A Tragedy of 2022

07 my fellow commanders !

As we gear towards Christmas with hopefully fun and many a frolics please spare a moment to those that are suffering playing EDO. A bug ridden space FPS that brings a next level grind to the pitch . These poor souls are infected by FDev sirens where worship is absolute so they know no difference only following blindly into the abyss .

We now the legacy have the walk of shame but think if it like this that we are free to play as we wish without such infection or listen to anymore lies. To that I say I like a many will continue to play Horizons for as long as possible and not going anywhere .

The real tragedy is that a missed opportunity of a game that has so much potential has brought nothing but deceit and a loss of what I hold most dearly integrity ✌️

My best wishes to all commanders

3/10 Doom granted

Try again harder
What should this doom thing?

It’s a fact, no doom no nothing just the reality. So live with that. The stupid ,,doom,, bashing it’s annoying. Consoles are dead a great game on consoles and the only real competitor for NMS is just a zombie living on maintaince mode, no live in it, just the few brave cmdrs, who will stick to elite because they love this game.

You have the right to ignore this topic.
We now have Doom points to in addition to Bazmesons? I think I'd give it 4/10 Dooms, because of pathos, drama and certain preaching flow it has.

What it lacks is flair and fire. But good balance between accusations and meandring within the forum rules.

Yeah, defo 4/10 Dooms from me.
Sometimes I think threads are posted merely because the OP knows which buttons to push :)
This appears to be an ongoing part of a continuing series of DOOM threads by the OP, as a result of that I can only give it 1/10, a proper DOOM thread would have imploded the first time and we wouldn't be subject to more!
Ah, you’re thinking of Legacy doom threads. This is a new live service where feedback is valued as part of a narrative of inclusive ongoing customer service. Not just doom-bombed by the usual suspects :)


Volunteer Moderator
I do feel sorry for our PC brothers who are forced to play the ongoing test build. I'm much happier using the finished Founder version on console, where I'm going to stay.
I am actually enjoying it on PC, sure it is not perfect and to be honest what game is? The new Thargoid war has given it a new lease of life. It is however, a shame that Odyssey never made it to console. :(


Volunteer Moderator
I am actually enjoying it on PC, sure it is not perfect and to be honest what game is? The new Thargoid war has given it a new lease of life. It is however, a shame that Odyssey never made it to console. :(
Honestly, as much as I genuinely feel sorry for the console community, I truly believe this was a good move on FDEV side - considering they did try to port it, but weren't able to for whatever reason. I mean, if you are not able to do something - quite often it's best to just move on.

At least Legacy is there still to be enjoyed. Sure it's stale, but the BGS and PP works - so it's a true total sandbox with 100% player agency now. This is actually sort of opportunity. Not sure if FDEV are bothered about it enough to prevent some siliness with their godmode, like Empire taking over the whole Federal space or Hudson to crush one or two senators and completely wipe them out of existence...
07 my fellow commanders !

As we gear towards Christmas with hopefully fun and many a frolics please spare a moment to those that are suffering playing EDO. A bug ridden space FPS that brings a next level grind to the pitch . These poor souls are infected by FDev sirens where worship is absolute so they know no difference only following blindly into the abyss .

We now the legacy have the walk of shame but think if it like this that we are free to play as we wish without such infection or listen to anymore lies. To that I say I like a many will continue to play Horizons for as long as possible and not going anywhere .

The real tragedy is that a missed opportunity of a game that has so much potential has brought nothing but deceit and a loss of what I hold most dearly integrity ✌️

My best wishes to all commanders


Hi All :)

I'd buy another Frontier product if it's good enough, but not another vision.
Yep, that's about how I also feel at the moment.
I sympathise with the OP....just a little bit, but as I've experienced over the years playing this game we're (meaning the game as a whole) at a position now that's a bit like a cross roads. Odyssey wasn't the expansion that some people were expecting. Also it's a fact that the expansion didn't have quite the positive expectations of Frontier either, in sales and or player reactions.
As the saying goes, it is what it is, some players think it's the best thing since sliced bread, at the other end of the spectrum players have been disappointed.
I'm somewhere in the middle ground. Still play it, but I don't have as much enthusiasm as I had just before Odyssey was released.

I'm out exploring at the moment in my Carrier, it's something I can pick up or leave when the fancy takes me. The game is reasonably playable for the specs of my computer in this mode so. 🤷‍♂️
It will be interesting one way or the other to see what Frontier have planned for 2023, I have no great expectations, as I think at the moment Frontier are struggling with this game. The pictorial representations of city's, planets, people and landscapes that we see in Galnet articles point to what the game expectations were in a general sense, but I think that kind of 'vision' is gradually evaporating.

Okay, we'll all just have to wait to see what's in store for next year. Oh, and I hope you have a good Christmas @SpookyRobbie! :)

Jack :)
I sympathise with the OP....just a little bit, but as I've experienced over the years playing this game we're (meaning the game as a whole) at a position now that's a bit like a cross roads. Odyssey wasn't the expansion that some people were expecting. Also it's a fact that the expansion didn't have quite the positive expectations of Frontier either, in sales and or player reactions.
It would have been interesting to see how Odyssey would have been received if it had been launched in anything like a finished state. As it was, Frontier loaded both barrels of the shotgun and didn’t ensure their feet were out the way.

As a balance to that, updates 13 and 14 appear to be attempts to not stretch themselves beyond what is achievable.
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