Where did the simple ship colors like vibrant blue go?

Odd... 🤔 Because that's exactly the paintjob and ship kit used on the prebuilt DBX for ARX in the store !?

I guess that's connected. The prebuild doesn't exist in Legacy, of course, and the PJ and ship kit are both available separately there.

Investigating further (17,000,000 credits is a small price to pay for knowledge!) I bought a Chieftain and looked at the paintjobs in Legacy Horizons, to find there's a similar anomaly for sale - 13 item pack "alliance chieftain stygian green" which includes a 12-piece ship kit (4 pieces for each of wings, spoiler, and bumper) - same paintjob (and kit I assume) as the prebuilt AX Chieftain.

So it looks like the store view from Horizons Legacy is unable to cope with prebuilds whereas changes to accommodate them have been applied to the Live store view. A predictable consequence of halting maintenance on legacy code I guess.
Browsing DBX paintjobs just now, I notice it does have vibrants for sale (in yellow, orange, purple, red, green and blue) as well as tacticals (cobalt, crimson, graphite, ice and olive). Is this what you're referring to?

As an aside, the store In Legacy Horizons has an oddity - DBX polarity yellow PJ along with a 12 piece exploration ship kit , 13 pieces in all - for 5000 Arx, which doesn't seem to appear in the store as viewed from EDO Live (maybe because in Live my DBX is far away, whereas in Legacy Horizons I was sitting in one, though?)

Purely in a spirit of open inquiry I attempted to purchase this, with results as below:

View attachment 395786

Frontier support, please consider yourselves paged! :)

There seems to be absolutely no reasoning actually being applied. Virtually all the Military repaints are gone, maybe one here and there, vibrants are there for some but not for others.

It is just crazy really - Asp Scout and Cobra Mk IV for example only have the 9 10,000 ARX specials - nothing else for some reason, although every other ship has at least one 1,600 ARX repaint available.

Anaconda has over 100 repaints yet Cobra III and DbX have only 51 - even the Python only has 70-odd.

I honestly think the person that signed off on these repaint changes has no idea about Elite Dangerous and I am not actually joking.

FDEV have really shown no respect for the players with these changes and the complete lack of response to complaints about it.
If you are logged in I think it shows paintjobs you own even if they aren't for sale generally.
If you are logged in I think it shows paintjobs you own even if they aren't for sale generally.

That is correct, they show as available to equip, in Live and Legacy, in a brown (available) rather than blue (on sale) square. I don't own any of the PJs mentioned in my comment that you quoted, though.

To further add to the confusion, the Python also has Vibrants (blue, orange, purple, red, yellow, but not green!) and three tacticals: cobalt, graphite, ice, but no crimson nor olive!).

On that issue, if I had to guess it would be an attempt at quality control, though it does seem incredibly arbitrary.

[Edited to add python info]
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This isn't meant to be pedantic or "ackshually" - just trying to figure out what I'm missing. I count 40 ships, 6 fighters (including guardian and I don't think they have PJs?), 2 SRVs, and a fleet carrier which gives me 49, what else?
A whopping total of two comments: the aforementioned tongue-in-cheek microtransactions comment, and a comment simply saying "hello" to Tencent. They really, really do not like when you mention Tencent. I wonder why!
I guess trolling on the streams is getting the attention it deserves, even when the poster considers them to just be 'clever' :ROFLMAO:
This isn't meant to be pedantic or "ackshually" - just trying to figure out what I'm missing. I count 40 ships, 6 fighters (including guardian and I don't think they have PJs?), 2 SRVs, and a fleet carrier which gives me 49, what else?
No its fine, its me just misunderstanding your post, my 63 was the amount of ships i have all with paint jobs and ship kits where applicable.

I tried to get some response out of Fdev a few weeks ago surrounding this. The general feeling was "shut up and vent in the feedback section where we can ignore you". They will supposedly bring back paintjobs for limited times if there's enough demand. Most people don't seem to give a hoot though; I tried to advertise the problem in a large ED group on Facebook and got told I was being entitled by asking for the return of basic paintjobs.

All these recent store changes have done for me is breed resentment and forced me to close my wallet. I have a certain design aesthetic that I like and wanted for all my ships. Chose it specifically because there were some cool premium paintjobs that worked, but for the ships that didn't have those there were the tactical colours to fall back on. Now I'm buying nothing. Great job Fdev, that totally worked out for you, right? slow applause
All these recent store changes have done for me is breed resentment and forced me to close my wallet. I have a certain design aesthetic that I like and wanted for all my ships. Chose it specifically because there were some cool premium paintjobs that worked, but for the ships that didn't have those there were the tactical colours to fall back on. Now I'm buying nothing. Great job Fdev, that totally worked out for you, right? slow applause
I can sympathize, but remember that you are basically alone in this. You simply don't matter for FDev. Core player base doesn't matter. What matters is new players.
All you can do is either accept this and try to enjoy the new breath of life these new players and their money will bring to the game, or pack up and leave it behind. Staying in and getting more and more frustrated is not healthy. I, for one, welcome our new ARX overlords.
I can sympathize, but remember that you are basically alone in this. You simply don't matter for FDev. Core player base doesn't matter. What matters is new players.
All you can do is either accept this and try to enjoy the new breath of life these new players and their money will bring to the game, or pack up and leave it behind. Staying in and getting more and more frustrated is not healthy. I, for one, welcome our new ARX overlords.
Don't get me wrong, I still love and play the game. I'll still buy ARX for new ships, etc. I just won't spend money on ARX for paintjobs anymore. I know the only way to affect change is to vote with my wallet, but am already aware that as a minority my voting won't be enough to sway the tide. I'll still voice my discontent when the topic arises though.
Another reason could be legal terms. I guess it might border on extortion if you offer basically RGB value changes for so much money. If actual artistic value is involved, you can get away with almost everything, but simply coloring differently is harder to explain. Best solution here: remove it all together and offer only the more complex PJs.

Hm. They sell Midnight Black for a whopping 10k (ok, 2.75k for Eagle, Adder and Sidey)? 🤔

It is time to start reporting that issue through ticket system. Something that was widely available for the whole time is no more or partially gone, shouldn't be like that.
It is time to start reporting that issue through ticket system. Something that was widely available for the whole time is no more or partially gone, shouldn't be like that.
AFAIK it was even reported to the support team and got a dismissive response. I wouldn't expect much from the popularity contest that is the bug tracker. At most it will be closed with "works as designed" after a month or so.
It is time to start reporting that issue through ticket system. Something that was widely available for the whole time is no more or partially gone, shouldn't be like that.
Any attempt to report this as an issue or bug has been rejected as it's an "intended change". They have no intention whatsoever of running a store where all options are always available. The best we've had as a response is:

"Some products were removed from sale as part of the store refresh, and could come back to the store for a short period of time in the future if there is a demand for them to come back."

Followed by:

"please do post on the suggestions forum regarding this"

We've got a thread in the suggestions forum, but so far it's been ignored as it seems not enough people care about this. Too many companies pull the same nonsense so most are now completely accepting of it as "standard industry practice".
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