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Normal beta access doesn't provide beta access for Elite Dangerous: Horizons, unless you've pre-ordered the beta access for it..

Would a new order of the lifetime expansion also include Horizons beta access (assuming one doesn't have and existing premium beta access)?
why the big hang up over know we have ALL gotten enjoyment for our money spent on this game at one stage or another or you wouldn't be hear now. it looks like to me this will send shivers down the spine of Star Citizen and other such developments. FD get this right and you've nailed it. Blimey i've already spent a fortune on this game and got every pennies worth...good or bad (at times) but I have no probs giving an extra 30 quid....i mean 30 quid for all this hard work....its nothing !!!!
so i take this that as a beta backer, (sept 2014) but not a premium backer, i have to buy beta again.
This is wrong, all beta backers should keep their beta access we paid for, not have to buy it again.

I agree - I feel a bit sour about that
Normal beta access doesn't provide beta access for Elite Dangerous: Horizons, unless you've pre-ordered the beta access for it..


OK, i have readed FAQ and i have questions:
1. If i have both standard beta and lifetime expansion pass, will have i access for horizons beta?
2. If i have only lifetime expansion pass, without any beta access, will i have access for horizons beta?

3. If i have only standard beta i will not get beta for horiznos - thats we know.
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You are ignoring the fact that the base game will be over a year old when Horizons comes out. You are not losing out on anything.

The point he was trying to make was that as loyal customers, existing players are getting shafted and new players are not.

Its the same old 'new customers only' deals that you get everywhere. This should be priced somewhere between £10 - £20 for existing owners at the most. And that's coming from a Frontier shareholder. £30 is way to much given what 'new customers' are getting.

Doesn't affect me persoanlly but I can why a certain percentage of other players (people who bought in the last 6 months) are going be a little bit peeved by this.
so i take this that as a beta backer, (sept 2014) but not a premium backer, i have to buy beta again.
This is wrong, all beta backers should keep their beta access we paid for, not have to buy it again.

It's not wrong at all. You paid less than a premium beta backer to access the original early. You've had that. If you want the same with Horizons you'll need to buy beta again.
Premium Beta already includes the lifetime pass, so you don't have to pay for Elite Dangerous: Horizons.


Hi Michael,

What constitutes premium beta?

I am a Beta backer. I paid £50 for the game in November 2014, so am I a premium beta backer or just a beta backer?

Do I have to pay an extra £30 to get this expansion?

If I do have to pay, is there any discount for "non premium" beta backers to get the life time expansion pass? £130 is a bit too pricey for me :(
Other than the fact that you would have been playing the game for all of that time in between. Christ what is wrong with people! If you don't think that paying a bit extra is worth playing the game for a year, then don't bother. Hell why not just wait for 10 years and then buy the game then, it will be cheaper than buying and playing it as time goes along!

Indeed. Since Horizon includes the full game (which allows FD to keep on selling the game for full price) and this pattern will probably repeat in the coming years people can just wait until they think the price is worth upgrading for. If they don't think it's worth it then don't upgrade.

Buying more or less yearly releases of Assassins Creed, CoD, NHL, FIFA is fine, but this isn't?

For a "MMO" game it's pretty cheap anyway £30/12 = £2,5 per month. Except here you aren't forced to pay anything unless you want the content.
For instance, I'm afraid landing on planets will be anything but a seamless experience, that exploring them will simply use the current USS-style of "random" encounters and that all bodies outside the bubble will be just as barren as the rest of the universe.

If you look at the core game as an example, would you then expect deep/layered mechanics within Horizons? Or lots of simple mini-games? ie: As you suggest, simplistic USS style encounters, and simple scanning and mining etc etc? Or would you expect deep/broad mechanics allowing involved (emergent) gameplay and mechanics?

My feeling at the moment is to base my expectations on current history... I'm expecting lots of simple unconnected mini-games.
Other than the fact that you would have been playing the game for all of that time in between. Christ what is wrong with people! If you don't think that paying a bit extra is worth playing the game for a year, then don't bother. Hell why not just wait for 10 years and then buy the game then, it will be cheaper than buying and playing it as time goes along!

Are you saying it is a priviledge to be promised the greatest thing ever, pay 50€ for it and then realize all you got a 'a nice framework' and placeholder gameplay, get to play that for six months, and then smile and bend over when it turns out those coming later on, who aren't burnt on the lackluster gameplay yet, get to pay a lot less overall for the base game + expansion?
Where is you dignity ?

Obviously FD can do without my money for now, else they'd be trying a bit harder to get it via sensible pricing. If the base game is any indication anyway, it will be years before Horizon has enough meaningful content to justify the price.
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The point he was trying to make was that as loyal customers, existing players are getting shafted and new players are not.

Its the same old 'new customers only' deals that you get everywhere. This should be priced somewhere between £10 - £20 for existing owners at the most. And that's coming from a Frontier shareholder. £30 is way to much given what 'new customers' are getting.

The point he and you are missing is that the base game will be a year old. We paid for the base game, we didn't pay for any future major updates.
Horizons is a major update (effectively a complete new game in its own right) to the base game, anyone buying Horizons will naturally get the base game required for it as well.
Anyone that already has the base will be able to upgrade for a fee less than the cost of Horizons stand alone.

Perfectly fair.
so i take this that as a beta backer, (sept 2014) but not a premium backer, i have to buy beta again.
This is wrong, all beta backers should keep their beta access we paid for, not have to buy it again.

Eh, not really, you still have beta access for the base game (unless something changes, I would imagine any future expansions like 1.4 etc will have a beta period) which standard beta owners should have the option to partake in.

Michael Brookes

Game Director
The point he was trying to make was that as loyal customers, existing players are getting shafted and new players are not.

Its the same old 'new customers only' deals that you get everywhere. This should be priced somewhere between £10 - £20 for existing owners at the most. And that's coming from a Frontier shareholder. £30 is way to much given what 'new customers' are getting.

Doesn't affect me persoanlly but I can why a certain percentage of other players (people who bought in the last 6 months) are going be a little bit peeved by this.

The deal is the same for both parties. New customers effectively get the base game for the same (or a bit less) than the discount you get for already owning the game.

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