Spectrum?! LUXURY!
When ah were a lad, ah had t'ZX81. It were a grand machine that. No sound, and none o this colour business either. Keyboard? Don't make me laugh, lad! T'keyboard were t'membrane job. Ah had t'type a program in on this membrane monstrosity hopin' that t'16K RAM Pack at the back 'o it didn't wobble and crash t'computer. Nine point nine out of ten times t'machine crashed on yeh just as you were typin' in t'last bit 'o program. Ah had t'then try t'save the program to a standard tape recorder, and yeh were lucky if t'tape machine loaded t'program back again. It took me all m'years of Eckythump trainin' just t'stay patient wi' t'ZX81, lad.
By 'eck them were the days!