This Game is Boring Without Player to Player interaction

I just recently came back to the game after a long pause and joined a player faction.

I wanted to fly with some people, just have some relaxed fun together, so I asked some of the players if I shall accompany them when they go mining. You know, as "protection". I would have been perfectly fine with just sitting there, watching them, "having their back" while we chat.

No one really wanted, not because they didn't like to, but because there's no point in it. The pirates only show up once, and my friends ships are so overengineered they are practically invulnerable to npcs, even as a mining ship.

This is one example of what is wrong with this game: There is really no reason to play together.



I just recently came back to the game after a long pause and joined a player faction.

I wanted to fly with some people, just have some relaxed fun together, so I asked some of the players if I shall accompany them when they go mining. You know, as "protection". I would have been perfectly fine with just sitting there, watching them, "having their back" while we chat.

No one really wanted, not because they didn't like to, but because there's no point in it. The pirates only show up once, and my friends ships are so overengineered they are practically invulnerable to npcs, even as a mining ship.

This is one example of what is wrong with this game: There is really no reason to play together.


And, just to expand on that...

If you try to do that in a PG then you're wasting your time whereas in Open your miner-buddy is exposing themselves to the risk of getting properly ganked.

There's no reason for you to be there in any mode aside from Open and there's no reason for your buddy to risk mining in Open.
I have been an Elite fan for decades. I have been waiting for the rebirth of Elite for decades. I bought the game, bought the LEP, bought a new HOTAS, Headtracking gear etc.
What you are saying is basically " Go play another game (a game I don't care for), than the game you are interested in"
I interpreted that as a gratuitous, pointless remark.
Perhaps you didn't mean it to be, but that is the way it came across.

I'm afraid you have your own agenda in front of others simple thoughts. You did not qualify your remarks, therefore you only required a simple answer.

As it happens I am an '84'r, been there, done that etc. I probably have more hours than 95% of current players. However, and this is important, if another game came along, that offered an element of grind, in an open only scenario, with plenty of pew-pew and a good flight model, I'd be gone in a second. Elite is terribly lifeless and for those that want a single player experience against hard PvE, with a reasonable flight model and grind, X4 is a reasonable choice.

If, on the other hand, you continue to whine about not having an off-line version of elite, your echo chamber is large, endless and without an escape door. It can be hard to move on but it can be done, I did it.
It's an acceptable opinion, but definitely not mine.
A space game without other players is all I want.
I am willing to pay 100 bucks extra for a single player offline version.

Meanwhile ED did the best thing possible and that's make a Solo mode so people aren't forced to have player to player interaction. The game is a lot more exciting without it actually which I totally agree with. It's incredibly hard now to find a good open world game like this where you aren't forced to have to play with others. Hence why it's anything but boring as the OP stated.

Offline mode though might end up being too massive for our little computers through...
I just recently came back to the game after a long pause and joined a player faction.

I wanted to fly with some people, just have some relaxed fun together, so I asked some of the players if I shall accompany them when they go mining. You know, as "protection". I would have been perfectly fine with just sitting there, watching them, "having their back" while we chat.

No one really wanted, not because they didn't like to, but because there's no point in it. The pirates only show up once, and my friends ships are so overengineered they are practically invulnerable to npcs, even as a mining ship.

This is one example of what is wrong with this game: There is really no reason to play together.


This is so true. If only open offered a challenge beyond the usual few systems it might be worth preserving with. I find that one jump away from a hi pvp populated area and you might as well play in solo. My solution? Shrink the galaxy, minimise the bubble and give it a 100LY boundary so you can't get out, reduce the useful systems to about 30. Leave the rest to explorers, if they can get there. Radical but.....
This is so true. If only open offered a challenge beyond the usual few systems it might be worth preserving with. I find that one jump away from a hi pvp populated area and you might as well play in solo. My solution? Shrink the galaxy, minimise the bubble and give it a 100LY boundary so you can't get out, reduce the useful systems to about 30. Leave the rest to explorers, if they can get there. Radical but.....
Already exists. It's called CQC
Was just testing out a rails/plasma ieagle around shinrarta. HP and the usual suspects were smack talking people they dunked on, and pvers were saying they were quitting. The cross mode chat is quite interesting.

On a side note, a RL work colleague picked up ED and was trying it out last night. He was completely overwhelmed by the learning curve on keybindings and simply getting around. I'm sure if he flew and open and got popped, he'd drop the game instantly.

I think FDEV realize that there is an issue with player retention, but they just aren't prepared to learn from the last 20 years of mmos with respect to PVE/PVP boundary mechanics. It's too bad.
Tired of fighting NPC's that do the same thing. Tired of searching for people only to find none and when I do they're to scared to interact. The game feels lifeless.
Community Goals were the only place you knew you'd find people. Now? Nothing but a boring gank fest at eravate, shinrarta etc.. I took a one year break to come back to an even more lifeless game albeit a slightly more polished look. Elite is still one big missed opportunity and that really makes me sad.
Honestly, I don't think it's the Players that would make this game fun - I think it's the lack of interaction with the NPC and Open World that makes this game boring and empty for most.

No one ever said, "NPC's are boring in Skyrim" unless they were done with the game.

There is a SEVERE lack of PVE interaction both hostile and friendly, so some players have to lean on other players for a substantial interaction, but to be honest, Player to Player interaction can work for Sudoku when you think about it.

This is why I don't play games like Sea Of Thieves or Anthem or Destiny or anything of the sort. It's just an empty game leaning on Player to Player interactions to keep it interesting and that shows how well the Environment is for that game
Honestly, I don't think it's the Players that would make this game fun - I think it's the lack of interaction with the NPC and Open World that makes this game boring and empty for most.

No one ever said, "NPC's are boring in Skyrim" unless they were done with the game.

There is a SEVERE lack of PVE interaction both hostile and friendly, so some players have to lean on other players for a substantial interaction, but to be honest, Player to Player interaction can work for Sudoku when you think about it.

This is why I don't play games like Sea Of Thieves or Anthem or Destiny or anything of the sort. It's just an empty game leaning on Player to Player interactions to keep it interesting and that shows how well the Environment is for that game

Oh yes, I agree on this point too and I just can't wrap my head around it..

NPCs and the whole "world" in ED is so extremely simple and limited, while yet FDev has to groundwork with ED which has so much potential, I really can't understand why they don't even try to build on that and add greater complexity and variety to it.

You know, make it more "alive". And I mean more than just the random drop of a 3D spaceship model somewhere or some vague background lore that is also just leading to another simple 3D model someplace.

They certainly have the manpower and the resources to do so..
Meanwhile ED did the best thing possible and that's make a Solo mode so people aren't forced to have player to player interaction. The game is a lot more exciting without it actually which I totally agree with. It's incredibly hard now to find a good open world game like this where you aren't forced to have to play with others. Hence why it's anything but boring as the OP stated.

Offline mode though might end up being too massive for our little computers through...

I wonder about that last sentence. This is a procedurally generated universe. Of course all the art assets need to be stored localy, but I do not think that is a problem. I think Assassin's creed, GTA 5, etc. might have more art assets than ED. And... don't they do that already?
Perhaps an off line version would have to feature a more static universe. I'd be happy to accept that if that is the case. I wonder if it is though. In a single player offline version the game would only need to simulate the area the player is present, as opposed to a complete galaxy that needs to be updated all the time because there are players all over the place. Much more can be faked in an off line single player version.

I am a noob in this respect. No doubt I have no idea what I am talking about.
Honestly, I don't think it's the Players that would make this game fun - I think it's the lack of interaction with the NPC and Open World that makes this game boring and empty for most.

No one ever said, "NPC's are boring in Skyrim" unless they were done with the game.

There is a SEVERE lack of PVE interaction both hostile and friendly, so some players have to lean on other players for a substantial interaction, but to be honest, Player to Player interaction can work for Sudoku when you think about it.

This is why I don't play games like Sea Of Thieves or Anthem or Destiny or anything of the sort. It's just an empty game leaning on Player to Player interactions to keep it interesting and that shows how well the Environment is for that game
Totally agree - NPCs are terribly boring and predictable in this game. You meet one NPC of a certain rank, you've met them all. Somebody needs to write a "Personality Forge" that parallels the Stellar Forge. This would affect not only how NPCs fly, but where they fly, why they fly, what they say, etc. If Frontier could pull this off, then the galaxy would truly come alive!
Totally agree - NPCs are terribly boring and predictable in this game. You meet one NPC of a certain rank, you've met them all. Somebody needs to write a "Personality Forge" that parallels the Stellar Forge. This would affect not only how NPCs fly, but where they fly, why they fly, what they say, etc. If Frontier could pull this off, then the galaxy would truly come alive!

Perhaps something like the Nemesis system from Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (and sequel) would be cool.
Opponents really felt like living and breathing and evolving entities in that game.
Perhaps something like the Nemesis system from Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (and sequel) would be cool.
Opponents really felt like living and breathing and evolving entities in that game.
+1 I totally support this. Given our complete immortality in this game, it follows that the NPCs are as well. We really do see the same npcs over and over, whether as pirate opponents - or as figures in the mission system. Voice them, give them portraits, scar them up, give them emnities toward us if we have killed them. Let them trash talk if they have killed us. Let them put bounties on us in the underworld, etc. etc.
That is a pointless remark.
I am not interested in x4.

I enjoy Elite Dangerous, and have been a fan of Elite for decades, but I think ED would have been a much better game if the devs could have forgotten about all the nonsense that is necessary for multiplayer. That is not true the other way around. If this was an Open only game the ED galaxy would have still needed all the mechanics and stuff that is needed to create the ED universe and to keep it going. Multiplayer holds Elite back in a very one sided manner.

But... I understand that many people want multiplayer and I have to accept that.
It just is my bad luck that that stuff influences my solo experience in a negative way too. Just imagine all the time and money invested in developing multiplayer mechanics that could have been used otherwise.
It is what it is. I hope to live long enough to see this game evolve further, because it will be the only spacesim of this kind for the foreseeable future.

Most games solve this problem by having a single player mode and a multiplayer mode. Elite confuses things by making them the same universe. They should be two different universes like GTA V vs GTA V Online. Or Call of Duty vs Call of Duty online.

The Replicated Man

Oh I agree Op. People should play this game how it was designed. To play with others.

You can get bored to tears flying solo and then fly with a friend and it changes Elite and the feel of Elite completely
If I thought there was light at the end of tunnel and ED's future was something more than grinding, immersionless gameplay I would probably spend more time with it. But that's just me, I do appreciate that in its current form it's still appealing to many.

However, it would probably help if Fdevs were a little less secret squirrel and more transparent about how this new big shiney thing is going to step things up next year because I'm not convinced a lot of the playerbase will invest another year based on a 'something, sometime' promise.

Meanwhile, I'll spend time with other stuff and pop back next year to check out the promised land :)
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