Your know you're tired when...

OK, wife's gone nothing on TV in english, I fire up my Dolphin and head out to make some coin for a while. Time slips by and I just tried until the warning was about to end to dock my ship inverted. Recon I was a wee bit tired!
you spend an hour doing a illegal passenger mission making it back to the station to earn some decent credits when you mistakenly hit the lock button instead of the docking request being unaware of the mistake until you see the trespass warning when reaching the entrance and shorty getting scanned by the authority's resulting a failed mission, waste of time, and insurance to be paid.
Thats the true sign of getting tired when you keep forgetting to ask for docking permission, tresspassing, thats when I know its time for bed
... When you're bounty hunting and nodding off to the point you start accidentally shooting federal patrol ships because you can't tell targets apart anymore.
I end up over shooting stations because I fall asleep, there has been a time it took me about half hour to dock because I couldn't keep my eyes open!
you spend an hour doing a illegal passenger mission making it back to the station to earn some decent credits when you mistakenly hit the lock button instead of the docking request being unaware of the mistake until you see the trespass warning when reaching the entrance and shorty getting scanned by the authority's resulting a failed mission, waste of time, and insurance to be paid.

Thats happened to me,but i wasnt tired just didnt pay attention to my speed!
You know you're tired when you wake up to the Sonic Boom on entry heading straight for the Target star. Yeah to many Ceos/Sothis long hauls can do that Good times that's how i got the credits for the Condo
When you head out to the Bubble nebula about 7000LY away, and on the way back stop paying attention a few hundred LY from civilisation - press to jump and "not enough fuel" flashes up as you orbit a T-type star...
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