Guardians Discussions

Is it just a problem at my computer or does the sheet for the brain trees ( not work any more? The latest entry on the "Reported Responses (Raw)" -tab I can see dates to the 11. February. I tried to add a new site using the report form, but it does not appear in the list. It tried clearing the cache of my browser, removing the cookies for that site and opening it in another browser, but nothing changed.

It's my fault, I don't have time to go into it...your entries are in lines 290 and 291. I'll talk DMehaffy about that issue.
Thx. Ruins are over 200k ls out, no reason to go there unless you are searching specifically for them. This is why it has taken me so long, I was not checking any systems so close (this is like 11ly from the known ones) and on EDSM already. I am obviously doing exactly that now (with a ship borrowed from cmdr Goliat), checking the close ones, but I will take it slow, have other things to do. Want to see 3.0 in this area, have plenty of candidates that no doubt will look gorgeous.

Please indulge my curiosity: how many star systems would you say you visited since you set foot in the Eorl Auwsy nebula (just this trip)? Last I heard, it was around 3000. I'm just trying to get a handle on how the level of difficulty involved with finding new ruins once BTs have been found in the vicinity.
Please indulge my curiosity: how many star systems would you say you visited since you set foot in the Eorl Auwsy nebula (just this trip)? Last I heard, it was around 3000. I'm just trying to get a handle on how the level of difficulty involved with finding new ruins once BTs have been found in the vicinity.

(still plenty undiscovered, but I will clear everything inside the nebula this week I think )

So this is Eorl Auwsy, obviously I had to get in and get out, so I would take at least 100 out of it. The only thing that it will tell you is rough statistics about this particular nebula, it is much much denser then the other ones, in Prai Hypoo the nebula had probably less than 1000 systems, and still I found the first ruins after handful of jumps (after that it was about 500 systems to find the second ruins), luck is a huge factor :)
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It's my fault, I don't have time to go into it...your entries are in lines 290 and 291. I'll talk DMehaffy about that issue.

You can delet "line 291", it's a duplicate of line "290". I just could not resist to try to send the data a second time in case it was lost during the first try [where is it].

(still plenty undiscovered, but I will clear everything inside the nebula this week I think )

So this is Eorl Auwsy, obviously I had to get in and get out, so I would take at least 100 out of it. The only thing that it will tell you is rough statistics about this particular nebula, it is much much denser then the other ones, in Prai Hypoo the nebula had probably less than 1000 systems, and still I found the first ruins after handful of jumps (after that it was about 500 systems to find the second ruins), luck is a huge factor :)

That's really cool, thanks for the info. Thank goodness for EDDI!





The weapon showed off with the Guardian tech appears to be a "Plasma Charger" - you can see the chieftain's HUD displaying it with blue triangles - it makes a "whish" sound when deployed and when fired, and it was fighting a thargoid with them!

I guess this means players will be able to go above the 4 limit with AX weapons and now increase that limit with seperate Guardian tech to plug in the gaps.
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The weapon showed off with the Guardian tech appears to be a "Plasma Charger" - you can see the chieftain's HUD displaying it with blue triangles - it makes a "whish" sound when deployed and when fired, and it was fighting a thargoid with them!

I guess this means players will be able to go above the 4 limit with AX weapons and now increase that limit with seperate Guardian tech to plug in the gaps.

I had a feeling that something was going to happen at the guardian bases. I'm considering to start of 3.0 at none.
So I wonder if this a bunch of new Guardian sites or changes to the current ones, ie maybe a new way to 'activate' something the existing ruins ?

I might head on out to a ruins site tonight and park there till C1 drops on the 27th.
So I wonder if this a bunch of new Guardian sites or changes to the current ones, ie maybe a new way to 'activate' something the existing ruins ?

I might head on out to a ruins site tonight and park there till C1 drops on the 27th.

That's the real question here.

If you look at the bit in the background, it looks like some sort of building or zigurat. I'm willing to be we're looking at a new type of site here. The structure on the left looks like those angled structures that poke out of the ground in all the ruins.

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That's the real question here.

If you look at the bit in the background, it looks like some sort of building or zigurat. I'm willing to be we're looking at a new type of site here.

I was wondering if maybe it'll be something like the current sites "open" or move.

We have pyramidal structures in current Guardian sites which appear to be covered in a million years of dust, what if activating the correct sequence causes these structures to "open" in some way, the dust falls away...

But yes, barring that, looks very much like a new site.
I'm sure I can see a couple of stars in that screen grab... Come on Canonn, get triangulating!

Oops, nevermind. Was dust on my monitor screen.
I was wondering if maybe it'll be something like the current sites "open" or move.

We have pyramidal structures in current Guardian sites which appear to be covered in a million years of dust, what if activating the correct sequence causes these structures to "open" in some way, the dust falls away...

But yes, barring that, looks very much like a new site.

I think if they were to awaken somehow and change shape, it would be awesome. There would be no end to the tinfoil and speculation if that were the case :)
The blue orb looks very active, electrically. Maybe needs a Palin-special cargo module to carry it. It would be very interesting to take one of those to the active Thargoid 'bases.'
This interests me:

I guess Thargoids are going to (somehow) start to appear in systems within the bubble... hopefully, kept unhecked they'll start hitting stations, but it looks like if you kill goids in the system they might eventually back down from a given system.
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