Rigged how exactly? There were no rewards offered for that CG.
Mainly? All the information that salvation was azimuth wasn't revealed until well after the decision-making CGs had already passed, so revealing that now is a bit of a "ha ha sucks to be you the playerbase has decided and now you have to live with it"
At the time, most of the storyline fluff was lined up to make it appear that Tanner (along with the players that generally didn't trust salvation) were a bunch of paranoid crazies that could smell something was up but didn't (and couldn't) have any concrete proof to justify their position, while Salvation was still lovebombing everyone with fancy toys.
If you just went by Galnet, it was very much lined up to look like salvation was the goodie (if perhaps playing his cards very close to his chest), picking up on the clues that he was shady required you to either be following the forums
or to actually investigate the megaships and surface sites yourself, which most players don't do. Pair this with the tendency of the playerbase at large to side with the "good guy" regardless of whether the outcome is interesting or not, and you get this.
Does this mean the playerbase have been manipulated? Yes. Is this a good thing?
Hell yes. For a start, even if they had to be tricked into it, it's nice to see "actually change the status quo in an interesting way" get supported in a CG. Let's have more of these. Let's have more CGs (and tie-in quests) that make it clear that HEY COMMANDER, GALNET LIES TO YOU.
Was it rigged? Maybe not in the sense of an uneven reward or unequal goals, but in the sense of playing on the well-established tendencies of the playerbase to support whoever's been set up as the hero of the story? Absolutely. And it's great.