Wombat, Quokka, Koala and Sloth

I already wished meerkats ๐Ÿ˜ but I forgot about these three which would be great to have them!
The Quokka is an Australian animal which smiles!!! They on a specific island too and people love to visit them, because they are nice and funny - they are called "the happiest animal on planet earth". Tje both Australian animals, Quokkas and Wombats, look like little bears, but they are marsupials like kangaroos. ๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿป
Koalas ๐Ÿจ I don't know why there shouldn't be Koalas in their Eukalyptus Trees in the zoo ๐Ÿ˜‚ they would fit the Australian Continet too and they are sooo fluffy!
Sloths are animals from Middle-/South-America and would fit the Tropical theme even when there are speculations they could be arctic too! Sloths are not as "lazy" as people think, they sleep 15-20 hours YES ๐Ÿ˜‚, but in mating time or by danger they acually can be very fast, so the slow animal can make 1-2 km in one hour ๐Ÿ™Œ... I would love to see them in the game too!!!

All animals I listed here are very special to their locations, I hope these pictures help they get voted and maybe make it to the game! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿค—
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I am really hoping for a koala - and decent eucalypts for them to climb up - but itโ€™s important to mention that they are marsupials not bears ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿจ

Also I think you are confusing the quokka with wombats - but they are both amazing animals.
I am really hoping for a koala - and decent eucalypts for them to climb up - but itโ€™s important to mention that they are marsupials not bears ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿจ

Also I think you are confusing the quokka with wombats - but they are both amazing animals.
Oh you're right ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was thinking... wasn't one of them with a "q"? Now I'm sure it was... no problem, I will get it right, it just makes the title of the thread longer, because I mean both of them ๐Ÿ‘... I changed the text, thx
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I can easily see those like DLC material. Just I will be a bit surprised if Koala wouldn't make it to final game. I know they need to leave something for future plans but koalas along kangaroos are pretty much TM for Australia and not just in wildlife World but in general.
All of these would be fantastic additions! I'm especially hoping for a koala and a wombat at some point (probably in DLC).

I would love a sloth too, though I'm less motivated for that compared to the others. I could see them coming with a new shelter (one of those hanging boxes or nests that you sometimes see in their exhibits in zoos).
Sloths spend most of their time hanging upside down from branches. I'm not sure how easy it is to implement that in the game. I already feel kind of iffy about how the orang utan appears to move and behave, it just looks too different from reality to me. If they can't do a hanging solth, I don't want them to make one at all.
If they do it - at some point in the game, I'm sure it will be a hanging sloth which fits the real one. They work with experts for every animal and it's very important to Frontier to get the animals, their wishes and how they behave right. I'm not as sceptic that they can make it, they already accomplished Lemurs and many other apes to climb and jump, and it's problably not that difficult to make a hangig more slowly acting sloth out of that. Since they move more/faster while mating time, it should work to get baby sloths too ๐Ÿค— and they would be lovely. Maybe they not in the game to release, especially because I mostly thought of Australien animals here... but maybe they will be there at some point - and I think thats exciting!!! ๐Ÿคฉ I'm very confident that Frontier has the Dev to accomplish it for this game at one point.๐Ÿ‘
Honestly I think that professional developers and especially people who works in companies like Frontier is can do whatever they want just it is matter if it is something which can be payed off to them in time, costs, health and so on.

If they want to make sloth who will hanging on trees they will do it, if they want to make diving animations for animals who dive they will do it, if they want to make flying birds they will do it. Simple as that.
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