Hrhrhr, I hope we will be able to get something as glorious as this one again :
Hyperion Vanguard
My last play-through of X: TC was solely focused to get it as soon as possible to start mass production.
Had like 8 of them at one point [woah]
We Germans call a ship like this "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau"( roughly Egg-laying, wool- and milk giving Pig ), as it could do basically everything. And it was GOOD at doing everything.
It has excessive amounts of cargo, can carry lots of weapon types in nearly perfectly arranged turret positions, has the most important missiles available and has two docking slots. In a frigate.
Due to the very well placed turrets it can be really really annoying to capture one though :O Still totally worth it [money]
Poisoned paranoid gamestart and you get a unique super fast one (once you cure yourself of the poison and get some dosh together to get your ship back) it was the hardest start but worth it.