Time to abandon it

Well, its like i said. People need to manage their expectations. Its gonna be epic if nothing turns up in 2020.

No there will be a massive tantrum from all the usual suspects about their personal bugbears, conspiracies, wishlists and fantasies whatever happens delays or early releases included.

The people who approach it realistically/maturely are already happy with the game (hence being here) and will be happier to get more.
I know and its most certainly not perosnally aimed at you. But if im being told im wrong and its a conspiricy i invite people to try. Thats how certain i am of what im saying... bring it on. All the names iv been called.. now have a go at my argument :)

The evidence. When they got nothing to show, thats my evidence.
Your position and argument is based on ignoring the existing evidence and making stuff up instead. You've already admitted it.

So let's not have this pretence that evidence is actually important to you.
After many years of play I think it's time to abandon it, in the end you realize that the game has too many limits that I hope will be introduced in the future, now everything is limited to grinding and making money and once you get the ship and build properly you have finished the game,
Glad you enjoyed it for so long. Goodbye.

Ps not sure you really needed to make a forum post about it through. Just stop playing an move on to another game would have been enough.
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All in-game assets are mocked-up by the devs, that's how they end up in-game

The pictures you posted do they represent something real that existed at the time or are they something made up for the purpose of advertising? I know all gaming companys do it thats ok but my point is mock ups do not equate to work done and to suggest they do isnt right.

Edit: somehow that flat carrier does look real if not entirely "right" so there you are i was wrong there is a carrier :)
You can literally see in-game footage. Not too sure how much more evidence is needed with regards to fleet carriers.


Watch it real close, half of it is model and half is drawn in. I beleive there may be a model of a carrier but im doubtful that the landing pads actually work.
You can see a ship docking on the landing pad. Whether it works or not is another question, there is zero evidence either way.
No they were not mocked up. That is in-game assets.

To be honest, we don't know if the ice planet pics from FDev were actual in game shots or mock ups, as we never saw in game footage of them in action. They look like in game shots, but we truthfully do not know.

Now Fleet Carriers had some actual footage, so they do indeed look to be fairly far along. Or were far along. FDev has at least started them, for certain. Maybe. Probably.
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