My Journey

Welcome to the Forum, Peppermint :)

Thanks Lightspeed, I've finally made it to the forums!

I am Commander Peppermint Barnstorm, star sister ( alt ) to Commander @Newt Loranas for those who've not read Newt's Thread Weapons Colours.

This is pretty much the start of my journey. I'm in the Starting Sidewinder (Star Step). So far I've given it a fabulous paint job. Some outrageous spoilers and pink weapons and exhausts. I've engineered the Frameshift Drive and I'm currently mining out 500 tons of minerals to unlock Selene Jean so that' she'll give me Heavy Duty and Deep plated Lightweight Bulkheads.

I'm going to take her out into the black and see just how far I can go. Planning on Sagittarius A* at the very least!

This is my target build:


It may seem odd to some to have a mining laser and a pulse wave analyser on an exploration build but there is method here. I can't have an SRV bay so all my materials must be gleaned from mining instead, hence the mining laser. The Pulse Wave Analyser is there because the asteroids that glow the brightest have the highest chance of dropping the rarer raw materials.

This is the start.
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You won't get 500T refined without a refinery!

Also, the pulse wave scanner is a waste of space. It's for finding cores, which you can't mine with a Sidewinder.

Good luck.
No, I'm using a mining configuration for mining :) the build posted was just a target build. I don't need the refinery in exploration because I'm only picking up elemental materials for making Jumponium. I read somewhere ( but I can't remember where ) that the rarer raw materials have a better chance to drop from a glowing asteroid - hence the PWS.

I'm happy to say I just found my first class 4 material while mining in a rocky ring - some Selenium.


Here's Star Step in Mining Configuration:

Star Step Miner

It could be my imagination but I'm also finding that the glowing asteroids revealed by the PWA also take longer to become depleted (give off more fragments ) when using a standard mining laser.
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Good Luck with the Journey..
You know you can dump the refined ores once refined... you don't have to sell them, just mine 500t

(Just keep 10t of Panite for stage 2 of the unlock)

here is the Thread from my My attempt in the Sidewinder... still in progress, but slowed down somewhat.. Currently Elite in Both Exploration and Trade, and Master in Combat.

This is exactly what I'm doing. I go out with 8 limpets and just mine and abandon until the limpets are all gone. Then it's 50ls back to refill on Limpets. I'm up to 140t so far. So just over a quarter of the way to Selene Jean.
I have just unlocked the engineer Selene Jean.

While unlocking her I took it upon myself to research the raw materials dropped from Rocky Asteroids using pulse wave scanner to identify non glowing and glowing asteroids.

My results of a sample of a total of 120 asteroids, 60 glowing, 60 non glowing are:

Rocky Asteroids seem only drop the following raw materials:
Boron, Iron, NIckel, Sulphur, Chromium Selenium, Vanadium, Cadmium and Lead.

60 non glowing asteroids dropped a total of 61 raw material fragments

60 glowing asteroids dropped a total of 59 raw material fragmets.

There appears to be no significant difference between the drop rates of fragments between glowing and non glowing asteroids.

There appears to be no significant difference in the drop pattern of material rarity between glowing and non glowing, if anything non glowing did slightly better but the sample is far too small for elements which often have a drop chance of less than 1%.

I would surmise based on these results that a PWA is of no benefit to a light weight explorer ship where resources are gleaned from mining rather than planetary surveying.

I will make further posts during my travels of drop chances for raw materials from Rocky, Icy and Metallic asteroids.
Star Step is almost ready to fly. Just collecting matierals for the DSS now. In the interest of finding interesting data and to let Star Step stretch her legs a little I decided to locate the crash site of Commander Jameson's Cobra Mk III. It wasn't the trove of information I was hoping for but I did find Jameson's last logs. Quite shocking.

Sorry for the dark picture. I waited a number of hours for daylight but I don't think it's happening any time soon.
Did a trip to Colonia with my Sidey recently. Got a 32 ly jump, shield, SRV hangar and a + 700 ms boost (because I like to fly on planets. Exploration with a SRV is way more fun !
Welcome cmdr, why not put a 2G SRV hangar in one of those C2 sidewinder slots?

If I were to fit an SRV bay I'd have to lose the cargo bay. Which means I can't use the repair limpet controller which provides the longevity for what is a rather fragile ship.

If I keep the cargo bay the limpet controller then I have to lose the 2A fuel scoop. But scoop is mandatory for an exploration ship which means i have to lose an AFMU, which then limits the longevity again as I have to come back once the single AFMU is damaged to the point of non function.

The only way to remain self sufficient in the black in the Sidewinder is to fit 2 AFMU that can repair each other and the internal modules. Fit a repair limpet controller to repair hull damage. Fit a cargo bay so the limpet can be used. Which leaves just 2 slots for the fuel scoop and the Detailed Surface Scanner. This means I need a mining laser to garner the resources for AFMU refils and Limpet synthesis from asteroids.

I suppose I COULD go without the DSS fit a class 1 scoop and get in a class 2 srv, but then I'd lose the ability to map planets and half my prestige and cartography rewards on my return to civilisation and the class 2 SRV weighs in at an extra 6 tons taking a huge chunk off my jump range.

I hope you see my logic here and will agree that the setup I've chosen is pretty optimal.

A forum account for an alt's alt? How many people you got in there?

No, there's only me and my sister, Newt Loranas :) while we may be the same person in real life we are quite different. I created a forum account for myself because it was easier than Newt talking in the third person about me all the time and this is easier to follow.
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If I were to fit an SRV bay I'd have to lose the cargo bay. Which means I can't use the repair limpet controller which provides the longevity for what is a rather fragile ship.

If I keep the cargo bay the limpet controller then I have to lose the 2A fuel scoop. But scoop is mandatory for an exploration ship which means i have to lose an AFMU, which then limits the longevity again as I have to come back once the single AFMU is damaged to the point of non function.

The only way to remain self sufficient in the black in the Sidewinder is to fit 2 AFMU that can repair each other and the internal modules. Fit a repair limpet controller to repair hull damage. Fit a cargo bay so the limpet can be used. Which leaves just 2 slots for the fuel scoop and the Detailed Surface Scanner. This means I need a mining laser to garner the resources for AFMU refils and Limpet synthesis from asteroids.

I suppose I COULD go without the DSS fit a class 1 scoop and get in a class 2 srv, but then I'd lose the ability to map planets and half my prestige and cartography rewards on my return to civilisation and the class 2 SRV weighs in at an extra 6 tons taking a huge chunk off my jump range.

I hope you see my logic here and will agree that the setup I've chosen is pretty optimal.
I see your logic cmdr, but you are being over cautious. I would go for all d-rated core internals apart from the fsd which should be a-rated and engineered if possible. Then a 2A fuel scoop, an SRV a 1D shield gen and a DSS. As for the other two C1 slots its up to you, two afmu or a cargo rack and repair limpet ctrlr as you can craft limpets. Then you will get the most out of your exploring, things aren't that dangerous out there.
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