Hi Frontier,

some must haves for JWE3:

-MORE, MORE, MORE Animations, interactions with visitors and attractions, more dynamic Life for all animals - in JWE 2 there behavior is like robots

-interesting fights with QUICK and different movement, different animations and fighting stands, more finishers!

-Fighting Sauropods

-faster moving Sauropods (in JWE2 it looks like slowmo)

-Mammals (Smilodon, Paraceratherium, Basilosaurus, Kelenken, etc.)

-swimming Land Animals and deep Water tool (in that case, introducing prehistoric crocodiles)


-Baby Dinosaurs and Egg Nodes

-new attractions like Balloon Tour, Boat Ride,

-graphic update

-All Textures and Bioms on one map!

-Campaign like JWE1, where we have connected Islands and can switch between them (JWE2 campaign is terrible!)

Hope we see this in JWE3, to be the best game ever made! :)
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I want improvements to gameplay - JWE2 didn't improve on JWE1 as much as I hoped (and in terms of the campaign, was probably a step backwards) - and JWE3 needs to step it up if it wants to keep my interest.

* Campaign - Not a fan of JWE2 turning the campaign into a glorified tutorial and having Chaos Theory as the main gameplay mode. Chaos Theory is fine, but it should be an alternative gameplay mode, not a replacement for a JWE1 style campaign.

* Dinosaur behavior (cohabitation and territory decay) - Both of these systems need improvements if theyre to be brought back. Territory decay shouldnt cause dinosaurs to abandon areas that meet their environmental needs or lose comfort because they wandered away from their feeder, unless theyre forced out by another species. Sadly it looks like JWE2 isnt going to be able to fix this but JWE3 needs to - its very annoying to see your dinos become uncomfortable simply because they're roaming. Cohabitation is imo too restrictive - it was really bad at release and has gotten better, but its still not there yet. I'm not asking to go back to JWE1 where we can place anything in the same enclosure as long as its under the population limits, but there should be a way for triceratops and torosaurus to be placed together without it being an immediate disaster.

* Aviaries and Lagoons - The gameplay for both of these is too shallow. Lagoons need something like a marine paleobotany system with coral reefs, kelp forests, etc. so its not just a tank of water. Aviaries should have a modular walkway system and more refined terrain tools to be like the one in Jurassic Park 3.

Hotels and Shops - The customization for these in JWE2 is better than JWE1 but still lacking. Really wish we could build these with a modular system like Planet Zoo instead of a fixed model for hotels and 3 different footprints with a few cosmetic differences for shops. Doesnt help that shop customization was more or less abandoned in the DLCs.
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What I would mainly like to see is more an emphasis on making building of the park challenging rather than maintaining the park being challenging. Right now Much of the challenge comes from maintaining the parks and that results in a lot of busy work. Instead I'd love to see the focus shift to the building itself so that you have to think about how you build the park but once an area is finished and functioning that it would need minimal active maintaining by the player.

Other features I'd love to see are:
  • Elevated paths and bridges
  • Enclosed catwalks in aviaries for visitors like in JWE1 but placeable
  • Actual semi-aquatic behaviour and the ability to link up lagoons with land (allowing animals such as semi-aquatic crocs to be added among other things)
  • Walking pterosaurs
  • Tall rocks for aviaries and lagoons
  • boat tours

General gameplay:
  • Emphasis on building in stead of maintaining parks
  • Better terrain tools and building placement (especially for dealing with elevation)
  • Actual individual guests with wants and needs like in other tycoon and park management games.
Also, more hadrosaurs. JWE2 didn't add any new hadrosaurs to the roster
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More bipedal Ornithischians like Kulindadromeus, Lesothosaurus, Heterodontosaurus, Thescelosaurus, Laellynasaura, Scutellosaurus, etc.
Armoured Sauropods like Saltasaurus, Ampelosaurus,etc.
Primitive Sauropodomorphs like Plateosaurus, Glacialisaurus, Massospondylus, Anchisaurus, Mussaurus,etc
Weird Theropods like Alvarezsaurs, Yi Qi, Masiakasaurus,etc.
More Species from the already present groups like Psittacosaurus, Protoceratops, Scelidosaurus, Miragaia, Ubirajara, Liaoningsaurus, etc.
Herbivore alimentation and forest need combinate in one need for habitat similar as Jurassic Park Operation genesis, And the restoration of coexistence amos herbivores. Oter new habitat creation of lagoon.
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