What's with the SRV?

It seems to me that the SRV has become almost impossible to control. The delays between control input and response is huge. Move the throttle - wait 3 seconds. By that time I'm tipped over already - if I was moving and wanted to slow down. If stopped then move throttle, wait, off it goes, too far I'm now past the board point - stop - wait - move throttle slightly back - wait - moves - again too damn far. Etc. Move the throttle say from 50% to 20% and if you watch it, it will go to zero then up to 20%. And sometimes the SRV just moves off, spasmodically, all by itself. Up, down, up, down, then stops. Is this the new norm? OK - maybe I exaggerate a bit - but really, it seems to have dramatically changed its behaviour, and the throttle input delays are frustrating as heck..
I haven't experienced that big of a delay - 3 seconds is a lot longer than anything my SRV responds to. I don't know if you're over-exaggerating for the sake of amplifying your point, or if it's actually 3 seconds.

I will say that at lower engine pips, the SRV has trouble accelerating, so it will change directions slower.

I would also suggest driving with Drive Assist OFF - it makes the SRV behave much better, as it immediately applies forward/backward thrust when you press W/S.
The only time I use Drive Assist ON is if I need to cover long distances on flatter ground.
Yeah - full pips to engines. But I haven't tried with assist off. Maybe I'll try and do a comparison vid between Odyssey and Horizons. Be all scientific and such. It may not be 3 seconds - time is so subjective in the moment so to speak. But I am absolutely positive that the responses are way slower.
It seems to me that the SRV has become almost impossible to control. The delays between control input and response is huge. Move the throttle - wait 3 seconds. By that time I'm tipped over already - if I was moving and wanted to slow down. If stopped then move throttle, wait, off it goes, too far I'm now past the board point - stop - wait - move throttle slightly back - wait - moves - again too damn far. Etc. Move the throttle say from 50% to 20% and if you watch it, it will go to zero then up to 20%. And sometimes the SRV just moves off, spasmodically, all by itself. Up, down, up, down, then stops. Is this the new norm? OK - maybe I exaggerate a bit - but really, it seems to have dramatically changed its behaviour, and the throttle input delays are frustrating as heck..

As you drive under the ship, hit the handbrake. If the board light is on, access the menu and board.

Also, the lower the gravity the more wheelspin you'll get. Do you have drive assist on or off? (I only set it to off.)

Finally, check you have the throttle bound as an analog control, not digital.
Drive assist tries too hard to set the SRV's velocity to your "throttle" input, thus over-torquing. With DA off, your throttle actually is a throttle (ie, it controls the torque).
the problem with DA off is if you're using mouse/kb, pressing the button to accelerate will take you to full throttle. Still though, it's better than the way drive assist ON is acting, which I can fully replicate and endorse the OP's complaints about. It's a major mess IMO. So I've switched to DA OFF and even though it means I have to tap the button to control speed, at least it responds in the way I expect.
PS the way Star Citizen handles ship throttle might be something for FD to consider in this case - they have a binding to set the throttle level and then another to actually apply throttle. So for example I use my mouse wheel to set the max throttle and then press W or whatever to step on the gas - the ship will only go as fast as the max throttle setting and I can modify it as we go. A decent work around for not having a controller or HOTAS setup.
the problem with DA off is if you're using mouse/kb, pressing the button to accelerate will take you to full throttle. Still though, it's better than the way drive assist ON is acting, which I can fully replicate and endorse the OP's complaints about. It's a major mess IMO. So I've switched to DA OFF and even though it means I have to tap the button to control speed, at least it responds in the way I expect.
The "Press W puts you to full throttle" is how most Keyboard/Mouse players are used to in most other games that have cars, which is why I suggest it.
Since your vehicle still takes a while to accelerate, it's not like your options are "full speed" or "stop", and tapping is something, at least I, have gotten very used to, to regulate my speed, since it's really just "accelerate forward" or "accelerate backwards" buttons

PS the way Star Citizen handles ship throttle might be something for FD to consider in this case - they have a binding to set the throttle level and then another to actually apply throttle. So for example I use my mouse wheel to set the max throttle and then press W or whatever to step on the gas - the ship will only go as fast as the max throttle setting and I can modify it as we go. A decent work around for not having a controller or HOTAS setup.
I'm not sure how having an extra step to apply the throttle setting would make things easier, to me that would make it more complicated and cumbersome. Of course if someone is used to that for some reason, they might like it better.

To point out for the sake of completeness, though you probably already know:
  • You CAN assign the mouse wheel to your control your throttle, though sensitivity is not quite good imho.
  • More useful is that you can assign certain throttle percentages (-100%, -75%, -50%, -25%, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) to a specific key or key combination, which is incredibly useful when flying. The 75% throttle especially is ideal speed to approach a station at supercruise. (mine are set to Shift+S for 0%, Shift+W for 75%)
It seems to me that the SRV has become almost impossible to control. The delays between control input and response is huge. Move the throttle - wait 3 seconds. By that time I'm tipped over already - if I was moving and wanted to slow down. If stopped then move throttle, wait, off it goes, too far I'm now past the board point - stop - wait - move throttle slightly back - wait - moves - again too damn far. Etc. Move the throttle say from 50% to 20% and if you watch it, it will go to zero then up to 20%. And sometimes the SRV just moves off, spasmodically, all by itself. Up, down, up, down, then stops. Is this the new norm? OK - maybe I exaggerate a bit - but really, it seems to have dramatically changed its behaviour, and the throttle input delays are frustrating as heck..

I have this same experience.

Especially frustrating when I slow down say from full throttle to half - just to see the damn SRV stop completely, take a pause of a second or three, than it starts off to half throttle.

Something was done to the buggy and it is now buggy.
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