When do we get a shipyard?

So this is a colonisation question - when do we get a shipyard?

Im asking, because we, as a small group of 3 with no fleet carrier, are trying to build a home. And we want a shipyard to park our ships. We started with an industrial outpost to get going, and have since built 7 structures total, including an asteroid base and Industrial outpost with large pads, and still no shipyard.

We notice that 2 neigbouring systems, one with a single coreolis and another with a single Orbis (I didnt know you could go straight to an orbis!) and they both have shipyards without any other structures. They are still marked as "in deployment", like our asteroid base. But they have a shipyard! (and in the case of the orbis, a selection of outfitting too! The coreolis system even has a smaller pop than ours (15k vs 17.5k)

So when will we get a shipyard? do we have to build our own coreolis or orbis?
Could it appear when all the structures get commisioned in the weekly servicing?

Another issue - when the asteroid base was completed but not yet deployed, on member logged out at the construction site for the asteroid base that was completed while he was offline. He then could not log in for a couple of hours. - the game would simply crash - we went through diagnosing all possible options (2x re-install, appData wipe, testing ram sticks graphics card etc, checking the netLogs) and once the base deployed he could play on his account again.
FDev put out a message a couple of days ago that the new systems should have been updated during the weekly maintenance downtime, but that this was taking so long, that rather than have a really long tick downtime which what was apparently needed, they cancelled that part of the maintenance and began investigations to solve the issue. We are now in a sort of limbo.

I too have a similar set up to you. My asteroid base was set up before the Thursday weekly tick, but is still under deployment. My initial industrial outpost has a market, no missions and only an APEX desk.
I went back and found this copy of the message:

Frontier Unlocked #announcementsSERVER20/03/2025 12:31​

Greetings Commanders,Since the release of Trailblazers, we have seen an impressive number of stations and outposts built by the community. However, this has had a significant impact on our weekly maintenance cycle, as each new station requires time during maintenance to become fully operational. As a result today's maintenance cycle was going to be significantly longer and we made the decision to bring the game back online.The remaining stations will be made operational next week. While we are in Beta, we will continue to monitor this data to continuously improve Trailblazers. We thank you for your patience, keep on building!
as far as we know now, a shipyard appears when the level of technology in the system increases (in my case, Coriolis, that's exactly what happened). Build, for example, a scientific outpost
as far as we know now, a shipyard appears when the level of technology in the system increases (in my case, Coriolis, that's exactly what happened). Build, for example, a scientific outpost
I have that to do, but think that I need another T2 point, and to get that I have to build something else. Ah well.

You must have been lucky and your Coriolis changed status from "under deployment".
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as far as we know now, a shipyard appears when the level of technology in the system increases (in my case, Coriolis, that's exactly what happened). Build, for example, a scientific outpost
This is our current plan of attack.
Our system didnt get the tick last thursday as a few items still had their construction site even though they were completed before the tick. The copmpleted items collectively should have a higher tech level than single coriolis, hence why Im a bit miffed we dont have any shipyards.

Fingers crossed for this thursday.....
Outposts do not require any construction points
Several things do not require any tier points to build and give T2 points. I am looking at another space farm (+5 SoL - party time baby!). ATM I am waiting the supply chain being sorted out before building another orbital outpost.
I just finished building out my first build on my second system on Sunday with a coriolis. It immediately has a ship yard with Sidewinders, Imperial Couriers, Imperial Clippers, and Imperial Cutters for sale. The station is still under deployment as of the moment of this post.
Im wondering if the controlling faction has an input too. We just have an independent player faction - although the neighbouring system with a single coriolis has the same faction and they have a shipyard :(

roll on thursday
I finished my Coriolis as 2nd spaceport. It popped with grayed shipyard and some functions off. OK, Tech Level. I started few minutes later one of TL installation/settlement(just plan, not even start to move resources) - and somehow got shipyard ON. Station still have 'under development' status bla-bla.
My Coriolis is still under deployment, too, but does have a shipyard (7 ships, a different selection than others I've seen) and outfitting across the board but with hardly any A-rated modules.

Going by the installation stats, the system has:
Tech Level: +4
Development Level: +3
Standard of Living: +8
Wealth: +5
Security: -6


I didnt know you could go straight to an orbis!
As a primary port, but it needs to be completed within 4 weeks.

do we have to build our own coreolis or orbis?
For a shipyard, I think so. Are there any outposts with shipyards in the existing systems?
The asteroid base should do, though.
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Despite a high tech outpost, my asteroid base/station has been complete for two Thursdays now and has no shipyard (and no outfitting and no UC)

The station is in an asteroid belt so none of the other structures are in a related orbit or surface, which might be part of the problem. (Other structures in the system are the scientific outpost, a medium agriculture surface installation and a small extraction surface installation)

System population is stable at 24k

I might wait to see if FDev changes system influences to reduce the importance of proximity, but currently I'm guessing it's a case of randomly building more high-tech and crossing fingers

I think the character of asteroid bases is that they're inherently rough, crude, maybe even a bit desperate, so they're more likely to lack the fancy amenities of a real station like the corialis. (Their big stats drag is on quality of life, not high tech, but my ag installation should more than make up for the QoL, as the science outpost does for tech level, so I'm wondering if it's a proximity issue rather than system totals issue)
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