Where's the Family tree?

I never actually saw them say it was in the full game, just people making that assumption.

What did they do the last 6 weeks? Implement the new mode, but little else. Other than the concerns over Franchise mode, which the new mode quells, pretty much ALL of the bugs, issues, and problems I spent all of beta writing up very detailed posts and issues for all appear to still be the same in the final game. Very sad.
If they do not end up fixing this, that would be a major mistake on their part. It was strongly implied. I think the game is really good overall but I am starting to think that they were misleading in a number of respects, possibly intentionally so, which is not cool.
I thought for sure in one of their videos they very quickly mentioned you'd be able to see who was related to who.

Regardless, even if they didn't actually mention it, it makes no sense to have a mechanic such as bad genetics from inbreeding with zero way to actually track that in game.
I agree. The lack of this feature honestly ruins a very large part of the game for me. I know that sounds hyperbolic but its true. Breeding was a large part of what interested me in this game, and during beta I found it to be extremely painful to actually manage. I posted a very long post with very detailed feedback on what the issues where and what could be done to make it better.

And now I see it is exactly the same as it was in beta. Unusable. Honestly I keep wondering if maybe I am somehow still playing the beta build.
I thought for sure in one of their videos they very quickly mentioned you'd be able to see who was related to who.

Regardless, even if they didn't actually mention it, it makes no sense to have a mechanic such as bad genetics from inbreeding with zero way to actually track that in game.
Thats the Point!! They said that we have to look after inbreeding. beacause of the negative consequences. Now i get a baby bison but who is his mother? I thougt that the babies have a different behaviour to their moms but they dont. So thats why is aksed WHAT DID YOU DO THE LAST 6 WEEKS? There was so much hope after the beta... now i get so much disappointment :(
Best way to keep track of family tree I've found so far is to put the first letters of the parents' names ahead of the offspring's name. So if dad is Mufasa, mom is Sarabi, I name the cub 'MS Simba'.
We need the family trees!!! Where are the family trees???

Am I missing something? Is it simply hard to locate in the UI?

And in response to those saying they were never confirmed, family trees were mentioned in the developer journals. A quote from the August Round Up:
'In Planet Zoo, if you look after your animals well, you can witness entire generations living out their lives, allowing you to trace a lineage back to the first relatives arriving in your zoo. The genetics of these family trees also plays a factor in animal scaling with genes being passed from parent to child.'
Oh goodness. I'm not sure what will be worse - keeping a journal or naming the animal some dumb name just to keep track of a genetic line just because Frontier chose to take a 6 week vacation.


Volunteer Moderator
Oh goodness. I'm not sure what will be worse - keeping a journal or naming the animal some dumb name just to keep track of a genetic line just because Frontier chose to take a 6 week vacation.
There's no need for negative remarks like this one on our forums. The development team of Planet Zoo worked very hard to develop the best possible gaming experience for us. Please remember that we're all humans and we all make mistakes, so bugs and issues can happen and while the game is great, there's always room for improvement. Saying that the devs took a 6 week vacation is a huge disrespect towards them.

I understand that some bugs and issues from the Planet Zoo Beta were not fixed yet, but that doesn't justify comments like yours. The development team continues to work on the game to make the experience even better.
There's no need for negative remarks like this one on our forums. The development team of Planet Zoo worked very hard to develop the best possible gaming experience for us. Please remember that we're all humans and we all make mistakes, so bugs and issues can happen and while the game is great, there's always room for improvement. Saying that the devs took a 6 week vacation is a huge disrespect towards them.

I understand that some bugs and issues from the Planet Zoo Beta were not fixed yet, but that doesn't justify comments like yours. The development team continues to work on the game to make the experience even better.

I understand that many people are getting rude but I don't think that comment was out of line. If Frontier was upfront and let us know that some issues are being worked on still I would completely understand. The game is complex and I want to see it succeed. However, after playing the beta I don't see much difference with the release and that is frustrating. Especially when the release notes make it seem like some issues (cough*social interactions*cough) have been added/completely resolved when they clearly haven't been. We, or at least I, want transparency and responsiveness. I fear that just like in the beta feedback forum we'll have a situation where the devs avoid even acknowledging the most pressing issues until people are extremely frustrated and unhappy. If we are playing the game and can't see how those weeks were spent to improve the game I think it's reasonable to be upset. Especially when people paid to test the game for Frontier and now see that either their feedback was not listened to or that Frontier is unwilling to be transparent about how difficult making this game is and own up to the need for additional time to make the game truly functional. I'm super excited for the finished product....we just don't have that yet.
That is ridiculous having 25 adult flamingos and no possibility to check out relatives. Which one to sell or release, which one to keep? A Nightmare on Elm Street.


Volunteer Moderator
I understand that many people are getting rude but I don't think that comment was out of line. If Frontier was upfront and let us know that some issues are being worked on still I would completely understand. The game is complex and I want to see it succeed. However, after playing the beta I don't see much difference with the release and that is frustrating. Especially when the release notes make it seem like some issues (cough*social interactions*cough) have been added/completely resolved when they clearly haven't been. We, or at least I, want transparency and responsiveness. I fear that just like in the beta feedback forum we'll have a situation where the devs avoid even acknowledging the most pressing issues until people are extremely frustrated and unhappy. If we are playing the game and can't see how those weeks were spent to improve the game I think it's reasonable to be upset. Especially when people paid to test the game for Frontier and now see that either their feedback was not listened to or that Frontier is unwilling to be transparent about how difficult making this game is and own up to the need for additional time to make the game truly functional. I'm super excited for the finished product....we just don't have that yet.
Thanks for the reply!

An important thing that I'd like to point out is that people did not pay to 'test' the Beta, they paid for the Deluxe Edition which included access to the Beta, among other things. That having said, all Beta feedback shared with the team was and is extremely valuable.

I also get that the past 6 weeks may not have been transparent when it comes to development of the game, and I can see why players can be frustrated about that. After all, our mutual goal is to have an awesome game (I hope) ;)

Some issues that are currently in the game are definitely cause for frustrations and I get that. My earlier comment was mainly pointing out that it's unfair to make a comment about a 6 weeks vacation when the devs in reality have been working hard. I am by no means a game developer but I personally think that it would have taken a lot of precious time to communicate everything the devs did in the past 6 weeks, so that's probably why there wasn't transparency but instead continued work on the game behind the scenes.

I'm super excited as well for Planet Zoo and I hope that everyone with issues will bear with the team while the they work hard to continue fixing issues in the game. Game development is not an easy job so it may take some time, but rest assured that fixes will be published in future updates as soon as possible.
The mechanic is clearly intended. There’s a windows on the animal panels that is obviously designed for it. It was mentioned several times this last months. And other mechanics, such inbreeding, are linked to it and depend on it to function. So where are the family trees then?

My theory is that the development was having problems on the last stage, as developments usually do, and the release date was set a little too early. But they couldn’t do anything to change that, of course, so they resigned to leave some things out of the picture so the game could be released on time.

Their intention, probably, is to patch these things slowly the following months until all the mechanics are implemented and working. If memory serves me right, PlanCo had the exact same problem at release and that’s how they fixed it.
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Thanks for the reply!

An important thing that I'd like to point out is that people did not pay to 'test' the Beta, they paid for the Deluxe Edition which included access to the Beta, among other things. That having said, all Beta feedback shared with the team was and is extremely valuable.

I also get that the past 6 weeks may not have been transparent when it comes to development of the game, and I can see why players can be frustrated about that. After all, our mutual goal is to have an awesome game (I hope) ;)

Some issues that are currently in the game are definitely cause for frustrations and I get that. My earlier comment was mainly pointing out that it's unfair to make a comment about a 6 weeks vacation when the devs in reality have been working hard. I am by no means a game developer but I personally think that it would have taken a lot of precious time to communicate everything the devs did in the past 6 weeks, so that's probably why there wasn't transparency but instead continued work on the game behind the scenes.

I'm super excited as well for Planet Zoo and I hope that everyone with issues will bear with the team while the they work hard to continue fixing issues in the game. Game development is not an easy job so it may take some time, but rest assured that fixes will be published in future updates as soon as possible.

With all due respect, I would argue that people DID pay to test the beta since one the the selling points for the deluxe edition was, and I quote, "Exclusive Beta Access". The word exclusive means it was the only way, or should have been the only way, to play the beta.


Volunteer Moderator
The mechanic is clearly intended. There’s a windows on the animal panels that is designed obviously for it. It was mentioned several times this last months. And other mechanics, such inbreeding, are linked to it and depend on it to function. So where are the family trees then?

My theory is that the development was having problems on the last stage, as developments usually do, and the release date was set a little too early. But they couldn’t do anything to change that, of course, so they resigned to leave some things out of the picture so the game could be released on time.

Their intention, probably, is to patch this things slowly the following months until all the mechanics are implemented and working. If memory serves me right, PlanCo had the exact same problem at release and that’s how they fixed it.
That's right, we may very well see changes to this feature in the future.
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