Where do most PZ players come from?

We all know Frontier is a UK based company, but Planet Zoo has players from all over the world. But which country or region has the most players and has the largest Planet Zoo fanbase?
We are kind of limited knowing exactly what region of the world has the most players but we can get an idea from community engagement in the forums, social media, language divides on like the international forum boards etc. Like for example on the forums, percentages can be estimated as 40 percent north america, 40 percent europe (mainly western europe) and remaining is other regions which can include Australia, middle east, India, south America. If I had to pinpoint a single country, that would be the USA in my experience, even my planet zoo youtube channel has 50 percent of viewers solely from the USA with UK, Germany and netherlands following behind.
That's interesting! Despite it's large population I'm surprised China is that high up. Also surprised that Japan is so few.
For sure Japanese likes Zoos as much as Chinese. As a Chinese person, I don't see PZ being promoted and have very little PZ video coverage. BUT base on the statisics, an East Asian Animal Pack and a North America Scenery Pack would make money.
Korean PZ community is a bit…scattered? If I have to say. Forums, fan community of content creators who often plays PZ, Discord channel…
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