Review: HP Reverb Pro - The Best VR Headset for Elite and Simulation Games

The amount of people here saying they have had build quality issues is really putting me off

Yeah they have definitely got a fairly high sample of "lemons" in the first shipment batch and im not convinced that manufacturing tolerances is the reason.

The cable design needs revising, ditch that block connector not only for ergonomic reasons but most importantly, resilience.

That said i cant wait to get my replacement...
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From what I understand is that there are two strong points for the Verb, the resolution and sweetspot. Excluding those the CV1 is better or the same in all other areas?
Well, excluding resolution and sweet spot:
From my experience: cv1 is way more comfortable and I mean like 10 for cv1 and 3-4 for reverb. Controllers are just standard wmr controllers. After configuration you can forget about them and ditch them in the drawer. It’s worth to keep one if you want to watch eg. Netflix on really big screen in cliff house (it’s working and it’s really good), thick and have cable. No big deal for ED but definitely you can feel it. But the most annoying thing are headphones. I thought that maybe they were installed incorrectly (left instead right and right instead left). I wasn’t able to place them comfortably like with cv1. I don’t like also idea that if I want to play elite I have to: open wmr portal, steam, steam vr and elite. But resolution... man I can sacrifice comfort and live with all reverb’s flaws coz I can see everything.
Thanks to those who provided feedback and question in my forum post and Reddit AMA - the review video is complete

Thanks for the excellent review.
Please explain why one should increase super sampling or HMD quality above the default 1.0 settings when the natural resolution of the Reverb is so high? Aren't they both to be considered artificial resolution boosters meant for inferior HMDs with lower resolution, and as such act to strain the CPU/GPU unnecessarily?
Because SteamVR Has to deal with many headsets, so 100% resolution for one is 70% for another headset. Additionally you need higher resolution frame to compensate curvature of the lenses, so even if your hmd res is let say 2160x2160 you have to add additional 50% to get proper clarity. Most of oversized frame is wasted anyway but it’s necessary to fill your field of view without downsampling the frame.
Wasn't the cable disconnect problem the reason they stopped selling the Reverb for a month or so ? All that should be fixed with every new order ?
Wasn't the cable disconnect problem the reason they stopped selling the Reverb for a month or so ? All that should be fixed with every new order ?

I think the delay was because of reports of mura in the screens. The cable disconnect I believe popped up later as more people got their hands on the reverb.
Can anyone explain to me about the mura problem on this HMD. I got the headset today and are noticing one spot on the screen which is slightly darker than the rest of the screen which looks like the region mura on this pic: or this

Is this the mura problem on this HMD or another defect that i shouldnt accept ? i can't notice any mura or other defects on the screen beside this one spot.

Im asking because it just seems slightly different that other people have been saying mura is on this headsett.
Mine had even distribution mura over homochromatic bright scenes but it was barely noticeable, especially compared to the OLED mura on the Vive Pro which is pretty severe.

If you have a single isolated artifact then i would not consider that to be a mura issue.
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Its better than the Rift S, and just about acceptable, but not on the same level as the CV1 as other mentioned. To bad I have to return it because of this issue. There are also terrible red smear. Im not gonna wait several weeks for a replacement, so I'm sticking to my Quest with ALVR for now

HeavyGromes: could you explain the mura issue a little better, cause im still not sure this is mura. It doesn't look like pixels with different colours, but more like a grease stain on the lens or something.
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Yeah they have definitely got a fairly high sample of "lemons" in the first shipment batch and im not convinced that manufacturing tolerances is the reason.

The cable design needs revising, ditch that block connector not only for ergonomic reasons but most importantly, resilience.

That said i cant wait to get my replacement...

Did you get it? Working ok?
Good luck with it, between you and Exigeous raving about it I'd be v.interested to hear if they've sorted the problems.
I decided to get a new uniit as it still was in stock in the shop i bought it from, but now i have another problem that probably is a weakness for this headsett. When i move my head around the picture bends/warps slightly. You can compare to using another persons glasses. Is this what is called pupil swim ?

Anyone having the same issue here ? Its very notisable in Mixed Reality Portal when im looking at my desktop. Whatever i do, Change ipd/correct position inside the headset it doesnt go away.
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Yeah i had pupil swim. Its noticeable in predominately static scenes like SteamVR home when you very slowly pan the shelfs with the toys on.

You dont notice it all when you are in game and things are moving though to be honest.

It is the distortion profile for the lenses. Pimax suffered from this a lot in the early days.
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