Modes Why spacelegs?

This is an honest question to all those who apparently consider the lack of such - and by which I am assuming the ability to explore at least some environments as a humanoid separately from the spaceship) - as a truly significant factor, even a breaker.Maybe from experience of enjoying Elite, Starglider, Star Wars, Freelancer etc. right up to X series and Evochron Mercenary - the "you as spaceship" concept is perfectly fine and acceptable in my book. It's really no difference playing a spaceship that can only fly, shoot/trade than playing a hedgehog that can only run jump and ... er... be blue.So from that perspective, the only thing I can really think of is that it's comparitive and relevant to the technology of games today (and over sime years now) in that most notably, SC will apparently feature a sufficiently capable first-person shooting element, and the likes of NMS involve EVA on planet surfaces. Given how GTA and similar concepts such as Driver) expanded on driving by providing additional gameplay as pedestrian - so I expect in ome regard this is read as a set standard and marked exepectations - possibly even challenging "prove yourself, FD and add spacelegs"The implication is that the spaceship game is not good enpugh (even if its current features were polished and refined???)-Or is there some other reason you have for wanting spacelegs? ---I should of course clarify that I fully appreciate that were such features in ED it would be a vastly expanded product and potentially open so many new avenues for gameplay, but I also fear it as a massive undertaking and complexities multiply bugs and unexpected behaviours.
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