Things in the game you've always wondered about

Nah, you use everything available, think Dunkirk rescue.

I've really no idea what the intent was in placing all those Beluga's outside the station, it was just a guess that it might be for evacuation purposes.

I think it's because the tourist beacon is too close to the station. Lots of additional tourist traffic.

I normally see a Beluga or two around most stations. But they're not called such things as "travel & co" - unlike the ones queuing to get into Obsidian Orbital.


Nah, you use everything available, think Dunkirk rescue.

I've really no idea what the intent was in placing all those Beluga's outside the station, it was just a guess that it might be for evacuation purposes.

Very true but, TBH, I don't think that really even needs to be the case.

What we're currently seeing is probably more analagous to what the world saw with regard to travel immediately prior to WW2 rather than to something like Dunkirk.

Presumably, a heap of people who live in the Pleiades are uncomfortable with the current situation so they're booking tickets to go and visit relatives who live in the core systems and the travel companies are happy to lay on more ships to cater to this demand.

Assuming it's not just some kind of bug, of course. :eek:
It's a fanmade trailer, you can do everything they did in game, today.

Of course I could replicate all the cool stunts and things in the video. However, I have big hopes in the announced wing-missions, so game-play in wings, as shown in that trailer, will actually make sense - beyond of making a cool video to show off.

So to speak, I wonder if the games great assets will be put to some more use in game-play terms some day.
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1. Why our ships bridges have so many extra empty seats. Holograms don't need to sit, so why the seats? If you're going to project a holographic Gunner or Holographic Fighter Pilot, why not project the chair right along with them.

2. Who's that in our fighters? If they're remote controlled drones, why the humanoid projection?

3. If I can fly my ship, while a crew person operates a fighter, a telepresent commander can operate my turrets and another telepresent commander operates my second fighter, why can't a second crew person operate my second fighter?

4. If a telepresent commander can operate my fighters from the other side of the galaxy, why do I need to bring a crew person with me to risk their lives, when they could use the same mechanism to tele-control said fighter from the safety of anywhere else in the galaxy?

5. If I have to bring a crew person with me to operate my fighters, why can I not have an escape pod installed for them as well?
Why anybody would pay me Cr1M (or even a few hundred 1000 Cr) to ferry them about on a tour, when they could buy a ship for less. And then when we get there as soon as they've scanned the beacon they want to go home. Some people have too much money.

Why some white dwarfs have gravity wells that extend right out to the edge of end jet cones (yeah I got caught and I'm bitter).

What sort of magical tech do escape pods use? How can I die in my ship ½ way across the galaxy, but my escape pod instantly transports me back home?

If we can 3D print fighters, why not SRVs and ships? And if we can do that, isn't this a post-scarcity economy so why do I need to pay for anything?
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...and a more valid question - why do none of the permit locked systems have anything in them that was actually worth getting the permit for to begin with?

You would be shocked to discover that many "exclusive" clubs and groups in the real world of today are exactly the same.


1. Why our ships bridges have so many extra empty seats. Holograms don't need to sit, so why the seats? If you're going to project a holographic Gunner or Holographic Fighter Pilot, why not project the chair right along with them.

2. Who's that in our fighters? If they're remote controlled drones, why the humanoid projection?

Don't get me started. :p

I actually get why things like SRVs and SLFs have seats, even if you're not flying them.

I recall watching a documentary where the US army was monkeying around with humanoid robots; the basic concept being that they might still be valuable because if you can make a robot suitably humanoid you can bung it inside anything where a human is currently intended to fit.
Course, what we're talking about, here, are actually "boxes" that get strapped into a seat and have "limbs" specifically designed to, say, operate the controls of a plane or a truck or whatever.

Anyway, the point is that I guess the opposite could also be the case too.
If you're going to build a "drone" fighter then it might be useful to build a seat into it too, so that it can be flown by a human should the situation require it.

Quite why there needs to be a hologram OF a human being, sat in the seat, is anybody's guess though.

On a related note, did we ever figure out whether the SRV is piloted by a "telepresence" or not?
It's got life-support, which would seem to suggest it's a human driver (and the driver "dies" when the life-support fails) and yet a destroyed SRV just results in you returning to your ship's cockpit as if you were a "telepresence".

All very confusing and inconsistent.

Also, while I'm at it, if you're in a ship with an SLF and your ship IS destroyed, why wouldn't the SLF pilot at least climb into the SLF?
Could actually make for some interesting gameplay if, after having your ship destroyed, you had, say, an hour to get back to the system where it happened and rescue your SLF pilot, either by retrieving the SLF or scooping their escape pod.
This isn't my joke/observation but ... rather than go to a standard engineer (who's seemingly incapable of reproducing, let alone improving upon, his previous efforts without numerous retries, most of which seem to make things considerably worse) ... why can't I just pay a visit to the engineers employed by my ship's insurance company who can not only reproduce what I had EXACTLY, but can do so at any station, anywhere in the galaxy, and all they demand in exchange is money (which I have plenty of).
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Re: longevity mentioned earlier in this thread. I find it fascinating the ED lore parallels aspects of Larry Niven's hard sci-fi world where much of his stories take place roughly around the same time period of the ongoing elite franchise 2200 to 3105 AD.

By the 24th century in Niven's world, "boosterspice" was invented which basically enabled humans to stop aging, where one of the stories which took place much later had characters who were hundreds of years old but still look in their 30's. In comparison, Elite Dangerous time seems to have invented "progenitor cells" which does the same thing of stalling aging, presumably sometime after FFE's time in 3250.

Generally I like how the lore plays out in the Elite universe similar to Known Space and some of Asimov's human dominated galaxy. Space Timeline
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3. If I can fly my ship, while a crew person operates a fighter, a telepresent commander can operate my turrets and another telepresent commander operates my second fighter, why can't a second crew person operate my second fighter?
because you obviously never tried.

you should rephrase that question and ask why the big ships that can fit class6 or class7 fighterbays, can't have one seat more to have all multicrew options used simultaniously.
the gunner can use the second fighter anytime he wants, unless its already occupied by the NPC pilot.
You would be shocked to discover that many "exclusive" clubs and groups in the real world of today are exactly the same.

To be honest I wouldn't :D However it is somewhat disappointing in a game, where limiting access to somewhere generally indicates that it's somewhere worth being.
Not sure if already mentioned:

How you can be allied with a local power, carryout innumerable missions acting as their delivery boy, assassinating their enemies, donating millions of credits; but if you ding their shield with a bit of stray metal from your frag cannon in a res site, they will bring the hammer of Thor down on your head... for about 8 minutes till the bounty runs out.
because you obviously never tried.

you should rephrase that question and ask why the big ships that can fit class6 or class7 fighterbays, can't have one seat more to have all multicrew options used simultaniously.
the gunner can use the second fighter anytime he wants, unless its already occupied by the NPC pilot.

Perhaps you misunderstand - I know 1 human and 1 NPC can operate 2 fighters from those Class 6+ Fighter Hangers. And 2 humans an an NPC can operate both fighters and turrets. But why can 2 NPC's not both operate a fighter at the same time?
To be honest I wouldn't :D However it is somewhat disappointing in a game, where limiting access to somewhere generally indicates that it's somewhere worth being.

You mean like Club 33 at 33 Orleans Street at Disney World?

If you cough up $25,000 for the initiation and another $10,000 a year you too can sip cocktails and listen to Jazz in the Le Salon Nouveau:


Somewhere worth being? Hard to say, really. I mean, there is something to be said for slipping away from all those nose-snot dripping little disease factories milling around for a decent martini, but not really to that particular price.

But no matter how much dough you pony up, the Dream Suite above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride will remain out of reach - this posh pad was originally built for Walt and his family, though it remained unfinished for quite some time. It is now the exclusive retreat for Disney's upper echelons and the occasional contest winner, movie star, or visiting dignitary ready to dump millions into Disney's bottomless pockets.


It's got a fantastic bathroom though, doesn't it?
Perhaps you misunderstand - I know 1 human and 1 NPC can operate 2 fighters from those Class 6+ Fighter Hangers. And 2 humans an an NPC can operate both fighters and turrets. But why can 2 NPC's not both operate a fighter at the same time?

well, you said "person" in your original post. ;)
Commodities : Moissanite , Taaffeite , Jadeite

Description says : Obtainable via Planetary Mining only

But... there is no Planetary Mining Players could do. One can only loot them in minimal quantities, IF one manages to find a POI containing them.
Still, i.e. Tourist Economies have huge Demand and good prices for those items - but that's something no Player could ever fulfill.
One of my fave pastimes is dropping onto a planet in my Viper MK IV and scavenging those very items from planet/moon surfaces. Free money.
The biggest for me is planet coordinates. I have the technology to fly thousands of light years, then vast distances to a planet, I can scan it for materials, My computer even knows what LAT and LONG I am at, but I can't set a WP marker at a set of coords to fly too????? THAT is too technical?
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