With Jump Ranges for ships nearing 400ly, carriers need a buff (video evidence)

I don't think it's polite to tell someone else what to do.

If I'm playing a single-player game, that single-player game should be no different from an open game, I think it was written that way.

I am not telling you what to do. I am replying to you, regarding what I consider to be an extremely bad idea, in the vague hope that Frontier will realize that the "I want it NOW!" crowd doesn't speak for the entire community. It's probably in vain, given how often Frontier how often Frontier has catered to their demands, only for them to turn around and demand even more, but the alternative is to just abandon a game I enjoy playing despite how much the gameplay has degenerated over the years.

Is Distant Worlds Two a promotion by the game developers?

I've listed here another game with the same name so that there won't be copyright claims from other people if they encounter a DW2 banner in the ED.

It had nothing to do with that game, but was a revisit of the original player-run exploration expidition: Distant Worlds.
But I concede that's not the way FD have made the game. Doesn't mean i have to like it.

Same here. In the end, until the gameplay becomes so banal that even the game's Supercruise flight model fails to be fun, I'll just have to continue to take the game we have, and fight (probably in vain) a reargard action against the demands of the "I want it NOW!" crowd. I just can't help but mourn all the fun gameplay that has been sacrficied to appease them, and yet they demand even more! This game would be so much better if Frontier had made different choices in the past regarding game balance. I can't tell you how many times newer players have asked for the very things Frontier obviated through their strategy of appeasement.
The only requirement here is for a picnic blanket and a nice hamper.

I can see both sides to the topic though. On one hand my inner autist is saying that FCs already do loads, but my inner game dev voice asks what role should FCs play in a post Update 20 world? Soon they will be in an awkward place and might need re-jazzing.
I mean, like i said.. let's remove FCs. Then we can talk about a return of things like penetrator builds, but up the ante with a 200-300LY jump range[1] and a rough 2000Ly safe range, 4000Ly absolute range, with a military drive that uses military fuel and, but can't fit scoops (and therefore, can't supercharge)... then jump range is no longer "just a grind" but a conscious fitting choice and planning consideration. Do i want to be there and back quickly, or do i want to chug along to an indefinite range, but only 20Ly per jump, because I'm in a loaded up T9 or Battleconda.

[1] and to be evil, no larger than Class 4 military drives.
I am not telling you what to do. I am replying to you, regarding what I consider to be an extremely bad idea, in the vague hope that Frontier will realize that the "I want it NOW!" crowd doesn't speak for the entire community. It's probably in vain, given how often Frontier how often Frontier has catered to their demands, only for them to turn around and demand even more, but the alternative is to just abandon a game I enjoy playing despite how much the gameplay has degenerated over the years.

It had nothing to do with that game, but was a revisit of the original player-run exploration expidition: Distant Worlds.

I do wonder why some people play the game when they clearly don’t like it.

If you don’t like the exploration game, then don’t play it, there’s other things to do in game.

I do get a little irritated by people wanting to mess with my gameplay just because they want to instant travel rather than play the game we have.
It had nothing to do with that game, but was a revisit of the original player-run exploration expidition: Distant Worlds.
Then I don't understand you. I thought you gave an example of this DW2 (who made something up) how it would be hindered by people jumping far away on FC.
I don't get it.
I do wonder why some people play the game when they clearly don’t like it.

If you don’t like the exploration game, then don’t play it, there’s other things to do in game.

I do get a little irritated by people wanting to mess with my gameplay just because they want to instant travel rather than play the game we have.
Again :( How does this interfere with someone else's gameplay? How? How.

I know that some people, seeing that the NPCs are weak, take even weaker warships to make it more interesting for them to fight. They are not asking to remove FDL from the game !
The issue is how to introduce new features without broke the balance, legacy feeling and canon lore of the game.

Increase jump range without "counterweights" is not the right approach, now will be 500 to 1000, then 2000, and so on.

i fully understand the "resume the game session in the black", "avoid loosing Bubble content without an Alt" or "quickly move from civilized space spot A to B", but they need to be treated differently.

starting from the last one, less balance breaking:
as there is taxi services between Bubble and Colonia (Fleet Carrier Owner Club), where players park their ship and do something else while waiting to be transported to Colonia, FDevs could implement a similar NPC service or a story driven creation of an asset (jump-point/jump station) using a long term CG chain of events, the tech is potentially available, but we have to ask to Mr Jaques.

increase the jump range and maintain some sort of game balance, hard one, I throw out a suggestion:
a special "bulky" module for carriers with a very long cooldown, "N" weeks CD for every "M" kilo ly, the hard part is the right balance between the N and M variables.

among the potentials in ED that i always considered underdeveloped (and there are many) one is the specialization of carriers using the modular architecture, already present in the game, but with mutually exclusive special modules to allow specializations for hauling/trade, long range exploration, mobile bases, etc...

I am aware there is no solution that satisfies everyone, but I think a compromise is reachable.

P.S. FDevs has stated in the past that there will not be wormholes or fast travel systems, but things can change over time, 2024 proves that.

Lore is covered by the Jaques misjump. Lorewise FD simply say boffins have figured it out now and FCs have been retrofitted to use a refined version of the system.

Balance for such long jumps, i think the existing system scaled up would work.

Whether FD should... that's a different matter.
Then I don't understand you.

I get that.

I thought you gave an example of this DW2 (who made something up) how it would be hindered by people jumping far away on FC.
I don't get it.

Because this is a multi-player game, with both social and competitive aspects. If the game is changed in a way that is detrimential to your enjoyment, you eventually reach a point where you have to choose between participating in the those social and/or competitive aspects, or you need to start playing in a way you don't enjoy. If you choose the latter enough times, then you quit playing the game entirely, because it's no longer fun.
Again :( How does this interfere with someone else's gameplay? How? How.

I know that some people, seeing that the NPCs are weak, take even weaker warships to make it more interesting for them to fight. They are not asking to remove FDL from the game !

I’m not the one asking for things to be changed. If a change won’t affect people why would you ask for it?
I get that.

Because this is a multi-player game, with both social and competitive aspects. If the game is changed in a way that is detrimential to your enjoyment, you eventually reach a point where you have to choose between participating in the those social and/or competitive aspects, or you need to start playing in a way you don't enjoy. If you choose the latter enough times, then you quit playing the game entirely, because it's no longer fun.
In all the Elites, I played one. Lately in ED, Thargoid War and PP2 I've been playing only in single player mode.
This change may affect those people who want it for themselves. It cannot affect people against their will.

Of course, no-one doing their own thing has ever affected others around them. You never had a neighbour playing loud music?

Edit: you can always not use a FC if you don’t like it.
Is Distant Worlds Two a promotion by the game developers?

If that's not a rhetorical question and you genuinely don't know, then it explains why you don't care about increased jump ranges, since you have no idea how an event like that worked and why, to this day, it remains the largest player event in Elite's history. One that's still so fondly talked about today, 6 years after it ended. Without sensible jump ranges, journey's like that would have been pointless.

Distant Worlds 2
Just to play devil's advocate here for a minute, but which is more boring?

Jumping once to get 20k LY to where you want to be, then getting on with what you really want to do (eg: exploring systems in the region)


Jumping 40 times, each taking 15+ minutes, plus cooldown, where you really can't do much in the downtime?
And scooping. I wish I could get an NPC to scoop for me. Yeah, it should have the risk of frying, but it's so worth it, like SCO.
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