What the new secret feature should be

It should not be base buildings
It should not be ship interiors
What is missing from the start?
Landing in earth-like planets.
We should be able to land in the Moon and Mars as well, or any other body that physics allow.
This is what I'm really missing from the start.
Elite is about piloting spaceships and have places to go.
Btw, it has been a waste of resources to develop a leg system. It is nice, but It is not what this game is about. Would have been better to have new ships instead.

This time we should be able to land in Earth, Moon & Mars, like the old versions did.
Btw, it has been a waste of resources to develop a leg system.
In you opinion, naturally.
Others obviously think differently - including the 3 other groups mine play along with.

Elite is about piloting spaceships and have places to go.
And being able to disembark and explore one's surroundings on foot...

An ELW only interactable by ship or SRV is a waste of time. (in my opinion, of course...)
An ELW only interactable by ship or SRV is a waste of time. (in my opinion, of course...)
On the current model of invulnerable plants even landing a ship in most parts of an ELW outside of a specific POI's landing pad would be tricky - as would driving the SRV any distance if you did.
But of course the suits are hardly designed for extended journeys away from either in terms of either speed or battery endurance ... though with a breathable atmosphere and survivable temperature, the latter might not be so much trouble if you didn't scan too many things.

It'd require another major shift in how planets are generated, I think: adding thin atmospheres meant that plant/geology generation had to go from POI patches to being integrated into the terrain generation ... going to an ELW or even a more densely-planted HMC/WW feels like it will need much more major changes again.
What is missing from the start?
Landing in earth-like planets.
Landing on ELWs was missing from the start? Like from original ED game launch?
By not including ELW landing (along with ELW features one would expect like atmosphere, liquids, flora, fauna, cities, etc.) the game was capable of being released in 2014.

Should the next ED feature be landing on ELWs?
Sure if we want no other feature added to the game for +10 years.

I suppose a stripped-down easy mode ELW could be implemented were cmdrs ship auto-lands in designated space port and players are allowed to explore small designated regions. No thanks.
It is not needed to get complicated with ELWs, they don't mean to have trees and buterflies.
Some green terrain, blue opaque skies and water zones would suffice as a start.
For example Starfield has managed that by representing a post-apocalyptic Earth landscape.
It is not needed to get complicated with ELWs, they don't mean to have trees and buterflies.
Some green terrain, blue opaque skies and water zones would suffice as a start.

Working backwards from what an Earth Like World requires (by definition) and the basic ramifications of those features:

  • Full Atmosphere: which results in weather. Which changes ship handling.
  • Full Breathable Atmosphere: which implies enough biological processes over a long enough time to create a breathable atmosphere. (that's how our planet did it.)
  • Liquid water: This would be fantastic. Lakes, rivers, oceans, rain, & snow? Clouds? Storms? It would be great. How do our ships handle this? On foot?
  • Liquid Water & Weather: Planetary surface algorithms to account for erosion.
  • Method To Create Breathable Atmosphere: If lots of biological processes over large enough time for ELW atmosphere, lots of bio? And lots of diversity? Over several thousand or million years? Does it make sense that all ELWs have is moss covered rocks?

I'm sure its all doable with sufficient time, money and resources. But the bare minimum for ELW is complicated and a major undertaking. Would it be amazing? Yes. Reasonable for a free update in the next year or two? No.

If FDev released Earth Like Worlds just like thin atmosphere planets that we can breath on, along with some puddles of water and clouds painted in the sky... it would be laughable. And a big nail in Frontier's coffin. I can't imagine the player base accepting something so completely ridiculous.
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Working backwards from what an Earth Like World requires (by definition) and the basic ramifications of those features:

  • Full Atmosphere: which results in weather. Which changes ship handling.
  • Full Breathable Atmosphere: which implies enough biological processes over a long enough time to create a breathable atmosphere. (that's how our planet did it.)
  • Liquid water: This would be fantastic. Lakes, rivers, oceans, rain, & snow? Clouds? Storms? It would be great. How do our ships handle this? On foot?
  • Liquid Water & Weather: Planetary surface algorithms to account for erosion.
  • Method To Create Breathable Atmosphere: If lots of biological processes over large enough time for ELW atmosphere, lots of bio? And lots of diversity? Over several thousand or million years? Does it make sense that all ELWs have is moss covered rocks?

I'm sure its all doable with sufficient time, money and resources. But the bare minimum for ELW is complicated and a major undertaking. Would it be amazing? Yes. Reasonable for a free update in the next year or two? No.
I can 100% see the super cool feature being Earth-like worlds. I can see Frontier finding a way to procedurally generate them in a way that would give us something satisfactorily interesting. Something that could be described as "the coolest thing I've ever seen" (I forget off the top of my head who said it).

But knowing Frontier for all these years, I can also see it being something underwhelming. The only realistic approach is to wait and see. Don't get your hopes up for Earth-likes, base building, ship interiors or anything else you can think of. It's great to speculate (hey, that rhymes), but keep in your head the understanding that it probably won't be as good as you think it will.

To clarify ... Greasetrap, I'm not aiming this at you, but at the community in general.
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