What's Your Verdict On PS4 HOLO-ME?

Since I can't play the game effectively and see my avatar's face at the same time, Holo-Me feels like a waste of time and resources to me.
I spend most of my time stuck in a cockpit, so if anything, I'd like more options to customize the cockpit, or at least more clothes for my avatar instead of different colours for the same pajamas.
More bobbleheads, different HUD colours, Aisling Duval wallpaper, to name a few ideas.
Now, if I could exit my ship and walk around stations or even planets, then yes, Holo-Me would be a very welcome addition and I would love it.
Or if I could make out with my Crew members, like in Mass Effect for example, sure I'd like to make some smashing fellow.

Oh I love to take pictures of my Holo-me from the side and a planet next to my ship and send it when people ask me where I am and the response is always "oh you and your stupid game" :p
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