Were Thargoids friendly originally?

I've read something that if the players hadn't attacked them when they first appeared, they were supposed to be friendly.
But as the players attacked them, FDev set them to a antagonistic state. Is that true?
And the chance of them not attacking players was always less than 0 too. C'mon, it was always in the cards... ;)
They attacked first...... over 30 years ago... I was pulled out of witchspace and shot at by a bunch of thargoid scouts... barely making it away... many others like me were not so lucky.
I say the only good bug is a dead bug

<<having flashbacks again
Scouts cant hyperdict..?
Scouts cant hyperdict..?
They could back in 1984, and unless we see any concrete proof otherwise I'm with Bill.

The interceptors won't attack you if they're on their own and you don't provoke them (carrying goid cargo or shooting/sampling), and can even appear to be downright friendly if you're carrying meta alloys.
However, if scouts are present then the gloves are off.
Yeah, in Elite they were hostile, thou in Elite 2/3 they got retconned into being our unwitting victims. Now in Elite 4, it pretty much depends who you know. I have heard rumours that some are even open to a little xenoromance on the side...
Yeah, in Elite they were hostile, thou in Elite 2/3 they got retconned into being our unwitting victims. Now in Elite 4, it pretty much depends who you know. I have heard rumours that some are even open to a little xenoromance on the side...

Did RELSPI finally pull did he/she?! High5!

And A1 is right, interceptors looked like the scouts we have now in original Elite, but launched smaller ships, these could be scooped and sold as alien items.

Yeah, in the original game those crafty little bugs hyperdicted me, and even though I killed them I didn't have enough fuel left to jump anywhere afterward. I had to self-destruct.
All this talk about bugs and thargoids.

I kick over flowers and pop sea urchins. Not one of them ever said it was a "Tharg" or a "goid" or a "Thargoid".

They whine and wail like a hot metal pressed into dry ice, or plankton scooping whales, but none of them has anything interesting to say.

Where are their vast cities? Where are their spectacular colonized worlds? Nothing. Just a couple of lumps of green dog doo on airless rocks.

Don't tell me about their military prowess bcause the bubble is "burning". That's our own fault. We can't figure out how to put AX weapons on stations, or cap ships, we deserve a little sunburn. Looks like we ran out of Round up (mycoid), to kill these weeds the first time around. Bureaucracies are slow to react I guess.

Make no mistake, these things are weeds. Dropping seeds all over, cropping up eyesore sprouts all over pristine moons. Stopping by to check on their foul spawn once in a while to ensure the spread of the contamination. Disgusting.

Oh, and their amazing capacity to scatter biotrash (scouts and probes), don't forget that. Poisonous tokens of disruption. Like little turds dogwalkers leave on your lawn. You might say - they are clever they scan our ships... To produce a 2d line drawing - that's about as clever as digging termites out of a log with a stick. Such intelligence gathering capacity, we're in real trouble! But they turn and face a black hole! Yeah that's a mark of spectacular ingenuity.

We're not facing a thinking, reasoning civilization here. This is a lumbering brute spreading it's green crust over everything they touch. The green creep.

Kill them. Kill them with fire. Only way to be sure these weeds won't come back.
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All this talk about bugs and thargoids.

I kick over flowers and pop sea urchins. Not one of them ever said it was a "Tharg" or a "goid" or a "Thargoid".

They whine and wail like a hot metal pressed into dry ice, or plankton scooping whales, but none of them has anything interesting to say.

Where are their vast cities? Where are their spectacular colonized worlds? Nothing. Just a couple of lumps of green dog doo on airless rocks.

Don't tell me about their military prowess bcause the bubble is "burning". That's our own fault. We can't figure out how to put AX weapons on stations, or cap ships, we deserve a little sunburn. Looks we ran out of Round up (mycoid), to kill these weeds the first time around. Bureaucracies are slow to react I guess.

Make no mistake, these things are weeds. Dropping seeds all over, cropping up eyesore sprouts all over pristine moons. Stopping by to check on their foul spawn once in a while to ensure the spread of the contamination. Disgusting.

Oh, and their amazing capacity to scatter biotrash (scouts and probes), don't forget that. Poisonous tokens of disruption. Like little turds dogwalkers leave on your lawn. You might say - they are clever they scan our ships... To produce a 2d line drawing - that's about as clever as digging termites out of a log with a stick. Such intelligence gathering capacity, we're in real trouble! But they turn and face a black hole! Yeah that's a mark of spectacular ingenuity.

We're not facing a thinking, reasoning civilization here. This is a lumbering brute spreading it's green crust over everything they touch. The green creep.

Kill them. Kill them with fire. Only way to be sure these weeds won't come back.
Purge the Xeno!
I've read something that if the players hadn't attacked them when they first appeared, they were supposed to be friendly.
But as the players attacked them, FDev set them to a antagonistic state. Is that true?
I recommend to read a few lines of the "Holdstock Report" especially the Chapter about Carl Linnaeus and the one about The Thargoids. This will help to answer your question a bit.
Teaser: "Carl Linnaeus claimed to have been part of an Alliance delegation which met with the Thargoids, and is also the origin of the legend of Soontil - thought to be the Thargoid homeworld. "
There are two issues here.

First, is the lore, both old and new, that Thargoids are simply xenophobic and attack everybody as their default response to encountering aliens.So having the Thargoids turn up and become a bunch of pacifistic scientists and explorers wouldn't make sense.

Second, is the "curious sharks" analogy I've used before.

Many of the larger species of sharks are, by all accounts, curious creatures. They like to investigate and examine things they've never encountered before. Unfortunately for the things being encountered by sharks, the only tools which sharks are equipped with to do any investigating are their teeth. Objects "examined" by a shark usually do not survive such examination intact.

Likewise, we players have not been equipped with many non-violent tools to do any interacting with. When Thargoids and their artifacts (probes, Barnacles, bases etc) were first introduced, we didn't even have any non-violent scanners or instruments to examine them with. All we had were the Discovery scanner, the ship's lights, the comms and the primary weapons. Ship's lights did nothing, the discovery scanner did almost nothing. Hailing them did nothing, but that wasn't surprising since human NPCs don't respond to hails either. So it is utterly unsurprising that players shot at the Thargoids when we first encountered them - there literally was nothing else we could do to them that prompted a reaction.
Commander Danicus
1 thing, you said Where are their spectacular colonized worlds? Nothing, that's likely because we are blocked from the areas of space they've colonised (e.g. Col 70 sector systems), allegedly for our safety.....

Btw, if you kick over my flowers we'll be having words!!, leave the flowers alone, save your hostility for the goids! :p
I am still struggling with what a Thargoid actually is.

I mean we are talking about a Space Faring interstellar or even intergalactic civilization that is Millions of years old

The INRA logs talks of creatures, the Codex talks of Insectoid Queens and drones, and Hive Ships

We have Interceptors, Scouts and surface drones make of bio-mechanic amalgams out of Technology, Resins and "Thargoid Biological matter" that dont seem to contain the previously mentioned Insectoid Queens and drones, not have we seen Hive ships

Is Thargoid just an identity of everything some intergalactic civilization that is Millions of years old has absorbed and repressed into forms that are useful for whatever the overriding consciousness that it is, and where as in the codes it says the drones are but eye lashes to the queens, so are we trying to be friendly with what is but a cell in a body following a set function, and any positive or negative reaction is merely a consequence of us aligning or against their goals without any conscious consideration of us
I am still struggling with what a Thargoid actually is.

The current best guess is that their are an insectoid type civilization, led by queens who then govern the actions of the drones, the drones are self aware and have inteligence to achieve whatever goal the queen has set them
Whether the ships (scouts/cyclops/medusas etc) are flown by a drone or are some kind of bio engineered drone is anyones guess
The hive ships are the home/base for a queen, however during the last war when we launched a bio-weapon at the them, that shut them down and the hives crashed around the pleiades , hence the wreck sites completele with nasty goo spots on the floor and uplunks that talk of 'biological matter detected, unable to analyse
By the interaction of the thagoids/guardian we start to see a pattern... the thargoids are a nasty aggressive expansionist culture.... who've now encountered another civilisation thats just as nasty and aggressive as they are.

What happens next..... hopefully hive ships drop out of witchspace all over the bubble..... although I wouldn't be surprised if they came offering a peace treaty for a mass public signing... and then shot everyone who turned up....


<<<lurking in guardian space currently
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