PvP What the hell was I shot with!?

Hello all!

First, I am not complaining about PVP :D. Just to make things clear :).

Yesterday I was flying my Cobra in the CG when I got Interdicted in open (that's fine). I started my usual escape maneuvers, and I was fairly sure I would be able to hold on whle I low waked back to SC (I got reduced jump time FSD, grade 5). My surprise came when... I don't even know what hit me, but suddenly my shields (4c) were killed in a single shot!

OH GOD, ALARM, MANEUVERS, MANEUVERS! I started dodging and this time I aimed to high wake away! That guy only managed to get me one more shot, and my hull dropped from 100% to 32%! I have a grade 3 hull reinforcement and military grade composite armor.

So what I want to ask to you, oh masters of PVP is.... WITH WHAT WAS I SHOT!?

My enemy was flying a FDL.
Reverberating Cascade torpedoes. Those attack your shield generator module's Integrity. They can kill your shields without having to overcome the shield strength.

Edit: did you get an "Incoming Missile" alert?

Yup either that, or Frag Cannons if he was really close.
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There is no mod that makes the time to jump shorter. It's only for FSDs that are turned off.

The torpedoes are very slow and you get a warning that a torpedo is coming. Still. They seem to be the flavor of the month. I'm getting attacked with them a lot lately. Even Ed Lewis got hit with one on the lifestream while flying a Courier. They are only small size so you can fit them even on a Sidewinder. But if you were going fast and avoiding I doubt it was a torpedo, he would have to almost touch you to hit you with it. Or maybe your manuever was weak and your ship almost stopped while changing direction - the same happened to Ed.
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I didn't hear any missile warning, so yes I guess it was probably a frag cannon.

Tadeus: You're right, I meant exactly the improvement you said.
All likely incorrect.

Any fdl pilot low quality enough to run torps against a cobra with ~100 MJs would be frequently murdered out of principle by the majority of the pvp community.

Frags are a possibility, but aren't as frequently run on fdls - they're more of a big rig vs. big rig killer and have been out of style for some time outside of a couple of bored folks like greedy or some of the germans.

Rails or PAs. It's usually rails and/or PA's that surprise noobs. So question is... what kind of sound did you hear? If it was rail heavy it'd be a big smack of a sound - and yes that cobra would get 2 shot'd. LR rails are the best gank tool in the game right now, you can just slow down and let them run. If it had a smack with less pop then I'd guess PA's. If your targeting went once hit... there's your answer.
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108 MJ of shields.

Any high alpha attack would do it.

Doesn't even need to be particularly high alpha at stock resistances and lower SYS pip levels.

The beam laser on the bottom of my PvE FDL could strip those shields in about 1.5 seconds.

A single hit from a large or huge PA or two medium rails would do the trick too.


Yeah, with a 4C shield on a Cobra you are very weak.


108 MJ of shields.

Any high alpha attack would do it.

An FAS with frags or all PA's

An FDL with rails and PA's

One ram from a Clipper.

My full frag FAS with g5 overcharged will instakill this cobra if I am lucky enough to land all 3 rounds perfectly (ussually about 70% - 80% hits small ships)
Hello all!

First, I am not complaining about PVP :D. Just to make things clear :).

Yesterday I was flying my Cobra in the CG when I got Interdicted in open (that's fine). I started my usual escape maneuvers, and I was fairly sure I would be able to hold on whle I low waked back to SC (I got reduced jump time FSD, grade 5). My surprise came when... I don't even know what hit me, but suddenly my shields (4c) were killed in a single shot!

OH GOD, ALARM, MANEUVERS, MANEUVERS! I started dodging and this time I aimed to high wake away! That guy only managed to get me one more shot, and my hull dropped from 100% to 32%! I have a grade 3 hull reinforcement and military grade composite armor.

So what I want to ask to you, oh masters of PVP is.... WITH WHAT WAS I SHOT!?

My enemy was flying a FDL.

that mod does not reduce your spool up time,
it reduces the time how fast the FSD needs to reboot.

so effectively it only for either low-power builds that turn off the FSD when you deploy your weapons,
or pvp builds where you want to be able to jump away from FSD rebooting ordanace (mines, dumbfires)
upload your logs and link them here with the time you where attacked, I will take a look at your build and what attacked you.
Sounds familiar, my introduction to the SDC was in a cobra and happened when i dropped in on them. I got a warning or missed shot from a beam weapon then two hits and boom.

Another time I got two shots off and both hit and then it was two shots and boom.

LOL leason learned

Besiger's offer is a good one, I use EDDiscovery that allows me to take a look at my log, quite interesting stuff in it, also handy when you need to know what happened in a situation good or bad.
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The Replicated Man

Sounds like s super pen rail volley. Shields are junk on a cobra anyway
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