When will I be able to use ARX to buy access to engineering?

Deleted member 182079

If you're on PC yeah I'm sure it's pretty bad. I can't speak for Xbox but PlayStation's community isn't all that bad really. They have it so people who tend to grief other people get added bad sport ratings and wind up in lobbies with other bad sport people.
Yeah PC. Cheating is so rampant that the first session I tried had at least one of them in it. You also have to fear account bans if others add free credits to your account etc. It's a shambles, if very neatly packaged. I still adore the single player and dabble it now and then, but Online can do one.
I assume you mean regular updates constantly with new vehicles, new weapons, new gameplay types and purchasable in-game currency? Jk i know you just mean shark cards.
Yeah, that indeed ;)

If you want a certain plane, gun, car, or boat and just don't have the time or don't want to spend it on grinding missions, then yeah, why not? I know they stretch the grind just long enough for the casual player to buy these cards, but you know, there are heavier crimes taking place on this earth.

There was a time where I had more time than money, that time has passed. When I saw how many time it took to grind the money for some serious tools, I instantly bought a shark card, discounted. I'm not gonna grind for 10 hours to save me a €20,- shark card while my customers pay me 6 times that amount per hour. But yeah, 20 years ago I would of thought different about it all.

Btw: all in the context of GTA5. To me it felt like a grind in that game. Elite gives me a totally different experience. I would not buy mats to use in Elite, but I can imagine casual players want it, because I once was a casual GTA5 player.
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I didnt even coimplain about horizon, naughty liar. I said it was still not free nor directly included with the base game, making ED already pay to win.
How do you win a game that doesn't have levels or bosses or a story? At that point you're just paying to play. Most games are like this except for a few battle royale's
I'm a NOOB, yes
As proven by the following statement:
But the years of grinding to engineer a build, before new players are able to venture in to the "Open Galaxy", makes a hard selling point.

I just went to three Engineers (Tod, Felicity, Dweller) to modestly engineer my new Imperial Eagle. There's not a single G5 mod on it, yet I'm in the top 25% of the bounty hunting CG, and I even survived a PvP encounter against a far superior ship (I was able to stay alive long enough for the police to come to my rescue).

Now someday I would like to engineer my hull and get my beam laser up to G5 efficient, but I haven't unlocked those Engineers yet. Does that mean I'm stuck in Solo? Of course not! If anything, it's way easier to lose "starter" ships like Eagles or even my lovely Dolphin than it is a G5 A-rated Corvette. My rebuy costs less than it does to repair scratched paint on these "end game" ships. I also have way more fun, because my survival depends on piloting skill, not an easy-mode G5 ship that a drunk monkey can survive in.
I'm a NOOB, yes
I play open, yes
I don't stand a chance in PvP, damn right you are
Did I read and study the forum before buying the game, no I read the cover

With the coming expansions of the game Space-legs and Atmospheric-landings, this game will hopefully attract many new players to this Galaxy.

But the years of grinding to engineer a build, before new players are able to venture in to the "Open Galaxy", makes a hard selling point.

Unless there is a shortcut...... a golden egg for Frontier --> ARX
The game will never be pay to win, because that is what that is.
Most likely scenario will be for 2020's DLC to provide shortcuts and alternatives for mat grinding anyway, as an incentive te be bought by people not interested with the presumed spacelegs. And we will all give our real money to get that edge.

As far as PvP goes, you only need to unlock all/most of the engineers if you're planning to build a ship which can win fights.

I'm relieved truly. Most people here obviously want to build ships which can just loose fights.
Thank you all for keeping a good tone. (y)

I have played the game for a couple off month now. Unlocked 2 engineers and begun the hunt for mats. Watched a video listing all the engineers. Well, it seemed as long grind before having a chance against another player.

Thank you for the useful info !

I can see that some of you saw the point from a casual players point off view.

I think it wouldn't be unfair to any one if the players joining with the next big extension had 5 engineers unlocked and maybe one or two blueprints pined (Shields/ Power plant/ FSD).
Unlock only, (pined blueprints, just to feed your addiction)

I did make the statement ' loot-boxes why not?' although I am against pay2win.
How awesome would it be to able to cut a lightly damaged weapon of a floating wreak?
:) but this is just me trying to mask that I made a fool of myself :rolleyes:

It is still quite expensive to keep up ships as a noob trying to keep up.

I didn't buy the game for Solo nor PG, thou I'd like to try CqC.

Maybe that could be implemented in game as noob fighter battle training, defending a facility that more seasoned players attacked in their murder boats.
'Weeding out, so to speak' or just slaughter house.
Then we would have to work together forming wings and stuff.....

Better get back to grinding. :D

Once again Thank you Ladies and Gents

Most likely scenario will be for 2020's DLC to provide shortcuts and alternatives for mat grinding anyway, as an incentive te be bought by people not interested with the presumed spacelegs. And we will all give our real money to get that edge.

I'm relieved truly. Most people here obviously want to build ships which can just loose fights.
Long flowing hair with your black helmet off, hairy legs walking around your Fleet Carriers with your bros while the whole kurs muzzle plants into into 800m of atmospheric planet because you are all too busy partying\' on streamin' Discord to pilot said FC (Midnight Black, 20 Cobra IVs)
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