Which big squid should we have in the game once we get aquariums in Planet Zoo?

Colossal Squid


Giant Squid?

For me, it will be the Colossal Squid because it is the biggest.
I don’t really want aquariums all that much and don’t think we’ll get them… If we did get them I wouldn’t want either giant or colossal squid (since neither have ever been kept in captivity (as AlexSea) points out.
If we did get swirl around then my 3 top cephalopods (which I love) would be
  • Nautilus
  • Giant cuttlefish
  • Giant pacific octopus
All would be exhibit.
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I don’t really want aquariums all that much and don’t think we’ll get them… If we did get them I wouldn’t want either giant or colossal squid (since neither have ever been kept in captivity (as AlexSes) points out.
If we did get swirl around then my 3 top cephalopods (which I love) would be
  • Nautilus
  • Giant cuttlefish
  • Giant pacific octopus
All would be exhibit.
Have Giant ¤uttlefish been kept in captivity either? I'd also nominate Flamboyant Cuttlefish for a smaller exhibit-like species with nice colours. Maybe the Mimic Octopus too.
Whichever cephalopods (octopuses and squids) could last, survive and maybe breed in captivity in real-life. And I doubt and don't think that there were giant and colossal squids in captivity. And the maximum size of captive whales were (used to be) killer whale-size.
Most squids do incredibly poorly in captivity, as they live in environments without barriers and so often die after repeatedly impacting into tank walls. The only typical squid that does well and breeds successfully in aquarium settings is the bigfin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana. A couple of aquaria in the USA have had success with them, plus a number in Asia.

That being said, all the places that do keep them seem to be standalone aquariums rather than aquaria within zoos. I would rather get more common aquarium species before any squid (coral reef fish, freshwater fish, crabs and shrimps), and all of those would be exhibit animals. I don't really think any cephalopod would be suitable as a habitat species in Planet Zoo.
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