Seems Very Quiet Around Here

If they release things slightly buggy there's a meltdown. If they delay stuff to avoid slightly buggy releases there's a meltdown. If they release a season in advance there's a meltdown. If they prepare a season behind closed doors to release in one there's a meltdown. Announce anything there's a meltdown. Don't announce anything there's a meltdown.

Anyone else starting to see a pattern ?.

No wonder they don't bother wasting their time talking to us anymore.
Meltdown eh? More like a slow and steady erosion of people quietly realizing the game seems to be in maintenance mode. Haven't heard much noise about it compared to how many people pm me to say "see you in late 2020, maybe".

It's nice to hear that Braben still remembers this game at investor meetings, but until Frontier show they can actual materialize new features in a timely manner, it's all just tentative vague promises.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still rooting for Frontier to succeed and deliver anything remotely close to what we hope. I'm an evidence based believer though.
The decisions Frontier are making, are leading to disengagement.

The days of Braben and Brookes and Dav and Ed and Zac are done.

Will and Dav are alright, but Brett C and Braben are not engaged anymore, Paige doesn’t seem to get what’s going on and just does what she’s told. I never really understood what that social media personality with all the tatts was doing. The narrative lead is an awful gatekeeper, I think it’s just a day job for him these days.
The code has gotten unwieldy, and both bugs and workarounds re-appear during minor patches.

There’s still a lot of potential - we see elements from their other games that we hope can come in.
The creatures from Planet Zoo and Jurassic World, the base building from Planet Coaster and Jurassic.

But we’re not seeing that in game.

I think ELITE became very content dependent; where it should have relied more on inter group and inter player rivalry. That would have been better for maintenance mode.
With PowerPlay untended, BGS nerfed, and no support or publicity for groups; the only excitement comes with new content. All the work has to be done by Frontier and it’s just not enough. Maybe it could never be enough.

They don’t trust players with their precious product, but they can’t keep up the pace of change, so the whole thing is withering on the vine.

HR would have something to do with it. Poor quality hires.
We need a few more rock stars.
Even Zac (who made some awful awful decisions) was a presence. These days it feels like everything is run past a committee.

It is very much like middle age, where after a fun single life ED settled into paying the mortgage and taking out the bins while the kids get all the attention.

2020 has to be the equivalent of a month long pub bender with all the trimmings- pints, crazy cocktails, dubious top shelf liqueurs, table dancing, the lot.
The decisions Frontier are making, are leading to disengagement.

The days of Braben and Brookes and Dav and Ed and Zac are done.

Will and Dav are alright, but Brett C and Braben are not engaged anymore, Paige doesn’t seem to get what’s going on and just does what she’s told. I never really understood what that social media personality with all the tatts was doing. The narrative lead is an awful gatekeeper, I think it’s just a day job for him these days.
The code has gotten unwieldy, and both bugs and workarounds re-appear during minor patches.

There’s still a lot of potential - we see elements from their other games that we hope can come in.
The creatures from Planet Zoo and Jurassic World, the base building from Planet Coaster and Jurassic.

But we’re not seeing that in game.

I think ELITE became very content dependent; where it should have relied more on inter group and inter player rivalry. That would have been better for maintenance mode.
With PowerPlay untended, BGS nerfed, and no support or publicity for groups; the only excitement comes with new content. All the work has to be done by Frontier and it’s just not enough. Maybe it could never be enough.

They don’t trust players with their precious product, but they can’t keep up the pace of change, so the whole thing is withering on the vine.

HR would have something to do with it. Poor quality hires.
We need a few more rock stars.
Even Zac (who made some awful awful decisions) was a presence. These days it feels like everything is run past a committee.

Educate yourself :

There’s just nothing to talk about. Another legs thread....looks like fleet carrier threads are dwindling. There’s just nothing new. Nothing to discover. No interesting story development. Aside from the occasional ganker complaint and the 3 or 4 recurring post topics there’s nothing. Even content creators are starting to struggle to produce content regularly and are either retreading old topics or branching out to other games.

Ive kind of repurposed my VR gaming rig as a virtual lab for Lustre because I needed one and repurposed my wife’s VR rig as a Hackintosh because she needed a faster computer. We could always jump back in but right now....meh.

welcome to maintenance mode. Buy some ARX.
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It is very much like middle age, where after a fun single life ED settled into paying the mortgage and taking out the bins while the kids get all the attention.

2020 has to be the equivalent of a month long pub bender with all the trimmings- pints, crazy cocktails, dubious top shelf liqueurs, table dancing, the lot.

Or maybe a second honeymoon? Either way, quietude is pretty typical when approaching mid-life of a game title. Also, holidays are coming up and southern hemisphere summer is approaching. Mum says we should play outside, but the sun glare makes it hard to see the screen.

:D S
Don't get me wrong, I'm still rooting for Frontier to succeed and deliver anything remotely close to what we hope. I'm an evidence based believer though.

Yep, going by the evidence we have at hand Elite looks like a game firmly in maintenance mode with very little hope for it improving in the future.

However, FD keeps saying they are working hard behind the scenes to bring Elite into a "bold new era" which will revitalize the game and wow us all. Presently it's all tell and no show though, because we don't know anything at all about this major update due a year from now. What we do know is that features planned for now keep slipping, and minor updates break the game in terrible ways. It seems bad, if you look at the evidence we have in front of us.

Thus, most of the community is quiet, disparaged, and lacking hope. FD haven't provided any hope for us to look forward too other than vague hints and empty promises.

I wish Frontier would just include the community in on the plans for the game's future. This veil of secrecy isn't helping Elite at all right now, and if too many leave in the meantime there might not be enough interest when FD does actually give us something to look forward to.
Yes we should feel sorry for those buisness owners, it's like we forced them to do it with a gun at their heads and never pay.

This place is lunacy.
Would be nice if everyone behaved like civilised hunan beings, not rage-filled scum bags. Being anonymous allows sociopaths to write some dreadful stuff. Best not to read forums without very proactive mods!
Most of the open letter people left after seeing the fruits of their labor (fleet carriers delayed)

Mmm, not really.
Actually only half of the open letter people left, the rest are banned from the official forums, yet they have a very strong influence from the other side (read: Reddit) :ROFLMAO:
I wish Frontier would just include the community in on the plans for the game's future.

This is the only thing worth taking away from this thread.

I must admit that its hard to understand why not even the key feature of the 2020 release is being teased - what ever it may be.

No matter what they do, some players are gonna be disappointed... so why they are not getting to grips on that UP FRONT is really weird. Worst fear of mine is that they do not know (or have even prioritised) what features will be ready for launch.
Would be nice if everyone behaved like civilised hunan beings, not rage-filled scum bags. Being anonymous allows sociopaths to write some dreadful stuff. Best not to read forums without very proactive mods!

Yes we should be civalised, but even if some arn't it doesn't excuse the lack of engagement from FD ; they are supposed to be professionals and have a thick skin.

This is not a registered charity, I'm not a beggar. We pay the Devs wages and support the whole company and asking for information is not being entitled or rude; it's asking for info'
We're still here OP, some of us (me) still licking our wounds after the FC delay. TBH, I've been playing another game more than ED and have a lot of others (some still shrinkwrapped) to see me through Christmas now that the fdev grinch stole FCs. 🤬
I’m playing God Of War PS4..... Slowly! I also intend on completing the DLC of Metro Exodus on Hardcore mode.
I am ELITE’ing however, as I also just returned to the bubble after 3 long months exploring the ‘cave’ and ‘NGC’ nebulas... slowly. Playing a lot less now, think Q4 2019 for me will just be an odd hour every week or two for now.

I have also turned down my forum posts a notch...
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