"Blaze your own trail"

This motto is hardly true anymore with everything being nerfed except for mining, and I can hardly afford to do anything without mining. Doing passenger missions could be profitable but you have to fly out really far for real profit but I don't really like doing exploration. There's not really anything satisfying that really pays enough and I just want to be able to vary how I make credits, but I'm stuck mining, and even though it's usually fun, I'm doing it so much to pay for stuff it's gotten stale and i'm honestly sick of how things pay more linearly but prices for modules and ships goes up exponentially. I still like the game but I always end up going right back to mining after 5 minutes of outfitting a new ship, putting me in a loop that gets boring.

The point of this post is to ask Fdev to just un-nerf everything that makes sense to un-nerf so that I can 'blaze my own trail' whilst actually being able to afford doing so. I quite enjoyed passenger missions, but it just doesn't pay enough for me to be interested any more.
Some passenger missions are really profitable - in the range of 50-100 millions credits per hour
If you make yourself cozy in a nice industrial system and get allied with all the factions - the stacking of supply/delivery missions can also give you like 50 millions per hour
If you get allied with factions involved in war, you can get wing massacre missions that pay upto 45 millions for 90 kills
And so on.

Indeed, mining offer the most constant credits influx, but you dont have to get obsessed with making the best credits/hour and you can make credits in different ways.

Edit: And remember: if it hurts, you are doing it wrong!
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Didn't see where you mention cargo delivery missions. That's my go-to credit creator, am averaging 40-70 million cr per palying session ( 1-3hrs). It's reliable, not particualrly difficult in the right ship ( I'm flying a Python for this) and except for the odd interdiction relatively drama free.

By contrast I don't mine at all, like none. The process has always seemed complicated to me and I'm psyching myself up to try deep core mining for the first time. Been reading and watching metric tons of video, still seems complicated to me.

This motto is hardly true anymore with everything being nerfed except for mining, and I can hardly afford to do anything without mining. Doing passenger missions could be profitable but you have to fly out really far for real profit but I don't really like doing exploration. There's not really anything satisfying that really pays enough and I just want to be able to vary how I make credits, but I'm stuck mining, and even though it's usually fun, I'm doing it so much to pay for stuff it's gotten stale and i'm honestly sick of how things pay more linearly but prices for modules and ships goes up exponentially. I still like the game but I always end up going right back to mining after 5 minutes of outfitting a new ship, putting me in a loop that gets boring.

The point of this post is to ask Fdev to just un-nerf everything that makes sense to un-nerf so that I can 'blaze my own trail' whilst actually being able to afford doing so. I quite enjoyed passenger missions, but it just doesn't pay enough for me to be interested any more.
You can blaze your own trail alright, it's just that the trail fades out realy fast.
Nothing realy matters what you do besides getting more ships then you need and upgrade those ships.
EDs scope is quite narrow, you find, shoot, buy and modify stuff. After a while, you do lose interest, repetition tends to do that.

To change that scope, you have to interact with live players, engage in PvP and groups, this adds a level of difference.

Some players don't want that type of participation but you do cripple the game if you choose not to engage.

My take is that there are more than a few players whose behavior just sours many on playing PvP, so that type of play suffers.

FD has tried to encourage PvP and make it more palatable, the PvP guys may have some insight on that. I know I encounter very few live players and most run off quite quickly when I come into their instance.

All in all, I've gotten 3+ years of play, though I play much less now. I have gotten my money's worth.
"Cmdr Roger is asking us to un-nerf everything !"

"Roger that !"

"Python - Roger !"
"Anaconda - Roger !"
"Let's un-nerf the Clipper and T-7 by making them smaller , Roger !"
"NPC attacks - Roger that, but this is going to be brutal !"
Considering how much you can make from mining in just a couple of hours, what on earth are you doing with all your credits?! Or are you not void opal mining?

Missions can be very profitable still - so long as you are allied.

I do very little for credits these days, as I spend most of my time flying and doing other stuff. I'm happy with the ships I have (not to say I won't expand my fleet in future, and I don't have anywhere near all the ships). When I do need credits, I go void opal mining for a bit.
This motto is hardly true anymore with everything being nerfed except for mining, and I can hardly afford to do anything without mining. Doing passenger missions could be profitable but you have to fly out really far for real profit but I don't really like doing exploration. There's not really anything satisfying that really pays enough and I just want to be able to vary how I make credits, but I'm stuck mining, and even though it's usually fun, I'm doing it so much to pay for stuff it's gotten stale and i'm honestly sick of how things pay more linearly but prices for modules and ships goes up exponentially. I still like the game but I always end up going right back to mining after 5 minutes of outfitting a new ship, putting me in a loop that gets boring...
So, to you, "Blaze your own trail" just means grind, grind, grind for credits? All activities must earn maximum credits? Credits? Seriously? Wow. You missed the point of this game totally.
"Cmdr Roger is asking us to un-nerf everything !"

"Roger that !"

"Python - Roger !"
"Anaconda - Roger !"
"Let's un-nerf the Clipper and T-7 by making them smaller , Roger !"
"NPC attacks - Roger that, but this is going to be brutal !"
I'm just the opposite - NERF everything. Make all careers and activities pay equal to bounty hunting (which, in a small ship, I believe is still a modest but acceptable income). Take us back to when one needed to play for a good six months solid to earn their Anaconda. No more Road / Void Opals To Riches.

If you want to nerf anything, nerf the Engineering unlock requirements so that new players can access Engineering sooner and pimp out their Sidewinders and Cobras.
I'm just the opposite - NERF everything. Make all careers and activities pay equal to bounty hunting (which, in a small ship, I believe is still a modest but acceptable income). Take us back to when one needed to play for a good six months solid to earn their Anaconda. No more Road / Void Opals To Riches.

If you want to nerf anything, nerf the Engineering unlock requirements so that new players can access Engineering sooner and pimp out their Sidewinders and Cobras.

Absolutely spot on. There is such a great progress arc with all those ships that many just mindlessly skip now just because an afternoon or two got them to a Python. :/
I have no clue what you are talking about, pretty much anything in the game (arguably except piracy) earns you piles upon piles of credits. You currently earn multiple times over what was considered an exploit a few years ago.
God.... remember when the hot-topic was shipping Performance Enhancers to "Seeking Luxuries" traders in Boom systems, which got subsequently nerfed?
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR6DOT2pqYE

"Boom! 80k profit! Probably the quickest profit you can do!"

FD should just put those, "Seeking goods", "seeking weapons", "seeking food" etc which happened for the various states back in... they added a measure of life/reaction to the states in the game at least.

But yeah... piracy and other antagonistic behaviours are pretty undervalued compared to anything else which nets you a hundred of million, up to billions. And that's notwithstanding the broken "Hostile" Rep state... "Go fight in the war, and when the enemy hates you for doing that too much, whoa, no more helping win the war with bonds for you!"
What game are you playing OP? Because it sure as hell is not Elite Dangerous. Assassination Missions, massacre missions, passenger missions, salvage missions, and hauling missions are all high paying easy ways to make money.

Just because they pay less than mining does not mean they do not pay alot. You can easily make millions of credits in just a few hours doing any of those things.
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I get some great credits running cargo missions. Between 3Mil and 6.5Mil at a time using my Python with 192 cargo capacity Have 750Mil credits in my account building up to 1Bil before purchasing either the Anny or the Corvy.


What game are you playing OP? Because it sure as hell is not Elite Dangerous. Assassination Missions, massacre missions, passenger missions, salvage missions, and hauling missions are all high paying easy ways to make money.

Just because they pay less than mining does not mean they do not pay alot. You can easily make millions of credits in just a few hours doing any of those things.

Can't comment on all those things but I noticed, in particular, that massacre missions seem more viable these days.
Used to be that well-paid massacre missions required exploding massive numbers of ships, to the point where it was only really worth bothering if you took them while CZ farming.

These days, I'm seeing missions which pay Cr15m to Cr25m that only require exploding 20-30 ships.
I'll do that at a CNB while testing a new ship so doing it in a massacre mission, instead, is really free credits.
Can't comment on all those things but I noticed, in particular, that massacre missions seem more viable these days.
Used to be that well-paid massacre missions required exploding massive numbers of ships, to the point where it was only really worth bothering if you took them while CZ farming.

These days, I'm seeing missions which pay Cr15m to Cr25m that only require exploding 20-30 ships.
I'll do that at a CNB while testing a new ship so doing it in a massacre mission, instead, is really free credits.

They now also generate mission USS with those targets.


They now also generate mission USS with those targets.

Is that reliable now?

I know some of them did and the first time I tried them I made something like Cr50m in half an hour.
I scurried back to base to take some more and... no mission POIs this time.
Back to hunting around nav-buoys and RES's etc.

If a massacre mission does spawn a POI, they're very efficient ways to earn credits.
If it doesn't, not quite as good.
The first rule of blazing your own trail is don't follow what everyone else is doing and don't play for credits.

Also something doesn't add up.

  • If you've been doing mining so much that you're sick of it you've got more credits than you need.
  • If you tried deep core mining and you find it crap and just are not admitting it, try painite mining.

How elite has always been is there are periods of earning credits in between exploring the sandbox. It really works well like this. Just think of credits as something you do to afford some fun later, just like in real life. Expecting what you're doing to be a gold rush is impossible because everything cant be a gold rush at once.
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