What will our race be known as ?

Not particularly amusing but..... I thought we were all human, ie there are no 'outside' cultures at this time - except perhaps whatever the Thargoid's use to communicate our name (a strange combination of pheromones or a particular image in their hive mind which may turn out to be "two legged food: chewy, crunchy and tastes like chicken. Excellent source of metals like calcium and iron")?

Individuals might want to label themselves by their faction/religious beliefs or maybe even by their planet (or spacehip/station) of birth - if we will still be so tribally minded in the future).
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Not particularly amusing but..... I thought we were all human, ie there are no 'outside' cultures at this time.
Well, there are arguably outside cultures in 3300. Certainly the Empire is a different culture than the Federation or the Alliance (or the independents). Similarly, you can see the people in the Sol system as representing a different culture than those who have ventured out into the universe.

"Earthlings" could refer to the people who still live on Earth and refuse to leave... Sollings similarly to the Sol system... :p

Then again, you'll have the differences between ecto (low-G), meso (normal G) and endomorphs (high-G) that might lead to cultural differences in addition to the existing physical differences. A difference in appearance has historically been a determining/divisive factor between cultures.
Cliché: Gaea or Gaeaens. Anybody that can get that many a's and e's in a row must mean business.
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