Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Fridge thought:
Their financial lore states that CIG has enough reserves to see SC through to a "commercial release", even if other income drops out. The corollary to that is, should the income drop, they would have an obligation to push for a nominal release, no matter the feature list.

Considering the frequency of their sales and estimated expenses, i suspect their "reserves" are a lot less than some might imagine.
Why would you need any other game ever again in the future when SC will be the everything game for everyone?!
There is no everything game and the fossils at CIG know that. That's why they take the money and stay for the next round of gullible money. It's the neverending money machine with a bunch of idiots as golden donkeys.
Considering the frequency of their sales and estimated expenses, i suspect their "reserves" are a lot less than some might imagine.
I don't think there are any to run the company for more than a quarter. My guess is they ran on reserves the past years mostly. Now reserves are running low, cost had to be massively cut - thus the "restructuring" - and the only way to take money in and scale that up is the ship sales.
Considering the frequency of their sales and estimated expenses, i suspect their "reserves" are a lot less than some might imagine.

I may have been theorycrafting from bad memory. The actual quote is less precise than I remembered:
Consequently, the funds on the balance sheet moved little in 2022 despite a very successful year, and they remain earmarked for the future activities planned and required to push the games forward to the commercial launch and the ongoing evolution of the underlying technology and Intellectual Property being developed.
Mike is now saying everyone should apologise to Morph for overreacting to his "everything is delayed"! video, which he then took down or unlisted. Morphologis was right haha

This is the friday entertainment I needed.
Now I'm looking forward to This Week In Star Citizen on Monday - by which time this will be the greatest news ever to come to the 'verse, as is the way :)

Now c'mon Mike - finish the stream so I can rewind 😬
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We're running out of money and have had to lay off quite a lot of people and aren't really sure how to cobble the remaining staff together in order to limp over the low water mark that is the minimum viable product.

We're also unsure as to what, out of the colossal bucket of promised features, is even possible within the Frankencode Engine, with fewer staff and with so much money down the drain.

Still, early days yeah, with only 109.5 systems left to complete.

Buy an Idris.
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