General / Off-Topic What other games have you played recently?

World of Warcraft - subscribtion ending soon. IMO the game is not worth my time nor money due to some glaring issues.

I quit the game more than 7 years ago mostly because of the absolutely miserable, ridiculous player community, but also because the balancing and itemization for a hybrid class like mine (shaman) was arbitrary and poorly implemented.

Anyway, stuff I've been playing lately besides Planet Coaster:

- Mass Effect Andromeda: This is the only game I've purchased on day one in several years, and that's due to the trust and goodwill Bioware has built up with its excellent games, especially the earlier ME games and Dragon Age: Inquisition, which I thought was phenomenal. I always love playing in the ME universe, but it's true, this game is underwhelming. The combat is smoother and much improved, but the story is severely lacking, the writing is not good, and there was little imagination used in depicting what another galaxy might look like.

- Mortal Kombat XL: Got it for dirt cheap on Steam. Hadn't really played an MK game since MK III. Well, XL is awesome and even the story mode is surprisingly fun, with exceptional production values. I don't expect a deep story from MK just like I don't expect a Jean Claude Van Damme martial arts flick to be Oscar bait, but this is a really well-made game.

- Jet Grind Radio: A nostalgie impulse buy, also got it deeply discounted on Steam.

- Shaolin vs Wu Tang: Another Steam impulse buy during a sale. (See a pattern here? lol) I just couldn't resist, this game is at once ridiculous and glorious. I like pretending to be Jia Sidao from Marco Polo and doing all sorts of awesome praying mantis style kung fu. If you love kung fu movies, or you grew up like I did in the New York City area and they used to show kung fu after Saturday morning cartoons, you will love this game. It's basically a playable classic kung fu movie, embracing the awesomeness and the cheesiness.

- Siralim 2: Imagine the original Dragon Warrior on NES, mixed with monster hunting, and all the depth, talent trees, min-maxing, gear, and customization of a modern RPG. There are 600+ monsters in the game, each of them with unique abilities and attributes, and basically your party is composed of you (a wizard) and six monsters who fight for you. Those monsters can be any of the 600+ in the game, as long as you can defeat them and tame them. The number of combinations and play styles is almost limitless, the gear can be gemmed and customized just like any modern MMO/RPG, there are an absurd number of abilities to invest talent points in, weapons can have multiple enchantments, yadda yadda...If you like the nostalgia of old-school RPGs and the depth of modern RPGs, you might get addicted to this game.
I quit the game more than 7 years ago mostly because of the absolutely miserable, ridiculous player community, but also because the balancing and itemization for a hybrid class like mine (shaman) was arbitrary and poorly implemented.

Same! I used to love the game but decided to stop playing just as Cataclysm was released. Had run a raiding guild from Classic WoW all the way through to the end of WotLK, however I eventually stopped caring about raiding and passed it on to one of the other members! The game was great when times were good, it just felt a little too much like a job at times.
I am currently cuing in the Smite Tactic Beta. It is fun, but full of mood whip-lash. One moment you think you are a genius who can't be beat, then all of a sudden you lose within an inch.
I beat Horizon Zero Dawn on hard mode, and I beat Little Nightmares recently too. Now, I'm playing Tales of Berseria.
GTA V and Just Cause 3, some Cities Skylines and occasional CS:GO. But Planet Coaster is taking up most of my free time!
For me, I play lots of Planet Coaster and Rocket League, and I occasionally play Just Cause 3. Tried to play a game called Old Time Hockey, but it wouldn't start on my PC for some reason and jut kept crashing, so I had to refund it. I also play Rick and Morty Virtual Rickality, Rec Room, and every once in a while, No Limits 2.
Same! I used to love the game but decided to stop playing just as Cataclysm was released. Had run a raiding guild from Classic WoW all the way through to the end of WotLK, however I eventually stopped caring about raiding and passed it on to one of the other members! The game was great when times were good, it just felt a little too much like a job at times.

Your quote about it feeling like a job is spot on. I enjoyed raiding with good, chill players in my guild, but I did not like running the same raid or instance 60 times so everyone gets their Sword of Bigger Numbers or Epic Helmet That Will Be Obsolete In 6 Months. Also, the dailies. Such a tedious grind.

WoW was never more fun than when I was a complete noob exploring the world for the first time, seeing zones and cities for the first time...and that epic moment when I dinged level 20 on my shaman and discovered I could turn into a ghost wolf!

I also loved the brilliantly designed dungeons like the Sunken Temple, Scholomance, that huge jungle 10-man raid (can't remember what it was called), the Black Temple which was epic, and places like SSC...the fact that you had to dive into a lake and swim through an opening in the rock to reach the entrance was amazing game design.

There was also that dungeon on the western coast of Kalimdor, on the edge of the beach to the west of the Nightsong Woods...I can't remember the name of the dungeon, but I literally stumbled into it one day while exploring the area. The fact that here's this dungeon, just hidden at the bottom of this unremarkable stairwell among a bunch of coastal ruins, with nothing to mark it...that was just brilliant game design and made it so much fun to explore the game world.
Project Zero (Fatal Frame): Maiden Of Black Water
The Last Of Us Remasterd
Crash Bandicoot 1,2 and 3 (can't wait for the remasters)!
^Also playing Ori and the Blind Forest here. Pretty good so far.

I also beat Dragon Quest Heroes recently, and I'm now playing Pretty Boy Fantasy XV.
After watching Colnel Failure on youtube, playing Transport Fever on the Gothard Alps Map, I have decided to give this game a try. I just love it and I am currently playing this game on the Isle of Man Map, which is only small compared to other maps, but non the less, is a great little map. There are plenty of mods for this game and even a No Costs mod, which allows you to build to your hearts content, more of a sandbox mode really.

I am giving Planet Coaster a rest for a bit, until the next major update is released and also waiting for their new Jurassic Evolution game to be released.

Meanwhile, it's back to the Isle of Man, to build the Snafel Mountain Railway which runs from Laxey. Already got the Isle of Man steam railway network built and the year has just ticked over to 1910 when the horse drawn vehicles are now becoming redundant. It's a great transport game and is not as demanding as City Skylines.

Another game I have got attached to, is Naval Action, which is played with old sailing ships around the Cariabean. The ships are very realistic and if you want to be a Pirate and take on the Royal Navy or other nations, give it a try. The game is mainly based on multiplayer, but you can play it on your own if you want to do some trading, building ships, without risking your ships being sunk by other players, as you explore the massive map of the North Atlantic , off the Florida Keys, Cuba and all the Cariabean Islands.

Happy Gaming [up]
I've just finished getting all the achievements on Pacman Championship Edition DX+

I'm also back to dabbling in Space Engineers and Player Unknown Battle Grounds. I still occasionally pop my head back in on Rocket League. But that's about it lately.
Not playing much atm. I'm just satisfying my OCD to get every char to max stats on lvl 1 in Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 on the PS4.

Currently looking forward to this release:
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