So this is a colonisation question - when do we get a shipyard?
Im asking, because we, as a small group of 3 with no fleet carrier, are trying to build a home. And we want a shipyard to park our ships. We started with an industrial outpost to get going, and have since built 7 structures total, including an asteroid base and Industrial outpost with large pads, and still no shipyard.
We notice that 2 neigbouring systems, one with a single coreolis and another with a single Orbis (I didnt know you could go straight to an orbis!) and they both have shipyards without any other structures. They are still marked as "in deployment", like our asteroid base. But they have a shipyard! (and in the case of the orbis, a selection of outfitting too! The coreolis system even has a smaller pop than ours (15k vs 17.5k)
So when will we get a shipyard? do we have to build our own coreolis or orbis?
Could it appear when all the structures get commisioned in the weekly servicing?
Another issue - when the asteroid base was completed but not yet deployed, on member logged out at the construction site for the asteroid base that was completed while he was offline. He then could not log in for a couple of hours. - the game would simply crash - we went through diagnosing all possible options (2x re-install, appData wipe, testing ram sticks graphics card etc, checking the netLogs) and once the base deployed he could play on his account again.
Im asking, because we, as a small group of 3 with no fleet carrier, are trying to build a home. And we want a shipyard to park our ships. We started with an industrial outpost to get going, and have since built 7 structures total, including an asteroid base and Industrial outpost with large pads, and still no shipyard.
We notice that 2 neigbouring systems, one with a single coreolis and another with a single Orbis (I didnt know you could go straight to an orbis!) and they both have shipyards without any other structures. They are still marked as "in deployment", like our asteroid base. But they have a shipyard! (and in the case of the orbis, a selection of outfitting too! The coreolis system even has a smaller pop than ours (15k vs 17.5k)
So when will we get a shipyard? do we have to build our own coreolis or orbis?
Could it appear when all the structures get commisioned in the weekly servicing?
Another issue - when the asteroid base was completed but not yet deployed, on member logged out at the construction site for the asteroid base that was completed while he was offline. He then could not log in for a couple of hours. - the game would simply crash - we went through diagnosing all possible options (2x re-install, appData wipe, testing ram sticks graphics card etc, checking the netLogs) and once the base deployed he could play on his account again.