Winter DLC: your final tipps for the complete roster

I think I completely missed the news. Is a new pack announced? Are takin, wolverine, sloth bear and saiga confirmed? Is a theme confirmed?

Anyway, I am still hoping for a Highlands pack. But this list could also be a Greater Asia pack. In which case I am astounded we are getting a third black Asian bear... Come on.
Anyway, I would add the pallas cat, a pere David deer or muntjak, and a lion tailed macaque or langur. Or wait no! Wild boar!!! Yes, this would be perfect for wild boar!
Will call it Eurasia Animal Pack:

European Bison
Sloth Bear
Pallas Cat (they will reuse that sand cat rig sooner or later)
Lion-tailed macaque edit: Rhesus Macaque
Mandarin Duck (please!)
Ex: Indian Cobra
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Sloth Bear
Saiga Antelope
Eurasian Otter
Pallas Cat
Exhibit: Cobra species

Honestly if we hadn't just gotten the Peccary, I would have put the Wild Boar in here. I realize they're not all that closely related but in some aspects including the visual they are. I can't see getting a free animal type to turn around and immediately give us another animal of the same type.
Still haven’t come up with a snappy name, but something along the lines of Relics Animal Pack, with animals that have survived relatively unchanged since the Pleistocene. Lineup being something along the lines of:

1. Wisent
2. Wolverine
3. Saiga
4. Sloth Bear
5. Vicuna
6. Muskox
7. Elk
8. Chinese Giant Salamander (E)

My reasons for this are that they really emphasised the fact that the sloth bear has maintained its shaggy coat as if it had once lived in the cold like the wolverine. Plus the references to ‘never before seen animals’ as if they were discovering old fossilised species, and the emphasis on a sort of ‘evolution’ and ‘adaptation’ in the setup of the stream, I wouldn’t count this theme out!
Still haven’t come up with a snappy name, but something along the lines of Relics Animal Pack, with animals that have survived relatively unchanged since the Pleistocene. Lineup being something along the lines of:

1. Wisent
2. Wolverine
3. Saiga
4. Sloth Bear
5. Vicuna
6. Muskox
7. Elk
8. Chinese Giant Salamander (E)

My reasons for this are that they really emphasised the fact that the sloth bear has maintained its shaggy coat as if it had once lived in the cold like the wolverine. Plus the references to ‘never before seen animals’ as if they were discovering old fossilised species, and the emphasis on a sort of ‘evolution’ and ‘adaptation’ in the setup of the stream, I wouldn’t count this theme out!
I think the concept is pretty cool, but i already have my fair share of ungulates for this pack so i cant say im actively hoping for it :D
I honestly don't really know what to expect so I'll just do my wishes:

Asia Animal Pack:
  1. Takin
  2. Wolverine
  3. Saiga Antelope
  4. Sloth Bear
  5. King Cobra (E)
  6. Reeve's Muntjac
  7. Francios's Langur
  8. Chinese Alligator
I am kind of worried this would be like the artic pack. But here is my wish.

1. Takin
2. Wolverine
3. Saiga
4. Sloth Bear
5. Gaur
6. Nigal
7. Golden Snub Nose Monkey
8. Who knows for the exhibit
Hmm... how about:
  • Wolverine
  • Saiga
  • Sichuan Takin
  • Sloth Bear
  • Japanese Raccoon Dog
  • Reeves's Muntjac
  • I dunno... the above is like half my wishlist and they would all work in an Asia Animal Pack...
Asian Animal Pack
-Sloth Bear
-Rhesus Macaque
-Hamadryas Baboon
-Golden Pheasant
-King Cobra (E)
Went for an animal in each region of Asia (Himalayas, Siberia, Eurasian Steppe, India, SEA, ME, EA)
  • Sichuan takin
  • Wolverine
  • Saiga
  • Sloth bear
  • Golden pheasant (habitat)
  • Hanuman langur
  • Pallas cat
  • Blackbuck
Also want:
  • Nilgai
  • Tanuki
  • Gaur
  • Monal
  • Fishing cat
  • GSNM
  • Himalayan tahr
If we get an exhibit animal, I will be mad at anything that isn’t a flying bird. Pheasant could be based off peacock and work as a habitat animal.

I’m really hoping for a bird and a monkey in this pack. Please Frontier!
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Are our exhibits big enough to have animals like Reticulated Python? That could be a cool addition
Never seem someone ask are the exhibits big enough lol. But yes, if it can fit the boa constrictor then it can fit a python.
The comparission is kinda weird imo since one is 2,5 times the size lol.

Depends on who you ask really. Ive seen people say its big enough while others disagree, myself included
Yeah they are and there are still a bunch id want. But after getting them so frequently and this pack is again already half of them im just getting sick of them.
Carnivorans and ungulates have their place as they most popular animals and there are definitely some I want but if every pack is over half full of them you just get sick of it which after arid I seriously dont want another pack dominated by them.
Are our exhibits big enough to have animals like Reticulated Python? That could be a cool addition
I think they are big enough: a square of 4m X 4 m has an area 16 square meters and a diagonal of 5,6 meters. Maybe for the largest python individuals could be a bit small in terms of length, but for an average python it should be ok.
I have two concepts. One would be simply Eurasian or Asian DLC, and it could look like this:
Takin (well, hopefully! As much as I love Wisents, I would be happier with a Takin)
Sloth Bear
Grey Langur
Demoiselle Crane
Pallas' Cat
King Cobra (E)

The other concept would be Unique Animals DLC, which could look like that for example:
(Takin, Wolverine, Sloth Bear, Saiga)
Hyrax (or for example a Shoebill)
Bush Dog
(any) Chameleon (E)
I think they are big enough: a square of 4m X 4 m has an area 16 square meters and a diagonal of 5,6 meters. Maybe for the largest python individuals could be a bit small in terms of length, but for an average python it should be ok.
One also needs to consider that you gotta have two in there. And whats the point of adding giant snakes if you dont go all in and do like 7m behemoths? ;)
I think I completely missed the news. Is a new pack announced? Are takin, wolverine, sloth bear and saiga confirmed? Is a theme confirmed?
The stream yesterday revealed hints on those aforementioned animals. A theme is not confirmed yet. I guess we know more later this day.
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