VR support 'not at launch' for Odyssey

The page doesn't list system requirements either so I wouldn't jump into conclusions just yet.

Following the launch of Half-life: Alyx there's more hype surrounding PC VR than ever so FD has no reason to be phasing out support. According to the recent Steam survey nearly 2% of users have VR - the numbers will only continue to grow in the future.

if FDev could sell a copy of their game to 2% of Steam users that would increase their sales by an order of magnitude....but they'd have to replace grind with gameplay. I think that's beyond their skillset.

Incidentally HL:Alyx was ALL linear content. It was only a few tens of hours of gameplay, but more people bought it and paid full price than have bought Elite in 5 years even at sale price. Most of those people are happy with their purchase and think it was money well spent.

Why? all content no grind!
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Here are the steam words description of odyssey..

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What an unforgivable backward step if Fdev do not provide VR support for Odyssey. Perhaps its beyond their capabilities and technology. If that is the case then perhaps they should have asked Hello Games to give them a hand. The small HG team has already put Frontier Developments to shame in so many ways.
Well, isn't this interesting....

Elite adds space legs but drops VR, (maybe?) and everyone wants to leave?
Yet, Star Citizen has always had legs, but after Vulkan is implemented-(currently being worked on), they will be adding VR.

And now that Elite will directly compete and will be comparable to Star Citizen and NMS now that they've got legs, it will now be the only space sim game with legs that won't have VR of the three. (CIG has a lot of VR fanboys working for them, so, yea, SC is getting VR, it's one of the reasons they are adding Vulkan support)

Why would Frontier pull a core loved game feature from a game to add another feature that will give folks no reason to stay ~other then~ the basic fact that the
other space game out there is not yet complete. Gambling the farm that the other guy won't finish doesn't sound like a safe bet to me.

Because, what if everyone is wrong and they do finish Star Citizen and it has VR? What will Elite have going for it at that point?

What is the future of Elite now being on par now with the other space games?
What about FPS combat? Seems in the video, we get guns,.... I was hoping to see them open fire on that Anaconda.
What about FPS in stations and our ships? Can we EVA to someone else's ship, drive the 2nd SRV or fly a 2nd (or more) SLF?
Can we steal some one else's ship now, (on the ground, from a star port?)
How many crew can man an Anaconda? All 3 command chairs + all the SLF it can carry?
Can we repair the ship if it is damaged with hand tools?
Can we pull the parts out of the ship and repair, replace, upgrade or salvage them?
Can we go see our cargo?
Can we board another's ship in space, go to the bridge, shoot them in the back of the head, pull them out, and run off with their ship?
Will we get multi-seat SRV craft?

oh, yea, I got this list from what you can currently, or very soon, by 2021, be able to do in SC, and in VR when they add it.
But what about Elite's version of all of this? Adding space legs to the game removes the excuse by Frontier that it's a 'different' type of space game, and that it doesn't really compare to the others.... well, that's gone now.


If Frontier sticks in all of their limiting arbitrary rules like what we saw with Fleet Carriers, ARX, and the like, what can we really expect to do once we get out of our ship? Because if it doesn't compare to what you can do with the other space games, and they loose VR to boot, this is gonna be a very short 'new era'.

I love both games, but o7 to all you new citizens out there.
But are you going to be vomiting all the time in FP mode- If so, whats the point of VR in legs? Ralph Mc Upchuck can blank out SRV tumbles, how will that sit in a FPS setting?
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