Click the DSSA logo to open the DSSA Network tracker
For questions or issues, contact one of the following current DSSA Managers on FleetComm:
SpaceTrash67 (DSSA#13
CMDR Scopelx (DSSA#1
SKidathor (DSSA#5
LethalMoustache (DSSA#140) [XB]
Greetings Cmdrs,
The DSSA is a project to deploy a network of support Carriers all over the galaxy to help explorers in their deep space travels. Those Carriers, offered by individuals, groups, factions or squadrons, would remain in a fixed and public location for at the very least a full year, open to all, with at least repair services, at a fair price (other services are at the owner's liberty). Beacons in the profound night, they would form a mesh of safe harbours for anyone who would need a rest stop.
The Array will have no timeframe for completion. It will also be an opportunity to set up quite a number of flexible community events! Each Carrier deployment will be its own event, from small scale ops near the bubble or Colonia, to extensive long range expeditions to the rims of the Galaxy; from individuals or small friends gang/factions, to fully-fledged Squadron or player groups expeditions, each with its own setup, timeline, motto, insignia, etc. This is an exciting opportunity to tailor events to everyone's needs, preferences or availability, giving new explorers and miners a way to learn the ropes as well as offering hardened veterans a new challenge. Time permitting, Cmdrs could very well partake in more than one such deployment, jumping from one to the other as they end.
Polygon article by our fellow Commander Charlie Hall
The project
• Carriers being crossplatform assets, deployment operations will all be platform agnostic.
• The point is for travelers to know that there is that Carrier there, anytime. Do not sign your Carrier up if you think that mayhaps you'll use for stuff later down the road: those Carriers will have to be stationary.
• Deployment operations would mix exploration (scouting for relevant/pretty/useful/practical locations) and mining (refuelling the thing on the go).
• Deployment operations are completely free to setup as owners wish; FleetComm will welcome any op that wish to use its network, but you are welcome to use your own Discord server/Squadron/whatever. You are only asked to keep the DSSA team up to date on your progress.
• If at some point down the road you want to leave the array, and if you are the only DSSA carrier in the region, we expect you to put in the effort to find a replacement. Said replacement should be in location and operational ideally before you move your own.
• Some of the DSSA carriers will be marked as GMP POIs, depending on their location.
• Visit the #dssa-initiative channel on FleetComm if you wish to discuss the project over there, or give your ideas and suggestions here.
• There is no end to this project. I expect all the currently signed up carriers to keep us busy until early next year, and more will probably join the array in the meantime.
• The project is about deep space, not "famous places". I feel the need to stress this as it seems that many carriers are heading towards locations where many others will eventually station (5 carriers in Odin's Hold is too many, and hardly useful). The Bubble-Colonia-Sagittarius A* connection is the least relevant place to put a DSSA Carrier.
• All the currently signed up DSSA carriers are listed on the DSSA Network tracker. This is a public list of all DSSA Carriers, showing their deployment operation, status, location, destination, services, etc. It's automatically sorted by: 1) Operational Carriers on top; 2) Descending order of preparation/closeness to launch; 3) Descending order of launch date, the closer to [today], the higher.

DSSA Carriers Map
EDAstro has a DSSA Carriers filter on its maps: https://edastro.com/galmap/?layer=regions&pins=DSSAcarriers
You can also find the GMP DSSA Carriers on EDSM.
All deployments slots are currently filled, however, vacancies do open on a regular basis.
To add your fleet carrier to the DSSA Reserve List, please complete this form:
Carriers will be assigned from the Reserve List on a first-come-first-served basis.
Signing up. By signing up you agree to the following rules:
• You need to deposit in your carrier bank enough funds to guarantee the upkeep for the entire operational time you stated in your Form.
• Once deployed, your carrier must remain in the original system indicted in the DSSA Tracker through the 'Operational Until' date you have selected (which must be at least one year). Moving your carrier outside the deployment system is grounds for immediate removal from the DSSA list.
• Naming convention: the carrier's name must fit the spirit of the game; even more so if you wish your carrier to become a GMP POI. No profanity, political, sexual, religious, etc. innuendos or explicit references.
To sign up, please fill the following Form. The Form is editable, so:
• SAVE YOUR EDIT LINK!! (it is not the webpage URL at the end of the form, it's the blue link that says "Edit your responses" — save that link to come back, change info, etc.)*
• You don't have to answer the questions you don't have the answer to, no need to put "N/A" or "TBA" or "I think I'll blablabla". When you know, you can fill the blanks.
This Form is your form and will be used to update the status of your deployment expedition/operation and your Carrier info.
*Turns out I have a way to get your Edit Responses URL so not everything is lost if you lose it.
I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DISCARD ANY AND ALL SIGNUPS THAT I WILL DEEM UNNECESSARY, that is, mainly carriers cluttering beaten paths instead of spreading out in deep space. If you come here because you want traffic on your carrier, you've come to the wrong place.
We settled on a MAXIMUM OF 3 CARRIERS PER REGION. Overflow signups will be put on a reserve list, according to signup date.
Also please make sure we can REACH YOU. If you're not on the forums or the FleetComm Discord server, it may make things difficult to coordinate, and you may end up discarded if something comes up. For questions or issues, contact one of the following current DSSA Managers on FleetComm:
SpaceTrash67 (DSSA#13
CMDR Scopelx (DSSA#1
SKidathor (DSSA#5
LethalMoustache (DSSA#140) [XB]
To help you prepare
You can use the Carrier Travel & Equipment cheat sheet v1.5 I'm putting together. To use it, go to File > Make a copy or request access; input your numbers in the yellow cells, numbers are the new, revised ones (prices and fuel efficiency).
Archived maps (obsolete)
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See you in the black, Cmdrs o7

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