What should Frontier give us before support ends?

What about a utility like the theme makers tool kit from Planet Coaster? Or a tool to change the textures for paths?
Or how about a new terrain tool that could make cone shapes? And what about more ambience items? How about some handicap features for guests? The list goes on, but each player will have their own thoughts and/or needs for the game.
The promised unique animal personality. But yeah, I gave my hopes up on it by now. The updates feel smaller lately, I don't expect anything game- or livechanging anymore.
In the end, I don't want support to end fully for a long time still. I would be on board wiuth micro transaction (an animal + maybe a plant per month) in place of bigger DLCs by the end of the year.

What they clearly should do is redo the Malayan Tapir and the male Sea Lion, as these models are just wrong. I would appreciate doing a redo of some other animals as well, but again, doubt it.
A scenery creation tool and a scenario creation tool are tops on my list. Also, a tool for creating new animal species could be nice for the really advanced creators.
You wrote it and the frontier came qith brachiation 😀
And the best part is, its not all. They are adding even more behaviour stuff with choirs in the free update, so siamangs and atleast one more animals can now sing/communicate together, which is also pretty cool. Together with the gradually improving herding, we are slowly but surly coming closer to quite the nice range of animal behaviour in the game.
But ofcourse actual animal personalitys would be great.
But ofcourse actual animal personalitys would be great
I still a good compromise, in case it isn't doable, is to give certain traits to animals, like what JWE 2 did.
Example: Donna Dilophosaurus is sickly, meaning she get sick very easily. Her package, Darla Dilophosaurus, is aggressive and while fight for dominance quite often, while the leader of the pack, Dalilah Dilophosaurus is strong
Tnh, i doubt that a basic system of animal persionality would be impossible. I said it before and i said it again, simply having the animals fall on a slide for shyness and how many other males/females/babys they tolerate would be enough for the start.
It would atleast give every animals unique management challange, wish would be good enough for me.
Another feasible next step would be to generate each animal with ~3 random likes and dislikes in enritchment, for example one lion that gets a small bonus from the pumpkin enritchment while another gets less or will even ignore it. Just for a little thought.
Tnh, i doubt that a basic system of animal persionality would be impossible. I said it before and i said it again, simply having the animals fall on a slide for shyness and how many other males/females/babys they tolerate would be enough for the start.
It would atleast give every animals unique management challange, wish would be good enough for me.
Another feasible next step would be to generate each animal with ~3 random likes and dislikes in enritchment, for example one lion that gets a small bonus from the pumpkin enritchment while another gets less or will even ignore it. Just for a little thought.
I really like the idea of this. Much like genetics but for personality. Have this for shyness, playfulness, dominance, agression, maybe even things like energy/laziness and group tolerance. Even just two of these would work to really individualize the animals.
At a minimum what I consider absolute musts would be:
  • Giving full customization of sandbox animals (being able to set the values for size etc, as well as being able to pick the coat color)
  • More underwater plants
  • Fix all of the taxonomical errors in the zoopedia
  • A small exhibit system rework that at minimum lets us set the walls, ceilings and floors to null to give more customization options
  • Greatly expanding the enrichment system for existing items and animals (old animals get to use new items and vice versa), because they've done a pretty poor job of this thus far
  • Fix all of the bugs detailed on the meta-suggestions list
  • Fix the Malayan tapir model
That's the absolute bare minimum that I need from them in order to make PZ a great playable game for the next decade.
For me the biggest fixes I'd like to see are:
  1. Get the Koala and most of the primates off the ground! They are animals that spend ... 90% plus time in the trees and spending too much time on the ground (in real life) is often a serious health issue.
  2. Some adjustment to pack/herd behavior so it's more noticeable. I know the game is highly speeded up but from the perspective of the players, the herd animals don't herd very well.
  3. Size adjustments across the board. I know they didn't understand the way animals are measured in some cases and I get that but ... the camel and bison are too tiny. I think there are many animals that could use a little touch up but those are the most obvious.
  4. 'Individual' behaviors - even a small menu of: skittish, aggressive, friendly, shy would be adequate. Shy gives an additional 10% penalty when there are too many people around, aggressive has some specific animations or the fight animation is triggered more often, etc.
The Koalas and primates bother me most, oddly enough. I refuse to even have them in the game 'cause I hate seeing them walking around all the time.
What I really want
  • Flexicolor staff uniforms
  • Flexicolor added to the India set, the Thatch set, the Plastic roof set
  • Hotels
  • Timer on the refresh button in sandbox removed
  • Grid based mesh set
  • Ability to select the temperature of the map
  • Playgrounds
What I would love but probably won't happen
  • Birds
  • Triggers
  • Customizable sandbox animals
  • Exhibit revamp
  • Updating enrichment items so each animal that should be able to use an enrichment can use it
My absolute basic priorities are:
  • Ability to change biome textures and select own palate of biome textures. At the minimum have an option to have the temperature palate on all maps.
  • Basic maps without dramatic backgrounds.
  • Manual temperature control.
  • Gridded mesh pieces including triangles.
  • Ability to select 100% size animals in sandbox.
  • Consistent signs for all animals.
  • Null path without a border or with a very faint line as a border.
  • Keep animals like koalas and binturongs off the ground.
  • Fix the Malayan tapir
We need an editor to create our own new maps and able to add new behaviours for the animals so the game can keep on progressing once game support ends.
I'd say the male sea lion is the most obvious - it's almost a two thirds smaller than it should be.
Yeah, I haven't had it in my game because I've I also heard it's pretty impossible to build them a usable habitat due to traversal issues. I don't get their issues with size - I understand that at the beginning they might not have understood the way animals' heights are measure but the huge dimorphism between male and female sea lions is immediatly obvious in any clips of the animals. I wonder if there's some ... underlying 'cuteness' factor they're trying to maintain and someone feels that too much size makes them scary. (I find the cattle undersized in the game as well - adult cattle are huge, IRL).
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