Why am I being attacked for no reason?

That's not what I'd like to fathom. What I'd like to know is, is it a conscious decision of the devs to have pirates attack you when you have nothing for them to take? Or is it a bug? To me, it doesn't add to the experience or make it more absorbing. Frustrating != enjoyable.

I first saw this a few months ago. I dropped into a 0 Threat USS and initially everything appeared normal, when suddenly three pirates emerged from behind the wreckage and opened fire. I was in my weapon-less explorer Anaconda, with shields fit for rough planetary landings and little else! :D It was actually really well done and quite dramatic, so it must be intentional. I quite like it, it adds a bit of jeopardy. It definitely woke me up.
That's not what I'd like to fathom. What I'd like to know is, is it a conscious decision of the devs to have pirates attack you when you have nothing for them to take? Or is it a bug? To me, it doesn't add to the experience or make it more absorbing. Frustrating != enjoyable.

next time you drop into an uss check the danger level. if it's above 0 expect this to happen.

yeah, the game world is not very consistent. you just found a small expample of this, there are lots of them. actually, being bumped by a random npc after you have been warned by the uss label doesn't seem strange to me at all.

anyway best you can do is adapt and fill any gaps with your imagination, this kind of issues are expected to be fixed not even 'soon(tm)' so grab a chair.
That's not what I'd like to fathom. What I'd like to know is, is it a conscious decision of the devs to have pirates attack you when you have nothing for them to take? Or is it a bug? To me, it doesn't add to the experience or make it more absorbing. Frustrating != enjoyable.

Personally, I don’t think it’s intentional or meant to be a trap...

Degraded Emissions were threat free until a few patches ago, now we do have threat levels for them. But a threat 0 should be exactly that, no threat/sidewinder friendly instances.

I’d go report it as a bug McDark, if Q&A come back and tell you it’s working as intended then you’ll have your answer.
Personally, I don’t think it’s intentional or meant to be a trap...

Degraded Emissions were threat free until a few patches ago, now we do have threat levels for them. But a threat 0 should be exactly that, no threat/sidewinder friendly instances.

I’d go report it as a bug McDark, if Q&A come back and tell you it’s working as intended then you’ll have your answer.

I don't know...the example that I described above just seemed too elegant and orchestrated not to be intentional (as I said, 0 threat with no cargo). It all happen quite quickly, but they seemed to be literally lying in wait - kind of floating there dead still pretending to be space junk, and then suddenly everything lit up!
I'm encountering more "Pirate" ships in USS's than I have before, this is quite welcome. What's not quite so welcome however are the hostile system security / authority ships that spawn in to "help" from time to time. These guys enter the instance red (hostile) and attack me...sometimes...yet I'm not wanted or anything, nor do they get a wanted tag for their unprovoked attack on a clean commander.

To be clear, I often have green authority ships show up too, who behave as expected, but these red guys are unpredictable. I wonder if this might be what the OP is encountering? I've not yet returned fire, but have just fled as this appears to be a bug.

I don't know...the example that I described above just seemed too elegant and orchestrated not to be intentional (as I said, 0 threat with no cargo). It all happen quite quickly, but they seemed to be literally lying in wait - kind of floating there dead still pretending to be space junk, and then suddenly everything lit up!

Oh, don’t get me wrong! I already said in post#5 that it can provide some cool moments...

But you were in a ‘Conda and I was in a well armed Cobra when it happened to me. Probably not much fun if you’re in a starterwinder though.

0 threat should be 0 threat unless a pirate has followed you in from supercruise.

I think some things have just got mixed up when FD made the new USS instances, or maybe they’re just being devious as others have suggested. Won’t know unless we ask... :)

Even if it’s unintended it’ll take em a year to get around to fixing it so we’d all better stay on our toes.
I first saw this a few months ago. I dropped into a 0 Threat USS and initially everything appeared normal, when suddenly three pirates emerged from behind the wreckage and opened fire. I was in my weapon-less explorer Anaconda, with shields fit for rough planetary landings and little else! :D It was actually really well done and quite dramatic, so it must be intentional. I quite like it, it adds a bit of jeopardy. It definitely woke me up.

Well at least you were in an Anaconda. I'm in an Asp Explorer with enough defences onboard to get away. Close cargo hatch, hit jump and keep boosting until out of mass lock range. Imagine if you had a paper-thin Asp or Diamondback stripped out for exploration, hauling nothing but 100s of millions of credits worth of exploration data. One pirate could wipe out everything you'd done for the last several weeks with one shot! That's a little beyond adding a bit of jeopardy. :O
But you were in a ‘Conda and I was in a well armed Cobra when it happened to me. Probably not much fun if you’re in a starterwinder though.

True. :) I was lucky to get out of there alive nonetheless - it's a very stripped-down build with downgraded thrusters. It only just manages to boost with the engine-focused mod.:D
At a USS, collecting materials for engineering. As said, no cargo, no missions, not wanted, no affiliation with local factions, just passing through. There's no reward nor reason to attack me. I avoid open play for just that reason. If you don't want to fight, you should have a way to avoid it. This tries to force you into combat situations when you may be ill equipped to partake. If this was indeed a conscious decision of the devs, in my opinion, this is a short sighted decision.

While I agree with you (you should have ways of avoiding conflict) the game is set up very poorly for it. High sec really just means security will respond quickly but there is still just a % chance that degraded emissions is a trap. Security levels only apply to individual systems, there is no overall geography to the bubble; high security sectors bordered by medium, bordered by low, with pockets of anarchy, you know, the way cities and neighborhoods work.

I remember when the AI was glorious back in 2.1, but a lot of players couldn't handle it so they nerfed it into the ground. The problem (IMO) was not the AI, it was that there was no way for a player to make an informed decision about how to avoid a situation you didn't want to be in, you were just forced into them because of RNG and your rank.

The only thing you can do is be cautious, roll with good equipment (speed can be very effective, much more than shields), when you drop in, be prepared to run or fight, don't just tunnel the goods, hang back with pips in eng/sys in case you need to bug out. If it looks clear after 20 seconds move in. High sec systems do have good security response, so you can always get in, and then let security drop in to help you.

Well at least you were in an Anaconda. I'm in an Asp Explorer with enough defences onboard to get away. Close cargo hatch, hit jump and keep boosting until out of mass lock range. Imagine if you had a paper-thin Asp or Diamondback stripped out for exploration, hauling nothing but 100s of millions of credits worth of exploration data. One pirate could wipe out everything you'd done for the last several weeks with one shot! That's a little beyond adding a bit of jeopardy.

That's exactly what happened to me when I came back to the bubble with 180million in exploration data in a stripped down low integrity Asp a long time ago, dropped into my first populated system (I had chosen a high sec system with an outpost very near the star with great care) and immediately was interdicted by an NPC pirate in a viper. I was extremely irritated, there was no sense, no excitement, no logic.
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Imagine if you had a paper-thin Asp or Diamondback stripped out for exploration, hauling nothing but 100s of millions of credits worth of exploration data. One pirate could wipe out everything you'd done for the last several weeks with one shot! That's a little beyond adding a bit of jeopardy. :O

In which case: why do you bother about USSs at all? Get your posterior to whatever place you want to drop your data and be done with it.
If you fear an assault in open space or while cruising down to your landing site, request an escort from one of the known white hat player groups.
Or dock at the first shipyard you pass and switch from your 60 ly exploration vessel to your 800 m/s bubble booster and let the pirates watch your exhaust.
Quite a while ago someone from FD made the statement that "terrorist" NPC's would attack without warning/reason.

From reading the forum posts, this is on the upswing.

I don't want to be a drag, but the game title is a clue on what to expect. Even the docking computer tries to kill you on occasion.

Best to fly in a ship that can properly do fight or flight, it allows the freedom to set the terms of engagement more to your favor.

That's is why all my ships have top shields, weapons and systems.

Blowing up attacking ships is a side benefit.

Good luck.
They're killing you for the material drops. They need your focus crystals.

Hmm. I suppose if you're trying to interpret that into a believable scenario, that does kind of make sense I suppose. A life sucks and then you die sort of thing. [uhh]

I might argue though when it comes to a game, there's such a thing as too much realism.
The number attached to USS give the threat level AT THE TIME of scanning it.

Threat level 0 does not mean there is not going to be a threat at all,it just means there is zero threat at the time you scan it.

Also your picking up materials from exploded ships,the pirates may have vlown them up and want the mats. Your taking them. Makes sense to me anyway
OP, there are some types of USS that have a chance of spawning hostile NPCs that start shooting without asking questions. This has been the case since I started playing the game several years ago. From my experience this is exceedingly rare though, and you can learn which USS has this behavior.

Since 3.1 there is a new bug that causes pretty much any NPC ship to start attacking any other ship. I have been attacked by security ships, miners in RES and regular pirates that are supposed to not attack unless I have cargo. I have also seen 2 wings of security ships fighting each other. So in this version you have to be extra careful since any ship, even the peaceful ones, can attack you for no reason.
They're killing you for the material drops. They need your focus crystals.

That's a good point, and one that could be added to the lookup table of witty comments they make.

I agree with several here too about nowhere being truly safe unless you're docked. I spent a lot of time in my Corvette a while back & would occasionally see a 'sorry to have disturbed you' type message so there is some I in the AI ;)
That's a good point, and one that could be added to the lookup table of witty comments they make.

I agree with several here too about nowhere being truly safe unless you're docked. I spent a lot of time in my Corvette a while back & would occasionally see a 'sorry to have disturbed you' type message so there is some I in the AI ;)

'...got 15 seconds and then...'
I've noticed some unusual NPC behaviour lately. Random pirates dropping in at assassination mission USS, cops turning up to distress calls, allies in CZ turning on each other and you, cops shooting each other, plus the occasional pirate who attacks for no reason.

I quite like it.
OP, there are some types of USS that have a chance of spawning hostile NPCs that start shooting without asking questions. This has been the case since I started playing the game several years ago. From my experience this is exceedingly rare though, and you can learn which USS has this behavior.

Well I've been playing since December, and I've only noticed it happening for me since the most recent updates. Hence why I thought it smelled like a new bug.

Oh well. Lesson learned. Never drop out at a USS without a decently armoured ship, and always have 3 fingers hovering over the cargo hatch, supercruise and boost buttons.
Oh well. Lesson learned. Never drop out at a USS without a decently armoured ship, and always have 3 fingers hovering over the cargo hatch, supercruise and boost buttons.

That's not a bad lesson to learn ;)

The biggest issue with being attacked is often the panic. Familiarity and a constant state of readiness is no bad thing.
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