COMPLETED CG Aid Achilles Aerospace in Researching Titan Travel Technology

How corrosive is the wreckage area atm? How many caustic sinks should we bring? Any recommended build?
Actually the caustic cloud around Taranis has got significantly smaller since it first became explorable.

It's possible to go there without any caustic sinks at all. I'd say you have maybe 15-20 minutes of time before you need to leave.
Just dumped mine and it registered for CG - I don't care for Cr - FC with 5 years maint + 11 Billions. :) I can go to pub now - contributed - no grind needed,

The Drive Components are pretty rare - I got one in 5 of my visits at Taranis - I didn't know what to pick up so just picked up everything in last few days - ALSO best game loops in several years - congrats FDev.

I would take 2 CS's (3 if you are only looking for TDC for CG as they are rare), and run cool and take EAX MC's for despatching any aggressive Thargs - for Cr/Bonds/Mats.

Also buy rare Tea Buds at CG station to stash on FC as it is a 'rare'.

EDIT in case no-one knows a ship build yet (you should all have a build from several forum posts):
Krait MKII Titan Bomber (or Fighter) (as per @CMDR Mechan ) with the following changes:
4E CRCR instead of HRP + 6E CR for limpets,
3B Collector Limpet instead of Xeno ML (Decontamination/Repair) as Caustic damage is VERY much less than when it was active,
4 x EAX MC's to despatch scouts and hunters and get extra mats on kill (have never tried Interceptors or higher),
Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner (haven't found a use for this yet at a dead Titan),
I also recently got Ram Tah to engineer my Caustic Sink Launchers, so 2 of these give 16 CS's which gives 25 minutes (1 reload of each gives 50 minutes).
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The contribution should still be registered, looking at the Inara progression stats.
Can confirm, just dumped 1 in Bloch Station and it registered for the CG (having signed up there).
Demand was still Zero, not sure if i got the 300K for it because


The CG commodity will just be floating around inside the titan wreckage, if you don't see it then relog. Abrasion blaster is to get the other stuff which may or may not have a use in the future.

All are corrosive unless they are mats or meta-alloys.
I would caution against relogging, because it puts you 80km away.

The Titan wrecks work different to anything else in the game in that items will spawn over time. It's better to just hang around with some caustic sinks and eventually some will spawn.
I just sold my drive unit for $300k (noticed the zero demand as well), but didn’t get any acknowledgement for it or confirmation that I’ve been registered for the CG. Does it sometimes take a while for it arrive, or should it be instantaneous?
I just sold my drive unit for $300k (noticed the zero demand as well), but didn’t get any acknowledgement for it or confirmation that I’ve been registered for the CG. Does it sometimes take a while for it arrive, or should it be instantaneous?
Did you sign up to the CG via the mission board before selling it?

If you have, you should just be able to go back through the mission board to check... for some reason that does a hard-update to CG stats... if you just checked the ship-based side-panel, it doesn't do that hard update.
I would bang 3 Caustics in there if you want to be scavenging for while.
Ive been using a multi role Cutter for both core attacks and scavenging, never come close to being blown up even with the luxury ADC etc.

How do you fly around a titan in a Cutter, of all ships? 🤯

I struggle to not bang my Clipper or KMK2 against the titan's numerous protrusions when I do my vent runs, and I would say they're both fairly agile.

The ships, though, not the pilot. 😅
Practice, admittedly not as agile as my Krait but i can stay in there longer and take a beating.
Once you get a run sequence sorted out and just follow a set route it becomes easy, i do fly Cutters a lot so im used to there sluggishness.

It does take practice.
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