Notice Fleet Carrier Update - Known Issues

It was midnight their time when they stopped working. You need 8 hours of sleep or your skill level goes down. I have worked many 16 hr shifts to know the effects. Midnight oil would probably create more bugs. Be nice.
That's why you plan to have some people shift their schedule for a couple days. This isn't a one off for having release problems for them from what I understand.
@Spaceman Si
The loss of Beacons etc. is unique to the update - granted my beta play was done in Colonia rather than the bubble so I can't speak for Dav's etc.
Being honest, much of what was dropped onto us last night, issue wise, was not in the beta (apart from the graphics glitch on FC's - that was there :) )
What we have today appears to be directly a result of the port...

The betas were fun, even if 'outside' of the main game for a couple of weeks, apart from the normal 'nothing discovered' galaxy!
I appreciate you're not debating the point, but just for the sake of example, during those two Betas, I had a set of work circumstances that meant having very limited free time. I imagine I'm not the only one, and then what does one do with the limited time available? Download and play-test a set of new software that may or may not be enjoyable, looking out for bugs, with maybe the admin of taking notes and writing bug reports, or spend time getting away from the PC for an hour before bed? Maybe with a glass of something pleasant 🍷 :) I don't think it helped much that the beta was specifically positioned as "Fleet Carriers"; if one didn't have any interest or ability to own an FC*, it didn't look like there was anything in the beta to check out anyway. I know that there were some quiet additions, like the UI changes, but I think one could be forgiven for not knowing they were in it in amongst the FC related discussions.

I don't think highlighting pain points is invalid, either during or post-patch, regardless of whether the beta was played. It also seems like there are a number of bugs that no one in the beta noted anyway, e.g the ring hotspots not highlighting, surface installations missing, tourist beacons vanishing :) Though they may not have been there during the beta, to be fair - it's possible that was all introduced as part of the live build process, but who knows :)

*There should be another abbreviation for them really. I can't help re-reading that and thinking it looks like I'm talking about the ability to own a football club, which unless one is Elton John or Roman Abramovich, is highly unlikely :D

Yes but let's be honest. Tons of people "testing" the beta were just playing it for a laugh, pretty much, and won't have even bothered to submit any bug reports.
Frontier's QA is terrible.. I'm not saying the team is terrible - who knows, maybe they do their jobs and the developers just blow them off. But whoever is to blame, quality is never assured when it comes to Elite Dangerous. Once you realize this is an immutable fact, you go into these updates well aware and prepared for the inevitable failures to follow, and that makes the pill easier to swallow. At least that's been my experience.

BTW, I doubt a skeleton crew could have fixed all the problems in this update. I'll be surprised if everything is fully up in running proper before next week.
Mostly the skeleton night crew is just there to look for anything new, gather any useful information that can be gathered or deal with the worst issues that may require manual adjustment to correct. It isn't about working 24/7 to fix things, it's just about making sure things are monitored.
Just thought I would share last night’s hilarity....
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Yay! Missing pads buddies!
well for me i don't have one at all but it thinks i do. no money was deducted.
yes, it was the same for me yesterday, i was kicked by black adder error multiple times while trying to buy FC, then it started saying that i already have FC, but money didnt spent. i was reloging, machine log outing, doing eveything i could, but that damn button was still saying that i already have FC. How? money didnt spent. And then it appeared on map. Free carrier. but my joy and thoughts like "wow, i got free carrier" didnt last long. It was in non-cancelable decomission state. basically it's just a dying brick in space.
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all mission have gone other than donation missions in Robigo system and only for the Sirius corporation. Not sure if they are moving the passenger missions but pre-update there was loads
Greetings Commanders,

Thank you to everyone who has reported the issues they’ve found since the update went live. We’re reading all the feedback and the development team is working hard on resolving them as we speak.

This thread is intended to share which issues we are aware of and any information relating to them. We'll keep this thread up to date with news and information, so please do keep checking back for the latest updates.

Current known issues:
  • Commanders being kicked from the game and unable to rejoin, or taking a longer than expected time to rejoin.
  • Commanders experiencing crashes related to connection errors.
  • Various sites missing from the in game world, such as Dav’s Hope.
  • Commanders being unable to purchase a Fleet Carrier.
  • Some Commanders did not have to wait any time for their fast track quota.
    • Fast tracking Powerplay quotas is currently not available while we investigate a further fix.

Thank you for your help in reporting these issues and your patience as we investigate!

For any other issues we're going to be reading the feedback here, but please also submit them to our issue tracker:



Morning Commanders,

Just an update to say that the development team are already investigating, the community team are reading all your feedback and we’ll be sharing more updates throughout the day when we have them.

o7 Commanders

It seems that all Squadron bookmarks have vanished.


Morning Commanders,

Just an update to say that the development team are already investigating, the community team are reading all your feedback and we’ll be sharing more updates throughout the day when we have them.

Thanks for your patience, I’ll also update the OP to reflect this!
Thank you Mr Smith for keeping us updated. Pass our thanks onto the team for their diligence and hard work. But also tell em not to pop a vein over it either. With updates there's always bugs. Nobody can think of everything. The bugs are minor in my book.
Nobody builds a brand new kinda of rocket and launches people in it until it's tested to the edge of insane.
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