General / Off-Topic Why do YOU Forum?

For many reasons. I always tend to participate in the forums of games i play and enjoy (I don't play games i don't enjoy unlike some wierdos around here).

Sometimes to learn, sometimes to inform, sometimes to joke, sometimes to laugh, sometimes to despair at humanity.
I used to forum to try and bring a little light entertainment to the community at the end of each week as sometimes this place can be depressing. I like to think I did a reasonable job.

I stopped partly due to other commitments but also due to the constant raising of the same issues we discussed last month and the month before. Not that it wasn't justified, people should air their thoughts and issues but like brexit, their is only so much of it you can stand before you go insane!
OK, the truth is I only ever posted to wind up the mods :D
1. Because I love this game and want to be around others who do, too.
2. To learn more about said game.
3. To help others learn ED and hopefully to learn to better appreciate the game, too.
4. Although we are a diverse bunch, there are a lot of similarities amongst us that have nothing to do with ED. There are super silly people everywhere!
5. On the forum, there are posters who are kind and empathetic to others simply out of goodness of heart. Considering what the mass media and social media are today, I need to be constantly reminded that people at their best are indeed, "good." And they are legion.

I think you got 5 a bit wrong. It isn't the legion who are the good guys...


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