Which in-game species have you seen IRL?

I'm not sure if a thread similar to this has been made before, but I can't recall one and I'm feeling curious - what amount of PZ's current roster have you seen in the IRL zoos you've visited? I've mostly visited zoos and wildlife parks in South Australia and the Northern Territory in recent memory (when I stared paying more attention to what I saw in zoos), so I'm missing some of the species found in the big zoos on the east coast (gorillas, snow leopards, platypus etc), but given less than half of PZ's roster is kept in Australia I think I've gotten an acceptable haul here.

1. African Bush Elephant
2. African Wild Dog
3. Aldabra Tortoise
4. American Alligator
5. American Bison
6. Asian Small-clawed Otter
7. Axolotl
8. Binturong
9. Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur
10. Boa Constrictor
11. Bongo
12. Capybara
13. Cheetah
14. Common Death Adder
15. Common Ostrich
16. Dingo
17. Eastern Blue-toungued Lizard
18. Eastern Brown Snake
19. European Fallow Deer
20. Fennec Fox
21. Giant Galapagos Tortoise
22. Giant Panda
23. Gila Monster
24. Greater Flamingo
25. Green Iguana
26. Hippopotamus
27. Indian Elephant
28. Indian Peafowl
29. Indian Rhinoceros
30. Koala
31. Komodo Dragon
32. Malayan Tapir
33. Mandrill
34. Meerkat
35. Nyala
36. Plains Zebra
37. Przewalski's Horse
38. Pygmy Hippopotamus
39. Red Kangaroo
40. Red Panda
41. Ring-tailed Lemur
42. Saltwater Crocodile
43. Scimitar-horned Oryx
44. Siamang
45. Southern Cassowary
46. Southern White Rhinoceros
47. Spotted Hyena
48. Sun Bear
49. Western Chimpanzee

Animals for which I've seen different subspecies (close enough):
1. Bengal Tiger/Siberian Tiger (Sumatran Tiger and hybrid tigers)
2. Grizzly Bear/Himalayan Brown Bear (Syrian Brown Bear)
3. Reticulated Giraffe (I think the ones I've seen are hybrid
s with Rothschild's?)
4. West African Lion (Southern Lion and hybrid lions)

All in all it amounts to about 53 species. This includes some species that have now died out in captivity in Australia, such as the African Bush Elephant (Taronga Western Plains Zoo - Monarto Safari Park is considering importing them in the future though), Greater Flamingo (Adelaide Zoo) and Syrian Brown Bear (Melbourne Zoo - brown bears as a whole have also now died out).

To compare how this roster lines up with the total number of mammals I recall seeing in zoos (which I remember better than birds, reptiles and other animals), here is my detailed personal list I've kept for a little while now:

Short-beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park

Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) - Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park
Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Cleland Wildlife Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Northern Quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) - Adelaide Zoo
Western Quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii) - Adelaide Zoo, Alice Springs Desert Park
Fat-tailed Dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park

Greater Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park, Kuranda Koala Gardens
Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Golden Bandicoot (Isoodon auratus) - Alice Springs Desert Park

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Kuranda Koala Gardens, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Common Wombat (Vombatus ursinus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Western Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus concinnus) - Cleland Wildlife Park
Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) - Adelaide Zoo
Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) - Adelaide Zoo
Rufous Bettong (Aepyprymnus rufescens) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Burrowing Bettong (Bettongia lesueur) - Alice Springs Desert Park
Brush-tailed Bettong (Bettongia penicillata) - Adelaide Zoo, Alice Springs Desert Park
Northern Bettong (Bettongia tropica) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Long-nosed Potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Tammar Wallaby (Notamacropus eugenii) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Parma Wallaby (Notamacropus parma) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Agile Wallaby (Notamacropus agilis) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Red-necked Wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus) - Cleland Wildlife Park
Swamp Wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) - Cleland Wildlife Park
Red Kangaroo (Osphranter rufus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park, Crocodylus Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Antilopine Wallaroo (Osphranter antilopinus) - Crocodylus Park
Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park
Quokka (Setonix brachyurus) - Adelaide Zoo
Rufous Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes hirsutus) - Alice Springs Desert Park
Red-legged Pademelon (Thylogale stigmatica) - Kuranda Koala Gardens
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Cleland Wildlife Park
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus goodfellowi) - Adelaide Zoo
Matschie's Tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) - Adelaide Zoo

Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) - Adelaide Zoo

African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta africana) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo

European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) - Adelaide Zoo

Domestic Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) - Adelaide Zoo
Patagonian Mara (Dolichotis patagonum) - Adelaide Zoo
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) - Adelaide Zoo
Greater Stick-nest Rat (Leporillus conditor) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park
Plains Mouse (Pseudomys australis) - Alice Springs Desert Park
Spinifex Hopping-mouse (Notomys alexis) - Adelaide Zoo, Alice Springs Desert Park

Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Black-capped Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri boliviensis) - Adelaide Zoo
Black-capped Capuchin (Sapajus apella) - Crocodylus Park
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) - Adelaide Zoo
Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) - Adelaide Zoo
Cotton-headed Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) - Adelaide Zoo
Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) - Adelaide Zoo
Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus) - Adelaide Zoo
Eastern Black-and-white Colobus (Colobus guereza) - Adelaide Zoo
Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) - Adelaide Zoo
Hamadryas Baboon (Papio hamadryas) - Adelaide Zoo, Crocodylus Park
Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Northern White-cheeked Gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) - Adelaide Zoo
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) - Monarto Safari Park

Ghost Bat (Macroderma gigas) - Adelaide Zoo, Alice Springs Desert Park

Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) - Adelaide Zoo
Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Pygmy Hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) - Adelaide Zoo
European Fallow Deer (Dama dama) - Adelaide Zoo
Mesopotamian Fallow Deer (Dama mesopotamica) - Monarto Safari Park
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) - Monarto Safari Park
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) - Monarto Safari Park
Common Eland (Tragelaphus oryx) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) - Monarto Safari Park
Domestic Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) - Crocodylus Park
Banteng (Bos javanicus) - Crocodylus Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
American Bison (Bison bison) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Scimitar-horned Oryx (Oryx dammah) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Addax (Addax nasomaculatus) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) - Monarto Safari Park
Domestic Goat (Capra hircus) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo

Plains Zebra (Equus quagga) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Przewalski's Horse (Equus ferus) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) - Adelaide Zoo
Brazilian Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) - Adelaide Zoo
Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) - Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo

Lion (Panthera leo) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Crocodylus Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Tiger (Panthera tigris) - Adelaide Zoo, Crocodylus Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Serval (Leptailurus serval) - Adelaide Zoo, Crocodylus Park
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park
Binturong (Arctictis binturong) - Adelaide Zoo
Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Crocodylus Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Dingo (Canis lupus) - Adelaide Zoo, Cleland Wildlife Park, Alice Springs Desert Park, Crocodylus Park
African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) - Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) - Adelaide Zoo, Crocodylus Park
Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) - Adelaide Zoo
Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) - Adelaide Zoo
Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) - Melbourne Zoo
Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus) - Adelaide Zoo
Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) - Adelaide Zoo
Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) - Adelaide Zoo
South American Coati (Nasua nasua) - Adelaide Zoo
Asian Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus) - Adelaide Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo

The most standout difference here is how many more Australian species there are (I've seen more members of Diprotodontia than any other mammalian order, and yet we only have 2 in game), which is why getting more is such a big priority for me.

Just for fun, here are the species I have also seen in the wild:
1. Dingo
2. Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard
3. Eastern Brown Snake
4. European Fallow Deer (invasive)
5. Koala
6. Platypus
7. Red Kangaroo
8. Saltwater Crocodile

Of these, the platypus is the only one I haven't also seen in captivity. In South Australia the species is only kept at Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary, which I'm hoping to visit sometime before the end of the year (I visited it as a child but remember nothing from that), but there they live semi-wild in a lake and, like wild platypus, require some luck to spot.

Not expecting most people to go as in depth as me, but what PZ species have you seen?
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It would be easier to list the species I haven't seen in real life. I'm not going to fuss over things beyond the species level aside from the wolves and brown bears, of which we have multiple subspecies - I've seen a lion, I've seen an Asiatic black bear, that's good enough for me. I'm not nearly as good at ectotherms, so I'll just be listing habitat species:

Species I'm Not Sure Whether I've Seen, Or Have Presumably Seen With No Memories
  1. African buffalo - Denver Zoo has them, and I visited there a few years back. But somehow I guess I just totally missed them, or just registered no memories of them if I did see them? Not sure how this one happened, honestly. It's an outlier in that it wasn't some distant hypothetical zoo visit from the 90s.
  2. Arctic fox - kept by my "home" zoo, Riverbanks, throughout the 90s and I believe into the early 2000s. I almost certainly saw it, but have no specific memories to show for it.
  3. Dall sheep - kept by an awful roadside zoo, Waccatee Zoo (which thankfully closed down within the past few weeks!), that I had the misfortune of visiting several times throughout my life. For better or worse, the hoofstock were the least memorable parts because their enclosures came the closest to being remotely sufficient.
  4. Nile lechwe - currently kept by Montgomery Zoo, which I visited once as a kid in the 90s. Who knows if I actually saw them, or if they even had them then.
  5. Saltwater crocodile - solid chance I saw them at one of various non-AZA facilities as a kid, most likely Alligator Adventure, no memory of them however
  6. Scimitar-horned oryx - quite common outside of AZA zoos so it's very likely I've seen them when I was younger, I know one facility I routinely went to as a kid, Hollywild Animal Park, has kept them but I'm not sure how those timelines overlapped
Species I Have (Almost) Certainly Never Seen
  1. Alpine ibex - have seen Nubian, however
  2. Arctic wolf
  3. Baird's tapir - have seen Brazilian and Malayan
  4. Black wildebeest - have seen blue
  5. Bonobo
  6. Chinese pangolin - have seen white-bellied
  7. Colombian white-faced capuchin
  8. European badger
  9. Dhole
  10. Dingo
  11. Eurasian lynx - was actually at a zoo with one a few months ago and it just wouldn't come out. Have seen bobcat and Canada lynx, however
  12. Gemsbok
  13. Gharial
  14. Himalayan brown bear
  15. Moose
  16. Platypus
  17. Proboscis monkey
  18. Pronghorn
  19. Red crowned crane
  20. Springbok
Of those, there are a few that I feel like could also be maybes: the capuchin, lynx, and springbok are common enough in non-AZA zoos (which I visited a lot more frequently as a kid) so there's a decent chance I've seen one of them without having memories of it, but I couldn't even pinpoint a specific zoo I might have seen them at unlike my first list so they go down here.

I'm going to get a second chance at that lynx in the coming months, and I'm also hoping to visit Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and return to Denver Zoo in March which would knock out moose (as well as give me the last non-Baird's tapir, lol) as well as the African buffalo for sure this time. Unfortunately, beyond those, I don't really see this list changing too much in the near future.

Lastly, there's the unique case of the North American beaver, which I haven't seen in zoos, but have seen in the wild. The only other species I've seen in the wild are the American alligator and black-tailed prairie dog.
I remember tier lists circling Reddit about this some time ago. I'll gladly craft one sometime later today when I catch some time.

That will be way easier than writing it all out 😁
Here is my list, I guess it is not as bad as I though it is. One of the very few advantages living in Czech Republic is that our zoos are quite diverse, so I dont have to travel far to see species, except some. But I have already a plan for next year to travel and see Giant Panda and Koala. I also did not include exhibit animals as I dont really remember all of them. Very similar subspieces I also counted as seen.

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I went ahead and filled out the tier list as well, and realized I missed the Nile monitor on my first pass. Fairly certain I've never seen one.

I also began grouping the animals based on which facility I first recall seeing them at (just for my own purposes, I didn't provide a legend or anything lol), and it made me realize: I can't pinpoint when I've actually seen a llama. I've gone and checked a handful of zoos where I've spent at least a bit of time in their petting zoo sections, and every single one of them is alpaca or nothing. I think there's no actual chance whatsoever that I've somehow never seen a real llama at any point in my life, but like... it's really weird realizing I can't actually pinpoint one. Even now I'm still thinking of more zoos where I maybe saw one, and it's alpacas all the way down. Still, I'm keeping it. I'm just mad about it now.

my-image (9).png
...and it made me realize: I can't pinpoint when I've actually seen a llama. I've gone and checked a handful of zoos where I've spent at least a bit of time in their petting zoo sections, and every single one of them is alpaca or nothing. I think there's no actual chance whatsoever that I've somehow never seen a real llama at any point in my life, but like... it's really weird realizing I can't actually pinpoint one. Even now I'm still thinking of more zoos where I maybe saw one, and it's alpacas all the way down. Still, I'm keeping it. I'm just mad about it now.
I literally had almost the exact same thought process. I originally had llama on my list, but then I realised that I can't actually recall ever seeing a llama in a zoo or even on a farm - it's all alpacas down here too. Personally, given I'm not certain I've ever seen one I haven't included them on my list - I guess I have to go on a weird quest to try and track down a llama at some point (it's not like they're not kept here, they're just significantly rarer than alpacas for whatever reason).

Anyway, given everyone else is doing them, here's my list tierified. Really puts into perspective how many species are missing from local collections lol (although I imagine including exhibit species as I did doesn't help):

I always keep a set of folders on my computer where I put a photograph of every species I see and snap a picture of in zoos, which means that it is actually fairly easy for me to check. I have decided to go for whatever species, subspecies or form is listed in the game.

Species I have seen in zoos:
Red kangaroo
Giant anteater
African savannah elephant
Indian elephant
Black-tailed prairie dog
American beaver
Red ruffed lemur
Black-and-white ruffed lemur
Ring-tailed lemur
Proboscis monkey
Japanese macaque
Bornean orangutan
Western chimpanzee
Western lowland gorilla
Siberian tiger
Amur leopard
Snow leopard
Clouded leopard
Eurasian lynx
Spotted hyena
Timber wolf
African wild dog
Fennec fox
Polar bear
Sun bear
Giant panda
California sea lion
Grey seal (also seen in the wild)
Red panda
European badger (also seen in the wild)
Giant otter
Asian small-clawed otter
Malayan tapir
Indian rhinoceros
Southern white rhinoceros
Plains zebra
Przewalski's horse
Bactrian camel
Common warthog
North Sulawesi babirusa
Pygmy hippopotamus
Reticulated giraffe
Common fallow deer (also seen in the wild)
Nile lechwe
Scimitar-horned oryx
African buffalo (technically - seen the forest buffalo subspecies, rather than the Cape subspecies which is depicted in-game)
American bison
Common ostrich
Southern cassowary
King penguin
African penguin
Indian peafowl
Greater flamingo
Red-crowned crane
Saltwater crocodile
American alligator
Spectacled caiman
Cuvier's dwarf caiman
Nile monitor
Komodo dragon
Galapagos giant tortoise
Aldabra giant tortoise

Exhibit species I have seen in zoos:
Eastern blue-tongued skink
Green iguana
Gila monster
Boa constrictor
Yellow anaconda
Western diamondback rattlesnake
American bullfrog
Red-eyed tree frog
Golden poison-dart frog
Fire salamander
Brazilian salmon pink tarantula
Mexican redknee tarantula
Giant desert hairy scorpion
Giant tiger land snail

Species that I am unsure if I have seen or not:
Sable antelope
Puff adder
Giant Malaysian leaf insect
Goliath beetle
Sacred scarab beetle
Goliath birdeater
Giant forest scorpion

Species I have definitely never seen:
Chinese pangolin
Bengal tiger
West African lion
Arctic wolf
Arctic fox
Grizzly bear
Himalayan brown bear
Formosan black bear
Baird's tapir
Thomson's gazelle
Black wildebeest
Wild water buffalo
Alpine ibex
Dall sheep
Lesser Antillean iguana
Eastern brown snake
Common death adder
Diamondback terrapin
Goliath frog
Lehmann's poison-dart frog
Danube crested newt
Giant burrowing cockroach
Titan beetle
Brazilian wandering spider
Amazonian giant centipede

A special shout out for the Colombian white-faced capuchin monkey - although I have not seen that species, I have seen the almost identical Panamanian white-faced capuchin both in zoos and in the wild.

I know that if I listed all the species I have seen that weren't in the game, I would be here all day. Instead, these are the folders of different groups I have on my computer and the number of species/subspecies in each of them:
Amphibians - 34
Birds - 296
Carnivores - 78
Domesticated animals (including hybrids) - 35
Fishes - 85
Invertebrates - 66
Marsupials and Monotremes - 12
Other Mammals (bats, Afrotheria, Xenarthra, insectivores) - 24
Primates - 63
Reptiles - 127
Rodents - 24
Ungulates - 66
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I literally had almost the exact same thought process. I originally had llama on my list, but then I realised that I can't actually recall ever seeing a llama in a zoo or even on a farm - it's all alpacas down here too. Personally, given I'm not certain I've ever seen one I haven't included them on my list - I guess I have to go on a weird quest to try and track down a llama at some point (it's not like they're not kept here, they're just significantly rarer than alpacas for whatever reason).

Anyway, given everyone else is doing them, here's my list tierified. Really puts into perspective how many species are missing from local collections lol (although I imagine including exhibit species as I did doesn't help):

Oh you've seen Platypus in wild ?!

That must be some experience. How did that happen ?
Oh you've seen Platypus in wild ?!

That must be some experience. How did that happen ?
Indeed it was! While they are usually quite elusive, I managed to spot 6 different individuals over a period of no more than half an hour while strolling along a river (adjacent to the town of Yungaburra, Queensland), and they were not at all shy! It was the middle of the day, but given it was overcast and nearing the breeding season they may have been more active than usual. I mostly took video footage of them, but here are two of the photos I did take:


They were definitely one of the highlights during that short family trip to tropical north Queensland back in July of 2017, on which I didn't see too much otherwise. On that same day I went to Malanda to look for Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo - and saw nothing - and then visited Etty Bay to look for Southern Cassowary - and saw nothing. I'm really keen to get back up there when I get the chance for a longer and more thorough trip, especially now that I'm a more experienced wildlife-watcher.

Since then, the only time I've been in platypus habitat was on Kangaroo Island in December of last year, where the species did not occur naturally but was introduced for conservation purposes. I spent a few hours looking for them along the Rocky River, but my luck from Queensland was not repeated. It's a shame that they're locally extinct in my region, they would have lived in a river that's only a 10 minute walk from my house up until the turn of the century.
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Indeed it was! While they are usually quite elusive, I managed to spot 6 different individuals over a period of no more than half an hour while strolling along a river (adjacent to the town of Yungaburra, Queensland), and they were not at all shy! It was the middle of the day, but given it was overcast and nearing the breeding season they may have been more active than usual. I mostly took video footage of them, but here are two of the photos I did take:


They were definitely one of the highlights during that short family trip to tropical north Queensland back in July of 2017, on which I didn't see too much otherwise. On that same day I went to Malanda to look for Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo - and saw nothing - and then visited Etty Bay to look for Southern Cassowary - and saw nothing. I'm really keen to get back up there when I get the chance for a longer and more thorough trip, especially now that I'm a more experienced wildlife-watcher.

Since then, the only time I've been in platypus habitat was on Kangaroo Island in December of last year, where the species did not occur naturally but was introduced for conservation purposes. I spent a few hours looking for them along the Rocky River, but my luck from Queensland was not repeated. It's a shame that they're locally extinct in my region, they would have lived in a river that's only a 10 minute walk from my house up until the turn of the century.
Pictures are amazing, and pretty close too.

Great to hear about encounters with them, don't get to do that often 😁

So yeah, there's a lot of species I have never seen that are in game.

If we got a temperate forests pack with red deer, red fox, mouflon, wisent, wild boar, raccoon, striped skunk? Most of those I've seen in the wild and in zoos.
And almost every zoo I've ever visited had wallabies, so them not being in game feels really weird.

Animals I listed as never seen because the PZ animal is a specific species / subspecies and our zoos have different ones: amur leopard (I've seen Sri Lankan and Persian leopards), Grizzly and Himilayan bear (I've seen Eurasian brown bears), black wildebeest (I've seen blue wildebeest), North American beaver (I've seen European beavers), Eurasian lynx (I've seen Iberian lynx), red kangaroo (I've seen grey kangaroo), Baird's tapir (I've seen South American and Malaysian tapir), fennec fox and arctic fox (I've seen steppe fox and red fox), Bengal and Siberian tiger (I've seen Sumatran tigers, and maybe Siberian, but most zoos have Sumatrans).
I' ve already Seen:
African Elephant
African Penguin
African Wild Dog
Alpine Ibex
Amur Leopard
Arctic Fox
Asian Small Clawed Otter
Bactrian Camel
Bairds Tapir
Bennetts Wallaby
Black and White Ruffed Lemur
Black Rhinoceros
Blue Wildebeest
Bornean Orang Utan
California Sea Lion
Common Ostrich
Common Porcupine
Dama Gazelle
Dromedary Camel
Eurasian Lynx
European Fallow Deer
Fennec Fox
Giant Anteater
Giant Otter
Greater Flamingo
Grey Seal
Indian Elephant
Indian Peafowl
Indian Rhino
Japanese Macaque
Komodo Dragon
Lar Gibbon
Malayan Tapir
Maned Wolf
Nile Lechwe
Plains Zebra
Polar Bear
Przewalski Horse
Red Deer
Red Fox
Red Kangaroo
Red Panda
Red River Hog
Red Ruffed Lemur
Red Crowned Crane
Reticulated Giraffe
Ring Tailed Lemur
Saltwater Crocodile
Scimitar Horned Oryx
Siberian Tiger
Snow Leopard
Somali Wild Donkey
Southern Cassowary
Southern White Rhino
Spotted Hyena
Striped Hyena
Sun Bear
Timber Wolf
West African Lion
Western Chimpanzee
Western Lowland Gorilla

African Buffalo
Aldabra Giant Tortoise
Black Wildebeest
Columbian White faced capuchin monkey
Giant Galapagos Tortoise
Nile Monitor
Sable Antelope
Spectacled Caiman
Thomsons Gazelle

I've not Seen:
American Alligator
American Bison
Arctic Wolf
Asian Walter Monitor
Bengal Tiger
Black Tailed Prairie Dog
Chinese Pangolin
Clouded Leopard
Common Warthog
Common Wombat
Cuviers Dwarf Caiman
Dall Sheep
European Badger
Formosan Black Bear
Giant Panda
Grizzly Bear
Himalayan Brown Bear (I have seen Eurasian Brown Bear)
King Penguin
Little Blue Penguin
Nine Banded Armadillo
North American Beaver (I have Seen European Beaver)
Proboscis Monkey
Pronghorn Antelope
Pygmi Hippo
Sand Cat
Striped Skunk
Tasmanian Devil
Three Toed Sloth
Wild Water Buffalo

The only 2 animal within the game I have seen in the wild are the Fire Salamander and the Red Fox
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Here is my list, based on Zoos and animal encounters in the Wild.
105/135 Seen
30/135 Missing (19 Habitat / 11 Exhibit)

Species I have seen in zoos:
Red kangaroo
Giant anteater
African savannah elephant
Indian elephant
Black-tailed prairie dog
Red ruffed lemur
Black-and-white ruffed lemur .
Ring-tailed lemur
Japanese macaque
Bornean orangutan
Western chimpanzee
Western lowland gorilla
Siberian tiger
Amur leopard.
Snow leopard
Eurasian lynx
Spotted hyena
Timber wolf
African wild dog
Fennec fox
Polar bear
Giant panda
California sea lion
Grey seal
Red panda
European badger
Giant otter
Asian small-clawed otter
Indian rhinoceros.
Southern white rhinoceros
Plains zebra
Przewalski's horse
Bactrian camel
Pygmy hippopotamus
Reticulated giraffe
Common fallow deer.
Reindeer (Seen in the wild)
Moose (Seen in the wild)
Nile lechwe
Scimitar-horned oryx
American bison
Common ostrich
Southern cassowary
King penguin.
African penguin
Indian peafowl
Greater flamingo
Red-crowned crane
American alligator
Spectacled caiman
Cuvier's dwarf caiman
Nile monitor
Komodo dragon
Galapagos giant tortoise.
Aldabra giant tortoise
Sable antelope
Bengal tiger
West African lion
Arctic wolf
Arctic fox
Formosan black bear
Thomson's gazelle.
Black wildebeest
Wild water buffalo
Alpine ibex

Exhibit species I have seen in zoos:
Eastern blue-tongued skink
Green iguana
Gila monster
Boa constrictor
Yellow anaconda
Western diamondback rattlesnake
Red-eyed tree frog.
Golden poison-dart frog
Fire salamander
Brazilian salmon pink tarantula
Mexican redknee tarantula
Giant tiger land snail
Giant burrowing cockroach
Lehmann's poison-dart frog
Lesser Antillean iguana
Common death adder.
Giant forest scorpion
Puff adder
Giant Malaysian leaf insect
Goliath birdeater

Exhibit species that I haven't seen:
Goliath beetle
Sacred scarab beetle
American bullfrog
Diamondback terrapin
Goliath frog
Danube crested newt.
Titan beetle
Brazilian wandering spider
Amazonian giant centipede
Giant desert hairy scorpion
Eastern brown snake

Species that I have never seen:
Chinese pangolin
North american beaver (I have seen the eurasian beaver in the wild)
Grizzly bear
Himalayan brown bear.
Clouded leopard (i was at the zoo where they had them, but it just didnt want to come out)
North sulawesi binturong
Proboscis monkey
Malayan tapir
Baird's tapir
Dall sheep
African buffalo
Common warthog
Saltwater crocodile
Nice thread!
As a disclaimer, I'm German and have only ever been in German zoos, a couple of Spanish ones, an extremely ugly Italian one with plaster pits for large animals, and a few zoos in Austria.

Animals I have seen several times:
  1. African Elephant
  2. West African Lion: obviously not that specific population, but I've seen countless other lions.
  3. Plains Zebra
  4. Hippopotamus
  5. Reticulated Giraffe
  6. Timber Wolf
  7. Ring Tailed Lemur
  8. Red Ruffed Lemur
  9. Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur
  10. Western Chimpanzee
  11. Western Lowland Gorilla
  12. Bornean Orangutan
  13. Pygmy Hippo (only three times though, if I'm not mistaken)
  14. African Wild Dog (not sure how many times, might just have been once)
  15. Cheetah
  16. Springbok
  17. Indian Peafowl
  18. Spotted Hyena
  19. Bactrian Camel
  20. Common Ostrich
  21. Common Warthog
  22. Snow Leopard
  23. Aldabra Giant Tortoise
  24. Indian Rhinoceros
  25. Indian Elephant
  26. Okapi
  27. Red Panda
  28. Sable Antelope
  29. Bongo
  30. Bonobo
  31. Siberian Tiger
  32. Greater Flamingo
  33. Nyala
  34. Japanese Macaque (only twice, in Berlin and Stuttgart)
  35. Giant Panda (twice, in Vienna and Berlin)
  36. American Bison
  37. Polar Bear
  38. Reindeer
  39. Arctic Wolf
  40. Llama
  41. Jaguar
  42. Giant Anteater
  43. Colombian White-Faced Capuchin Monkey
  44. Red Kangaroo
  45. Koala
  46. King Penguin
  47. Grey Seal
  48. Giant Otter
  49. Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman
  50. Sun Bear
  51. Malayan Tapir
  52. North Sulawesi Babirusa
  53. Binturong
  54. African Penguin
  55. Meerkat
  56. Fennec Fox
  57. Southern White Rhino
  58. American Beaver
  59. Moose
  60. California Sea Lion
  61. Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
  62. Arctic Fox
  63. Eurasian Lynx
  64. European Badger
  65. European Fallow Deer
  66. Alpine Ibex
  67. Asian Small-Clawed Otter
  68. Capybara
  69. Red-Crowned Crane
  70. Spectacled Caiman
  71. Przewalski's Horse
  72. Amur Leopard
  73. Siamang
  74. Scimitar-Horned Oryx

Animals I have seen just once:
(and this counts visiting a zoo several times and seeing them multiple times, but each time at the same zoo)
  1. Grizzly Bear: only once, back when my local zoo in Cologne still had them (last one died in 2020). But they're really rare in German zoos apart from that.
  2. Galapagos Giant Tortoise: only once in Loro Parque, Teneriffe. I was surprised too, but they just aren't in many German zoos, period.
  3. American Alligator: also only once in Loro Parque
  4. Saltwater Crocodile, probably only saw them once in Stuttgart
  5. Gharial, only once in Berlin
  6. African Buffalo (apparently saw them in Nuremberg, although I cannot remember it)
  7. Nile Lechwe (just in Cologne)

Which animals have I never seen?

  1. Bengal Tiger – I'm really not sure if I've ever seen an actual one, but probably not.
  2. Komodo Dragon: never had the pleasure!
  3. Thomson's Gazelle, although I've obviously seen other gazelles.
  4. Black Wildebeest (I have seen the Blue one though)
  5. Pronghorn (they're in no German zoos)
  6. Formosan Black Bear (they're in no German zoos, and even the Asiatic Black Bear is so rare I've never seen them)
  7. Nile Monitor (again, there's barely any German institution holding them)
  8. Chinese Pangolin
  9. Dall Sheep (only one German wildpark holding them)
  10. Dingo
  11. Southern Cassowary (I've been to zoos that had them, but never actually saw them)
  12. Dhole (same: been to zoos that had them, but never actually saw any of them)
  13. Clouded Leopard – been to five zoos that had them, and they were never in their enclosure :(
  14. Proboscis Monkey
  15. Cougar (not very common in German zoos, at all)
  16. Platypus (obviously)
  17. Wild Water Buffalo

Counting these, it appears that I forgot a couple, but oh well... :LOL:
For simplicities' sake, I made mine a tier list. I also excluded exhibit animals as I can't remember every little bug, frog, and reptile I've seen.
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This is really interesting to me, a lot of you guys have never seen snow leopards, i have seen 3 individuals 4 times in the past 2 years.... Also bengal tigers I have seen 2 times. I have seen 4 binturong individuals and SO MANY prairie dogs. I have seen eurasian lynx 3 times.
Here is my list, I guess it is not as bad as I though it is. One of the very few advantages living in Czech Republic is that our zoos are quite diverse, so I dont have to travel far to see species, except some. But I have already a plan for next year to travel and see Giant Panda and Koala. I also did not include exhibit animals as I dont really remember all of them. Very similar subspieces I also counted as seen.

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I'll use this for reference. Thanks lol

The ones i've seen irl:
1. Plains zebra
2. Reticulated giraffe
3. Asian elephant
4. African elephant
5. White rhinoceros
6. Bengal tiger
7. African lion
8. Cougar
9. Capybara
10. Okapi
11. Common hippopotamus
12. Lowland gorilla
13. Ring tailed lemur
14. Grey wolf
15. American bison
16. Greater flamingo
17. Fallow deer
18. Meerkats
19. Giant anteater
20. Llama
21. Spectacled caiman
22. Thomsons gazelle
23. Chimpanzee
24. Polar bear
25. Sea lion
26. Indian peafowl
27. American alligator
28. Brown bear
29. Bactrian camel
30. Ostrich
31. Jaguar
32. Red kangaroo

Then i've also seen penguins just not the species in game, same with the otters.

From the animals in game the ones I REALLY want to see in real life are red pandas, snow leopards, clouded leopards and binturongs.
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I'll use this for reference. Thanks lol

The ones i've seen irl:
1. Plains zebra
2. Reticulated giraffe
3. Asian elephant
4. African elephant
5. White rhinoceros
6. Bengal tiger
7. African lion
8. Cougar
9. Capybara
10. Okapi
11. Common hippopotamus
12. Lowland gorilla
13. Ring tailed lemur
14. Grey wolf
15. American bison
16. Greater flamingo
17. Fallow deer
18. Meerkats
19. Giant anteater
20. Llama
21. Spectacled caiman
22. Thomsons gazelle
23. Chimpanzee
24. Polar bear
25. Sea lion
26. Indian peafowl
27. American alligator
28. Brown bear
29. Bactrian camel
30. Ostrich
31. Jaguar
32. Red kangaroo

Then i've also seen penguins just not the species in game, same with the otters.

From the animals in game the ones I REALLY want to see in real life are red pandas, snow leopards, clouded leopards and binturongs.
Binturongs really do smell like popcorn
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