Sure VR may only be 2% of the total 60,000,000 Steam accounts, but how many of those 60mil accounts are still active. 1,500,000 current Steam users have VR and that amount seems to double each year.
It's near 2% of the approx 100 million
active users on Steam.
I can't believe you're trying to argue that VR isn't incredibly niche in terms of headset ownership (and ergo units sold). It's such an absurd stance
You mean devs aren't making money off junk that nobody would even know about if it wasn't for the VR tagged on.
I mean stuff like devs who work in VR saying time after time that the money isn't there for full bore investment. That (surprise, surprise) the market is too small to provide a return:
Here's the Schell Games CEO (I Expect You To Die / Until You Fall), for example, on why you see AAs not AAAs:
People say, well, why aren't there triple-A games in the VR space? Well, because triple-A games cost $30 million or more to make in most cases. And it's not a worthwhile investment because the market isn't big enough, yet.
But really you just need to look at the marketplace. Almost all of the top end output is funded by Oculus / Sony / Valve etc. Because they know they need to kickstart the ecosystem further.
Why would you want to take your VR headset off, find your motion controllers, stand up and wave your arms about while playing a flight sim? Just because something uses a VR headset it doesn't mean it's forced to use all the motion controller loblox that comes with it. Skyrim is perfectly fine with an Xbox controller in VR. I actually find it more enjoyable with an Xbox controller than with the VR controllers anyway. Games not made from the ground up in a style which suits the controllers always seem forced and toy-like. I wish this fad of motion controllers would hurry and pass. VR is a 3d visual experience and the controllers should be seen as a separate entity add on, like on the initial release of the Oculus Rift or PSVR.
Because Odyssey itself is not a flight sim. It's being added to one, but 3/4 of the feature-set they've revealed focuses on RPG & FPS style character gameplay. That is what it is, primarily.
Nigh every recent successful PCVR game featuring such gameplay has supported motion controllers. FDev will doubtless want to do the same, if they wish to release a product that sells reasonably in the VR marketplace.
Your own personal preferences on this don't change that very obvious industry trend.
See above. If they want to make Pavlov in space then do so in a separate game.
Tell it to FDev friend. They're doing what they're doing. Once again, your preferences don't really hold any sway here.