Why Frontier ....why ?

Why did you do this stupid move Frontier ? been a fan for such a long time (1984) and now you went and sold your fanbase down the river.

The "alpha" that was clearly not an alpha but a final stage playtest , that you also had the audacity to have us pay for to participate.
The promises that the issues in "alpha" would be resolved when release came around , specially the framerate problems ..
yeah ....What you sold to us is a buggy mess , repetitive (even more then usual) missions , cut and paste bases , framerates nigh unplayable , the VR part is not working well at all anymore for me . WHY ? why did you not take the time and actually make this awesome idea GOOD ? why rush it out the door when it is so very clearly not finished ?
so very dissapointed
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I've been playing the game since early 2015 after a friend introduced me to it (as I'm a huge fan of Freelancer).

I've always been up and down with Elite, starting with Horizons, where planetary landings were to be a DLC exclusive feature when it always felt it should have been part of the core gameplay (in my opinion).

But this release has taken it a step further, and somewhat killed my enthusiasm.

The Alpha, which was only through the higher cost deluxe edition, was pretty much unplayable because the performance was atrocious.

Across all four waves, I think I got maybe an hour's worth of game time in it. But when I heard that it was releasing so soon after the fourth stage of alpha, I was really hesitant to believe that the game would be ready. My friends said that fDev had said they would alleviate the performance issues on the full release.

But low and behold, the performance is almost as bad as the alpha, and although I've made it better through some optimisations to my GPU and game settings, it's not enough.

At this point it really feels like I wasted my money on the alpha. It's only about $15 more so it's not like I can't afford it, but really, not fit for purpose springs to mind, even under the definition of and what we'd expect from an alpha.
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