We blaze our own trail


You just described exploration. Together with trading they are unfinished game features.

Reality is that the only finished feature this game has is combat. Combat with npcs has around 100 hours of content.

Whats left is PVP.
Sure you can look at it this way.

Pvp is the most complicated activity in ED and by a big margin from everything else.
You need skills, credits, access to all engineers, materials etc. Sounds like an end game to me.

Probably wouldn't call it the end game, not sure if that exists but I would call it adding some very rich content and challenges. Especially if you plan wearing a white hat.

P.S And from What I have seen most PvP'ers are more than willing to share advice/tips etc which means it is a level playing field and the choices are yours. I'll blaze my own trail.
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You just described exploration. Together with trading they are unfinished game features.

Reality is that the only finished feature this game has is combat. Combat with npcs has around 100 hours of content.

Whats left is PVP.


Not sure if you can call it "End game", stupidly, this is entirely up to the beholder.

On the other hand, you can PVE right from the start, no RNG whatsoever needed, so, even exploration remains unfinished a bare minimum....., compared to competitive PVP.

No matter how you took it, like it or not, PVP is the pinnacle in Elite Dangerous, obviously.
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See, this is the one thing I never understood. As long as you don't annoy/hurt anybody why not play as you want and let others play as they want without judging them? I don't use exploits myself. I don't really mind mission stacking being killed off. But it really doesn't hurt me if others are getting rich by that and if that's fun for them, why not let them? It's a game, that's all.
Same goes for what people think is grinding. People complain about the chores they call gameplay, but why don't they stop? I think it's because they believe a game is about having all the stuff as fast as possible.

Gaming is for fun, really nothing else. I never exploited or grinded anything in Elite and I am very satisfied with my progress. And yeah, I don't have the maxed out super stuff, and I don't even have a billion credits. Ridiculous, isn't it? But well, I have enough credits to buy my Anaconda back about 20 times and what's even more important: I am having fun with the game. :D

Simply because not everyone who uses exploits and such things will play nice and not use these to annoy other players.
Money can do an awful lot of things like speeding up a player's progression, as in the bigger ships and other related things. If this is focused into PvP then players who exploit will have a big advantage on those who don't.
If it's not intended gameplay then it ultimately needs to be fixed which is what FD seem to be doing in this next patch.
Knowing that FD are going to be fixing it, but persisting in their use until they do, is lame.

Also, these exploits detract from the game where players just grind the same thing day in, day out. Then people want more of the same which makes them unhappy and they start complaining about the grind. It all leads to one dimensional game play when these game has a lot more to it than just the same repeat actions.
Once they have all the stuff money can buy, then what do they do...because they won't know because they only know how to do the one thing and then they'll think that's all there is to the game. So, basically, it kills a player's interest in the game...which is bad.

When it comes to PvP players get, and I believe the term is "salty", because it isn't a fair fight. PvP has basically become all about having the best stuff, that's why there were those who exploited their way to getting these things. This, in turn, drives players away for Open because they don't want to feed those using such things...because it just makes them worse. The general population in Open suffers because of this.
By these "clans" stating that they're just gonna exploit as well, it sets a bad precedent and also makes things worse....as other players will think "oh, well if they're gonna do it then I have to as well to compete"...or if the "clan" says it's okay, then it must be okay...

Just punch in another nail to Open and walk...very quietly away and don't look back.

I'll amend that, not fair to blame the whole species for the actions of a few.
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Not sure if you can call it "End game", stupidly, this is entirely up to the beholder.

On the other hand, you can PVE right from the start, no RNG whatsoever needed, so, even exploration remains unfinished a bare minimum....., compared to competitive PVP.

No matter how you took it, like it or not, PVP is the pinnacle in Elite Dangerous, obviously.

It may be the "pinnacle" for combat, as it should be and the only one finished but for others there are different mountains in every range. It will be nice hopefully once the other areas get fleshed out "soon" to give others more of the enjoyment they are looking for.
Simply because not everyone who uses exploits and such things will play nice and not use these to annoy other players.
Money can do an awful lot of things like speeding up a player's progression, as in the bigger ships and other related things. If this is focused into PvP then players who exploit will have a big advantage on those who don't.
If it's not intended gameplay then it ultimately needs to be fixed which is what FD seem to be doing in this next patch.
Knowing that FD are going to be fixing it, but persisting in their use until they do, is lame.

Also, these exploits detract from the game where players just grind the same thing day in, day out. Then people want more of the same which makes them unhappy and they start complaining about the grind. It all leads to one dimensional game play when these game has a lot more to it than just the same repeat actions.
Once they have all the stuff money can buy, then what do they do...because they won't know because they only know how to do the one thing and then they'll think that's all there is to the game. So, basically, it kills a player's interest in the game...which is bad.

When it comes to PvP players get, and I believe the term is "salty", because it isn't a fair fight. PvP has basically become all about having the best stuff, that's why there were those who exploited their way to getting these things. This, in turn, drives players away for Open because they don't want to feed those using such things...because it just makes them worse. The general population in Open suffers because of this.
By these "clans" stating that they're just gonna exploit as well, it sets a bad precedent and also makes things worse....as other players will think "oh, well if they're gonna do it then I have to as well to compete"...or if the "clan" says it's okay, then it must be okay...

Just punch in another nail to Open and walk...very quietly away and don't look back.

I'll amend that, not fair to blame the whole species for the actions of a few.

Yep. I pvp and I don't use any exploits. I don't mode swap to "flip the board" or anything else that might be considered as such so I don't have gazillions and sure, it puts me as a disadvantage against those who do. I also won't use broken mechanics. No taking advantage of powerplay just to be able to shoot some players with impunity at CGs, no use of broken weapons, no logging during combat (menu or otherwise) and I'm in a player group that gets to put its vote in for what's OK and isn't within TAOL.
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You just described exploration. Together with trading they are unfinished game features.

Reality is that the only finished feature this game has is combat. Combat with npcs has around 100 hours of content.

Whats left is PVP.

Finished? And people have been doing combat with npcs, or mining, or exploring for thousands of hours. Why not just say:"I like pvp." and leave it at that? May not sound like much but at least its true.

"Pizza is the most finished food. Quatro formaggi offers 100 meals, and after that all that is left is pepperoni&gorgonzola."
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Is this more fallout from the ROFLstomp FDev put on the Godrolled mods and all the lulz it generated here?

If so, this is more lulz.
You know what I like about Elite : Dangerous? I like flying a spaceship.

There's all kinds of things I can do in that ship. Sometime I might even learn some combat stuff. Sometime I certainly will make it out to Sag A*. I find many things to do at different times. Part of those things is meditating on space, humanity, chemistry, biology & celestrial mechanics; relaxing with the BG galaxy on my screen, mining some ore in a pretty, pristine gas giant belt...

I've been 3 years in the game. Yup, got 2bln credits the hard way. Got some ships. Played with engineering.
Don't really see an endgame to flying my spaceship. Because that's what Elite was always about, really.

These obsessive players set up metaships to kill in a single alpha burstgasm and that's supposed to be entertaining? Cramming Elite Dangerous into a tiny PvP box and saying that's the pinnacle and endgame... it's like Nethack - there's no real endgame in that way (been playing that one 30 years).
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Is this some sort of RP thread ?

My first thought was it was about blazing our own trail or I was going to read about someone else blazing thier own, only to find that its a bunch of pvpers blazing the same trail as the bunch next to them.

I blaze my own trail though, I log in do my own thing then log out again, and as this thread is about pvp i'll get me coat as I have zero intrest in it, but was wondering what the thread was about.

Oh and yeah on a side note, agree with Ziggy there is no end game in ED.
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An analogy

This argument seems very like saying that investment banking is the "endgame" of life. You have money and all that come with it, power, influence and your life is exciting, combative and contains perceived elements of risk that elevates you from the rest of humanity.

I'm not an investment banker.

I've have built things, and worked in several very average paying but interesting jobs. I have travelled big chunks of the world (the trick with that by the way is not rush otherwise you spend your life sitting in an airport lounge, a place that is the epitome of "no content"). I've made myself a nice and fairly secure life.

Does that make me a better person than an investment banker? nope, just different....

horses for courses.

that is unless the investment bankers run out of control with the power, call themselves "lords of the world" then break the whole damn system for everyone else. At that point I may still be no better than them, just less of a ****
Where exactly does it say these groups want to use exploits?
It was very much implied in the earlier draft.
They still say anything that is in the game so it hasn't changed...just hidden a bit better.
It was changed bcs it allowed misinterpretations (that's quite obvious here). Exploit is often used word, similarly with ganking and for both these terms applies that everyone know them, but is understanding them different way. From gaming and players view is imo always much better if game admins defines these things bcs that definition is FINAL and everyone need to accept it. This is however not the case for ED, we got for play huge playground without strictly defined terms and rules and this is what brings things like veterans players are defining what is ok to them and what is not (bcs what is not is boring for them or "fair" ... ). Obviously this also means that there are other players which have own reasons to do not accept these "unoficial rules" and OP in this thread is about this. Things which are considered as exploits by FDEv are punished by them like that happened with that lvl1 engineering cheat (cheat is another often used word, right? :) ) and few other cases.
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My first thought was it was about blazing our own trail or I was going to read about someone else blazing thier own, only to find that its a bunch of pvpers blazing the same trail as the bunch next to them.

I blaze my own trail though, I log in do my own thing then log out again, and as this thread is about pvp i'll get me coat as I have zero intrest in it, but was wondering what the thread was about.

Oh and yeah on a side note, agree with Ziggy there is no end game in ED.

Of course there is no end game in ED. PvP combat is just one of many activities you can do in ED that you are not explicitly 'asked' to do, by the game.

Racing(ship or SRV), Buckyballing or 'scienceing' are other examples. As the game grows, there will undoubtedly be more of this type of game play.

The only thing special about PvP, is the amount of debate it creates on the forum. :rolleyes:
Saw this thread and got this stuck in my head:


Seriously though, have to agree with others here - Elite is pretty much designed to be as open ended as possible. As such the only concept of "endgame" there is, is the one that you decide to impose on yourself.

Personnally, I prefer to fly and "blaze my own trail" without worrying about someone elses artificial limits.
I still think the whole "end game" thing is just an mmo sickness carried over to Elite. Same as the complaints about grinding and all that stuff... Never heard of something like that in a space sim game. :D

It is. But as people have experienced grinding can be rewarding in MMOs it becomes a bit of a habbit. People do what they are familiar with and then complain about it. Dont forget endgame/grind and such are mentally speaking simple things to grasp. Making your own choices and finding your own way is not. Both in ED and RL.
It may be the "pinnacle" for combat, as it should be and the only one finished but for others there are different mountains in every range. It will be nice hopefully once the other areas get fleshed out "soon" to give others more of the enjoyment they are looking for.

There is a lot room for more in almost all aspects of the game and to each their own.



PvP is the only activity in ED that forcrs you to go through every single PVE type of content before you can take part in it. I dont think fdev wanted this to become the case but it is what is currently.

While some dont see this as an end game, its the closest to resemble such.
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