Where are my bindings stored in ED Horizons 3.3.05 (current version)

I am trying to get EDTracker working but it has messed up my bindings. I have unplugged the dongle fully shut down and powered back up. Having created a few of the basic settings for my T-Flight Hotas X, saved and closed EDH there is no bindings file in the expected path C:\Users\Smelter\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings
try this: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings

If you can't see anything in there check the folder settings i.e. can you see hidden and system files.
Well I appear to have a new "user" profile that now includes my PC name!
Not of my doing, but something decided to change the working directory.
I now have working Bindings, Yeah!!
If you PM me your email I can send you a .bat file that was made by another community member that saves, stores, or other wise backs up your control config on you desktop, It will also allow you to re apply said save.

Or you can build it your self, create a .txt file paste this and save the file as .bat;

@GoTo script
This script was written for the elite dangerous. What it does is backup your current bindings to your desktop. You will then be able to restore the backups to the game folder. When backups are restored, it will backup the original folder then copy the backed up files into the game folder.
Author b00st3d@nrevolt.net
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd %desktop%
set savepath="%userprofile%\desktop\BindingsBackup"
set bindings="%localappdata%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings"
title Backup and Restore Elite Dangerous Bindings

echo Bindings location:
echo %bindings%
echo Backup location:
echo %savepath%
echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
echo + This script will backup your bindings folder +
echo + to your desktop. +
echo + +
echo + 1. Backup bindings +
echo + 2. Restore bindings +
echo + 3. Open bindings folder +
echo + 4. Open backup folder +
echo + +
echo + 5. Exit +
echo + +
echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
choice /C 12345 /N /M "Please enter a selection: "
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto backup
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto restore
if %errorlevel% == 3 start "" %bindings%&goto top
if %errorlevel% == 4 start "" %savepath%&goto top
REM if the user doesn't select 1-4 automatically exit.
REM check if the savepath exists
call :foldercheck %savepath%

REM if the folder exists then warn the user they are about to overwrite
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
choice /C yn /N /M "Bindings have already been backed up. Would you like to overwrite? [y,n]: "
if !errorlevel! == 1 rd /s/q %savepath%\&md %savepath%
if !errorlevel! == 2 goto top
) else (
REM if the folder doesn't exist then make it
md %savepath% >nul
REM copy the bindings to the new backup folder
xcopy /I /Q /S %bindings% %savepath%
echo Backup complete.
echo Backup is located on your desktop in the BindingsBackup folder
timeout 5 >nul
goto top

REM check if the backup exists
call :foldercheck %savepath%
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
REM warn the user they are about to overwrite their current bindings with a backup

echo If you continue your current bindings will be replaced by the bindings located in
echo %userprofile%\desktop\BindingBackup.
choice /c yn /n /m "Continue? [y,n]: "
if !errorlevel! == 2 goto top
if !errorlevel! == 1 (
cd %bindings%
cd ../
REM backup the current folder to Bindings.bak just in case
xcopy /I /S Bindings Bindings.bak
REM delete the Bindings folder and everything in it
rd /s/q Bindings
REM Create a new bindings folder and move the backup into it
md Bindings
xcopy /I /S %savepath% %bindings%
) else (
echo Error! No backup located!
timeout 3 >nul
goto top
goto top

REM This function comes from M. Jamal on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/138981/how-to-test-if-a-file-is-a-directory-in-a-batch-script
REM This function will return an errorlevel depending on whether the supplied folderpath is valid.
REM Errorlevel 0 means file/folder doesn't exist
REM Errorlevel 1 means exists, and it is a folder
REM Errorlevel 3 means exists, and it is a file
:foldercheck <path>
@pushd %~dp1
@if not exist "%~nx1" (
exit /b 0
) else (
if exist "%~nx1\*" (
exit /b 1
) else (
exit /b 3
Hi Brian, thanks for the offer.
I am in the process of getting EDTracker to work along with Voice attack, both of which need to be started before Elite so I anyone has a batch file for that I would greatly appreciate it!
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