. I had to dig out an old hard drive to find my ME2 save for import. 😄 But it's actually pretty cool.

I will never surrender
we'll free the Earth and sky
crush my heart into embers
and I will reignite! 🎶
If you have the DLCs, make sure to play the Citadel DLC after you've unlocked all your companions.
If you like the ME lore and the characters, the whole DLC is hilarious.
I suppose that's exactly where I am at the moment -- met Javik, Ash and Garrus so far, let's see who else is there. ^^
I suppose that's exactly where I am at the moment -- met Javik, Ash and Garrus so far, let's see who else is there. ^^
Javik is the best!
A re-play of ME3 is worth it just to have him on every assignment: his trolling cold logic lines are a treasure trove of comedy!
Lvl 17 RoguenTrader. I've surpassed the point previous playthroughs stopped at. The issue with this game is that you get overlevelled enemies. A common practice but can handle. But RT gives you also enemies with damage negation and you can do nothing about it. All the armour debuffs are useless when enemies have negation stacks and you dont have anything to deal with it. Kinda frustrating. I have tried keeping an eye out to level charracters todeal with it buthavent seen any such talents or perks. Weapons drop poorly. One playthrough I had a plasma rifle - this time it's nought. Melee still decent but wild variation in damage. Even when I expect some damage negationI still deal too much minimal damage events.
There is a pretty extensive list of bugged perks - I cant be bothered to track it all.
I'm pretty in forthe story, but if the game keeps giving me only rubbish I'll have to give up.
Played some Warhammer 40K Gothic armada to blow up stuff for the Emperor. I think sometimes games dont get playtested anymore. By real people, I mean - not company yesmen.
Another dash of Civ 6, still finishing Skyrim and even gathering some ARX and on the Michael Brookes trail (I know it's not another game strictly, but it has been for me recently).
Another dash of Civ 6, still finishing Skyrim and even gathering some ARX and on the Michael Brookes trail (I know it's not another game strictly, but it has been for me recently).
While I liked the general approach and artstyle in Civ6 I never really figured out how to build cities and put which districts. The problem is the interdependencies of buildings and districts. And what is good in stone age might be worthless in future. And so I tend not to build stuff that will go outdated.
Note: Down To Earth Astronomy has put out his very last "Hello Dave" video. Just one more vid on his channel, before he takes a three month break. After his return, he will be on his new channel, "Cosmic Curiosity". It will be focused on astronomy and space.
Sister Argenta has finally evolved into a house cleaner. The build seems to work - a miracle of the God-Emperor. I did the battle I bailed before pretty much by storm. After that a boss with the dreaded negation. So how you break through is big damage and Argent can stack up crits. Her bolter bursts become more potent simply doing damage. Add overpen and you seem to get a killing machine. Beware friendly fire.
..... Beware friendly fire.
Or don't? She has become "acccurate". I guess there is still a risk for wild shots. This is pure dakka. Any other party member pales in comparison. Everyone else sucks now. Melee has become tactical blocker useful minions to the mistress of Death - the killer is Argenta. Officers speed up her ascension - they may live on yet. If there is anything that would give the Emperor the final killing blow - it's watching Argenta in a killing spree. Why is this game called Rogue Trader? It's about Argenta. I think I'm in love. I wanna get a stop to my heartbeat like the Emperor while gazing at Argenta's ever exponentially scaling damage trance.
Did I mention that I always liked silver?
disclaimer: I know zero(0) of WH other than I like the way it looks. So I checked out Argenta and yes, she's white hot imho. (but then, I'm old and like gray/white hair ... hehe)
Looks like I will spend a lot of time with GHPC, with some SB2 fighting for game time, and a little x4/sd2 thrown in for deviation)
disclaimer: I know zero(0) of WH other than I like the way it looks. So I checked out Argenta and yes, she's white hot imho. (but then, I'm old and like gray/white hair ... hehe)
Looks like I will spend a lot of time with GHPC, with some SB2 fighting for game time, and a little x4/sd2 thrown in for deviation)
I can tell you that most part of her hotness comes from the amount of primers igniting the bullet propellant.
Rogue Trader I tried to make Cassia into mind control but the mileage is poor. A confusion spell meant to incite enemy infighting resulted in enemies shooting me. Thx Cass.
A stupid encounter resulted in a party wipe - only Rainier, Rogue Trader, left standing and after methodical use of a thunder hammer saving the day. Memorable.
A horde rush afterwards was quickly contained by Idora and Argenta.
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