General / Off-Topic What song are you listening to right now :)

29 years ago, jobless after finishing Uni and with no clear direction on where to proceed, it was a remarkably nice summer in 1995. So I regularly opened my sous-terrain window that summer, put the amp onto the window frame, assembled a selection of the finest tunes there were IMHO and had them play along over and over, improvising for hours and days in the sunshine, on my Godin TC II electric, the only guitar I had | could barely afford back then, having lived on noodles and such for six months, striving to be able to buy one, and it was close still. But then: Sun rose the next day, and she was still there, in all her beauty. And so it stayed until today and will, hopefully, be so every day beyond. Comparable to what you would do when you happen to meet your future wife. All-in or nothing. But anything less would not be worth the price. Anyway.

The song below was one of my favorite tracks, and here it is.


Right now. Those were the 90s, in just one sentence.


NB. 'Right now' was famous not only because of the song or Van Halen's guitar playing, but for its official video too. And rightfully so, because it's epic, just in case you forgot ;)

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I don't like electronic music. So I thought and found myself listening and dancing to the Prodigy. Thing is it has to be the right kind. Some drive to it. Chemical Brothers is a sure bet. Vitalic I already put up once here. This I found randomly - kinda under radar I guess

and a classic like this

I just returned from a vacation on a lake and I feel a bit melancholic that the holiday has ended. So maybe that's why I came back to listen to "Einstürzende Neubauten" (yes german again, but the songs are in english)

Blixa Bargeld!

and one more from "... Neubauten"

and also Nick Cave and Blixa


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Man I love music, but nothing beats a random gig that turns out to be a great night and discovery of an amazing band! Here's a clip I posted on Twitter the other day

The band is called Secret Night Gang, they are from Manchester (UK) and they play jazz/soul type of music with a male vocalist (great voice too!). Jazz is very experiment-prone and I much more prefer these type of bands live, as they can really show their creativity and virtuosity.

(Also I haven't been to a live music show in ages, so maybe I'm just excited :D )
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There's a new AI site named and it's freaking scary how far things have come. Humans get shoved away piece by piece, but still we got a soul and machines not.

So, perfect time to buy yet another Strat ;)


NB. An example. Prompt was simply 'a neuromancer style song'. Its a questionable song tbh, I hate the numbing beats in particular. But if it were given any more context, it will just blow you off your sox! Have it create some blues, gospel or orchestral instead, or whatever you like, personalized. Scary!

Ok, another example. Requested a love song for my wife, acoustic guitar. Nothing in that song is real, except that I love her ofc.

Or this alternative:

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