Star Citizen Thread v6

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I cant see it on my phone? You sure its not just downgrading to bypass watermark?

Well, it looks quite bad that it might be as well photoshopped.

But no, it feels it is actual SC there. Decreased pol count for surface. Very clashing style for world view. Yeah, it checks out.
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Volunteer Moderator
I cant see it on my phone? You sure its not just downgrading to bypass watermark?
Not sure how the watermark works. It may have been to cover that, but there is one spot (the tall spiky bits on the peek), that have smudged and cloned areas around them. The rest of the image is a bit odd as well. Everything seems to have a shadowed side, and there are a few small rocks that cast a shadow (top left), but nothing else, including the tall spiky bits, casts a shadow on anything else. Also, judging by the dark side of objects, should the light source (sun maybe) not be visible top left of the image? It just does not look like it was rendered in CryEngine or anything remotely like it.
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After seeing a few of the these videos, what I'm really beginning to hate is seeing the edges of the flight helmet all the time. It's like they're wearing a 19th century armored diving suit with a tiny window to see through.

Indeed. On top of the view restricting cockpit design too. The 3.0 leaks I saw so far screamed "WORLD WAR 1" at me regarding design and visibility.

So many questions.

Why would those asteroids exist?
How would they be so close — to the observer and to each other?
How do they stay in those positions?
What on earth would even make them asteroids?
Has anyone over at CIG researched this whole “space” thing, or are they just watching old 1950s TV serials?
How does anyone at the company manage to use words like “realism” or “fidelity” with a straight face?

Looks like CR never continued his education after his Wing Commander failure and continues to see the world through outdated goggles. As he is the main power okay'ing everything and "correcting" stuff regarding fidelity it doesnt come as a surprise to see such blatantly wrong things all around in Star Citizen.

I can see myself going through old SC videos for the fun of it smiling at the delusion and cluelessness demonstrated by CiG and SC fans. Some of those old videos are even more hilarious now years later and truth be told some of them actually look BETTER then Star Citizen today. Quite an accomplishment. Also all those "ED vs SC" THAT has turned out by cant make this stuff up :) Real life writes the best stories for sure ^^

I especially like how all those people who have shouted that "its a donation" and "you have no right to a refund" or "you are not entitled to anything" are the same people who now make a run on CiG in order to get their money back. Where is all that laid back behavior demonstrated previously? The superior talk about "disposable income" and "being rich" or "not caring if it turns out good"? I know this doesnt apply to all those people who just waited patiently waiting for a "make or break" but I wanted to make sure to write this down so that the folks (you know who you are) who made those statements over the years know that I have not forgotten and that the internet will remember and I hope they are choking on their past claims. A good lesson to THINK first before you say or write something :) Much deserved burn IMO.

Back to 3.0. I have been unable to find a video leak yet that praises 3.0 alltogether. Most of the positive opinions are directed at tiny samples and individual things like "oh that menu looks very polished" or "I like the space trails" and focusing on these tiny things for MINUTES evading the broader question. Is 3.0 all that it claimed to be?. The only overwhelming thing about 3.0 is how underwhelming it actually is both in quality and content. CiG would ve been better off to make a propaganda video with exclusive 3.0 content but I guess it wasnt an option. They are doing what they can and with the remaining talent and resources its obviously not much.

When Star Citizen kicked off I was pretty clueless in the whole thing. My RL work doesnt touch these areas and my personal interest only got me a glimpse of whats actually possible. So when Star Citizen was announced I personally believed the 100 systems to be possible and reasonable. Like a lot of the stuff they were advertising back then. History is full of examples where people surprise the world with their ideas and capabilities. And they deliver via ways nobody else thought of before them. Ground-breaking stuff....remember? Of course its sad to realize that CiG and Chris Roberts are NOT one of "those" examples but rather another one in the mass of failures and rip-offs but thats real life for you. It doesnt pull its punches and it hosts the same rules for everybody.

Darkfyre99 made an incredible comment on this a page or 2 back. Back in 2014 things looks vastly different when it comes to CiGs capabilities. We often think back at past memories and chuckle at how naive and stupid people were back then but this is only because of hindsight (the earth is flat....people REALLY believed that you know). Back in 2014 I was up there with the rest cheering Roberts on and rooting for Star Citizen. I have since made a 180 in this regard but I have to admit that I was as blinded as the rest of the folks. I like to say that it was different then. Back in 2014 before "the poll" happened we could see an earnest and honest attempt at making the game. It all changed once the scope changed. But thats just flavor text to manipulate the readers opinion (same as all those lengthy explanations about when development actually started). FACT is I was positive and convinced it all was possible. Its easy to say that it was plain as daylight NOW but BACK THEN only a few people actually had the understanding and dared to go public with their view.
Not sure how the watermark works. It may have been to cover that, but there is one spot (the tall spiky bits on the peek), that have smudged and cloned areas around them. The rest of the image is a bit odd as well. Everything seems to have a shadowed side, and there are a few small rocks that cast a shadow (top left), but nothing else, including the tall spiky bits, casts a shadow on anything else. Also, judging by the dark side of objects, should the light source (sun maybe) not be visible top left of the image? It just does not look like it was rendered in CryEngine or anything remotely like it.

The watermark is basically bypassed by turning all graphics down/off. Try it with Frostbite, it looks like pre-mass effect 1 too. All we can do with shots from 3.0 that whatever you see is in, one way or the other.
Indeed. On top of the view restricting cockpit design too. The 3.0 leaks I saw so far screamed "WORLD WAR 1" at me regarding design and visibility.

That's not a particularly good comparison. WWI aircraft had open cockpits. Fields of view were restricted by the fuselage and wing rather than the cockpits themselves.

SC cockpits are weirdly restrictive in a way that real world cockpits never have been for the simple reason that pilots like being able to see out and get annoyed when they can't.

Maybe the closest comparison should be with 1950s and 60s cockpits on supersonic aircraft, before they had the technology to build large expanses of transparent material that could both withstand birdstrikes and supersonic airflow. Also their primitive aiming systems and CRT radar scopes tended to be fairly bulky and to impinge on the field of view as well.

My RL work doesnt touch these areas and my personal interest only got me a glimpse of whats actually possible. So when Star Citizen was announced I personally believed the 100 systems to be possible and reasonable.

I never had any particular disbelief in the 100 systems claim. My assumption was that each system would be pretty empty (just one PoI and some pretty planets and stars in the background for most systems) and you wouldn't be able to travel around freely and land anywhere. But then the systems would be expanded with additional PoIs over time.
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The watermark is basically bypassed by turning all graphics down/off. Try it with Frostbite, it looks like pre-mass effect 1 too. All we can do with shots from 3.0 that whatever you see is in, one way or the other.

I'm getting confused, what's the matter if the pics contain watermark or not?
3.0 flight apparently:

Have to say, pretty meh, right down to the "sound effects"

CR: We need some quality engine sound effects.
Sound Department: We have that covered, we're going to blow on the mic really hard!
CR: Perfect, fideliteh expectations met!

"Distance to Ceilin: 8855km"


"Distance to Daymar 107158Km"
Wodda heckin wut?!?!!!


And yes, the Immershun Outcentered Helmet Technology™ is awful.
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I would just like to add that as someone who doesn't know anything about game development (except for what I've learned from reading the forums, so still basically zero) the one hundred systems at launch could have seemed like quite a plausible goal without the benefit of hindsight.

When put next to ED's stated ambition and vision of 400 billion procedurally generated star systems 100 hand crafted ones seems quite reasonable just by sheer difference in numbers, again to people who don't know about the intricacies of game development.

Sure it would have been a lot of work but at the beginning there was a lot of good faith all just waiting to be squandered with the subsequent 5 years of comical flailing around, total howlers of presentations, constant money grubbing, shady terms of service re-writes with no legal standing, starting a pointlessly damaging public feud with a peripheral game developer, and toxic as hell community.
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100 handcrafted systems is daft. That is quite literally thousands upon thousands of GTA5s. Said it from the start: procgen or go home.

IIRC, 2014 was before the feature creep really set in. At the time, I was under the impression that planet-side content would be handled by points of interest like Area 18, so you wouldn't NEED to hand craft the entire city down to individual apartments, let alone an entire world at that scale, just the areas the player could visit. It was only after Horizons hit Beta,that suddenly Star Citizen had to be capable of doing the same.

Excuse me but no, I did not buy his grand vision because it was logically impossible from the get-go. He was promising a massive online universe, AND self-hosted servers, AND modding, AND an online currency. That's three things that don't go together. It was rather clear from the outset that he hadn't given this much thought before he wrote those promises.

The problem was that back then, being critical of SC basically meant that you were some kind of 9/11 truther. It's like saying that you didn't like the original blade runner, immediately everyone tells you how stupid you must be to not appreciate one of the greatest sci fi movies of all time etc.

It's only now, when things are getting too obvious to ignore anymore, that more and more people are even willing to engage in basic critical thinking.

In hindsight, I can see your point. Unfortunately, in those early days of Kickstarter, I was willing to believe. Thankfully, it was a mistake that only cost me the time needed to exchange several emails, and not actual money.
I would just like to add that as someone who doesn't know anything about game development (except that what I've learned from reading the forums, so still basically zero) the one hundred systems at launch could have been quite a plausible goal without the benefit of hindsight.

When put next to ED's stated ambition and vision of 400 billion procedurally generated star systems 100 hand crafted ones seems quite reasonable just by sheer difference in numbers, again to people who don't know about the intricacies of game development.

Sure it would have been a lot of work but at the beginning there was a lot of good faith all just waiting to be squandered with the subsequent 5 years of comical flailing around, total howlers of presentations, constant money grubbing, shady terms of service re-writes with no legal standing, starting a pointlessly damaging public feud with a peripheral game developer, toxic as hell community.

As someone who came into this in 2013 with zero gam dev knowledge I concur.

Sure there were people shouting off about this that and the other back then (Cryengine was rubbish for example) and all the other stuff that got endlessly theorycrafted before anything came out.

But to me a lot of those people just looked like they were sounding off suffering from armchair expert syndrome and having no frame of reference of my own I had to try and figure out who sounded the most credible or the least incredible in all those arguments.
That's not a particularly good comparison. WWI aircraft had open cockpits. Fields of view were restricted by the fuselage and wing rather than the cockpits themselves.

SC cockpits are weirdly restrictive in a way that real world cockpits never have been for the simple reason that pilots like being able to see out and get annoyed when they can't.

Maybe the closest comparison should be with 1950s and 60s cockpits on supersonic aircraft, before they had the technology to build large expanses of transparent material that could both withstand birdstrikes and supersonic airflow. Also their primitive aiming systems and CRT radar scopes tended to fairly bulky and to impinge on the field of view as well.

Huh I stand corrected and I agree, I probably thought of the later era myself when I wrote it and had some kind of "mind fart" when I typed in the year :)
The watermark is basically bypassed by turning all graphics down/off. Try it with Frostbite, it looks like pre-mass effect 1 too. All we can do with shots from 3.0 that whatever you see is in, one way or the other.

So, basically CIG are going to shoot themselves in the foot with this aren't they? People wont want to get busted, so will release substandard images that many will take as being being poor in-game quality.
So, basically CIG are going to shoot themselves in the foot with this aren't they? People wont want to get busted, so will release substandard images that many will take as being being poor in-game quality.

It is desperate attempt to control the message. It is working partially though - I have heard few people claiming they have pinched for SC because of 3.0 alpha - but after lineup of reveals everything has gone down.

They don't want to show terrible glitching, and lack of features, but in same time people just downgrade graphics and show even that minimum what they have in terrible quality.

Such unintended consequences might be that camel neck that finally breaks. Not their terrible marketing, PR practices, but just this amateurish approach to their situation. I suspect they got fresh list of refund requests due of rejections. And that will be loop that will keep feeding itself.

Citizencon will be....interesting.
So, basically CIG are going to shoot themselves in the foot with this aren't they? People wont want to get busted, so will release substandard images that many will take as being being poor in-game quality.

Given how often CIG have shot themselves in the foot lately, they're going to have to call themselves Peggy the Pegleg Pirate.
So, basically CIG are going to shoot themselves in the foot with this aren't they? People wont want to get busted, so will release substandard images that many will take as being being poor in-game quality.

Not really. Everyone in the SC community knows this, so all this means is that backers withhold judgement for the time being.

"The planets look amazing, you just cant see it on these shots yet!"

They arent trying to convince us. They are trying to provide something backers can hold on to.
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Not really. Everyone in the SC community knows this, so all this means is that backers withhold judgement for the time being.

"The planets look amazing, you just cant see it on these shots yet!"

They arent trying to convince us. They are trying to provide something backers can hold on to.

But CIG don't need to worry about them - they'll take everything thrown at them and ask for more.

It's more the casual observer who happens to look for the first time that may be put off.
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