Please Center/Fix the Fer De Lance

Wait. Are you saying the ship rolls around your head rather than the centre of the ship?
Yes, and that not all. Imagine driving down a road. You know how the lines on the driver side are closer than the ones on the passenger side when your centered in the lane? Visualize how they move as you drive, then compare it with how the dust moves past your ship in the game. It's also WRONG. This is why I dislike off center cockpits. They break my immersion every time I move.
Yes, and that not all. Imagine driving down a road. You know how the lines on the driver side are closer than the ones on the passenger side when your centered in the lane? Visualize how they move as you drive, then compare it with how the dust moves past your ship in the game. It's also WRONG. This is why I dislike off center cockpits. They break my immersion every time I move.
Yeah. No, you're wrong.

The position is correct, you're just thinking its wrong based on the fixed position, it's deceptive. Play in VR and everything is the same, but moving your head or standing up you can see it's correct.
That isnt true though
It is. Try it in any ship with an off center cockpit. They used the same centered on face movement animations in all ships regardless of seat location. It's why you're never going to see a far right or left cockpit like the one the millennium falcon has.

Yeah. No, you're wrong.

The position is correct, you're just thinking its wrong based on the fixed position, it's deceptive. Play in VR and everything is the same, but moving your head or standing up you can see it's correct.
But if you have a video showing the perspective being wrong I'd love to see it, I'm happy to be proven wrong.
I shouldn't need a new video every single existing video of a ship with an off center cockpit showcases this issue. That said, it's possible this issue is fixed in VR, but since I don't have a VR headset I'll never know.

If you don't see it then that's great, but it still bugs me.
It is. Try it in any ship with an off center cockpit. They used the same centered on face movement animations in all ships regardless of seat location. It's why you're never going to see a far right or left cockpit like the one the millennium falcon has.
I've no idea what this means. Are you talking about the lead-in to (for example) roll where the cockpit lags your head movement?
I shouldn't need a new video every single existing video of a ship with an off center cockpit showcases this issue. That said, it's possible this issue is fixed in VR, but since I don't have a VR headset I'll never know.

If you don't see it then that's great, but it still bugs me.
It's not fixed, its exactly the same. The position, the movement, all the same. The difference is the camera shake efffect and head shake/lead in to movement, it's not in VR as you're controlling your head rather than just the ship movement.

But seriously if you have a video that shows it I'd like to see it, I'm intrigued now.
Yes, and that not all. Imagine driving down a road. You know how the lines on the driver side are closer than the ones on the passenger side when your centered in the lane? Visualize how they move as you drive, then compare it with how the dust moves past your ship in the game. It's also WRONG. This is why I dislike off center cockpits. They break my immersion every time I move.

The space dusk works in the same way as driving into heavy snow, it doesn't matter where you sit. I never saw snow off centered and I usually sit on one side in my car. Your street lines example is just wrong.
I doubt that im doing anything but waste my time right now. As surely many players have spoken up to this over the years but i have to try....

The fer de lance is unquestionably one of the most beautiful ships in the game both inside and out. Its cockpit interior in my opinion would easily rival even the imperial ships. And yet we have an off center design..... whyyyyyy? their is no point to this. This is a straight up starfighter. not a fleet ship. if someone was to assist or be part of the 'crew', their seat shouldnt be sharing the front and forcing both pilot and crew member to have an off center seating in the worst fashion in all of ED.... have the other seat off center and to the back like the Krait line and other ships have done. that works perfectly. in fact, its bridge in the farther back area would be perfectly suited to this if you simply had the seat direclty behind in the back or to the side as if to monitor the side panels and look very good! In fact in many modern day large aircraft, the engineer would have his own seat to the side in the cockpit to monitor every and all engine details. which, in a ship of this high performance caliber, it would make sense to have a crew member seated there watching engine vitals as the pilot pushes the ship to its limits in combat. but seriously, if we have to have a "copilot" setup... just have them directly behind. not squished together side by side... the bridge has more than enough room behind it and is even elevated already so its practically begging for that much more efficient design. how often (if at all), do you see players jumping into a fer de lance with another player as a crew member anyway? you cant launch fighters, you dont have much practical use carrying an SCV garage in this thing (assuming one can drive it while one pilots the ship to begin with). so really. whats the point of a 2nd crew member anyway?

Please frontier... this ship is beautiful and its experience in flying it shouldnt be getting tarnished by a stupidly awkward and pointless off center design. it works ok for ships like the cobra and the python. but NOT this ship.... Again, i doubt you guys would fix it and change it given how long its been like this but I have to try as this is what the forums is for... to hear what your community wants and make changes right? Please prove me wrong about wasting my time. I want to see that you care enough to change this. it really is maddening. especially ships like the anaconda and the type 9, among many other MUCH LARGER ships, dont have to deal with this and get a perfectly centered PIC cockpit position like they deserve while the FDL doesnt....

I like the off -center design. It should stay that way.
The ship is perfectly fine as far as I am concerned. I don't see what the problem is.
I like ships to have their own special quirks, and this particular one does not inhibit the functioning of the ship in any way.

We used to have ships which really required good heat management too. Sadly that has all but been removed by engineering now.
At least let us have this. It is just a visual thing without a real impact.
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The space dusk works in the same way as driving into heavy snow, it doesn't matter where you sit. I never saw snow off centered and I usually sit on one side in my car. Your street lines example is just wrong.
You must be blind then. When it snows the snow in front of you works like the dust, sure, but the stuff on the passenger side is simply missing from the dust in game. There should be more dust over that way then on the right when off center.
I've no idea what this means. Are you talking about the lead-in to (for example) roll where the cockpit lags your head movement?
Perhaps a picture can better explain the issue than my words. I'm linking to Imgur ( Source:
) as the forum won't allow me to attach a picture for some reason. The issue is most apparent with rolls, in this picture I marked in red the actual center of rotation of the ship in game and in green approximately where it should be. If the ship rolled properly the pilot's point of view would move in an arc around the green circle. Instead the ship moves in an arc around the center of rotation on the pilots point of view.
It is. Try it in any ship with an off center cockpit. They used the same centered on face movement animations in all ships regardless of seat location. It's why you're never going to see a far right or left cockpit like the one the millennium falcon has.
No, it isnt. I exclusively flew an FDL for maybe 3 months. It is not centered on your head.
See now an enterprising player with VR could, if he/she could be bothered, set up a repeatable test, one in 2d, and one in 3d. In 3d this player with too much time on his/her hands could replicate the roll a set distance from a permanent object and then step a couple of steps to the left to the centre of the ship and re-roll. My suspicion is that the 2d will match exactly the 3d from the same seat position, and having moved to the left will see instead that it was correct and the ship is rolling along the centre of the ship.

I'll think about doing it.

The reason I'm reasonably confident is because your 2d view is really a 3d view, with simple mouse look available. The 3d VR view is always a revelation because things you thought were true about the cockpit view turn out to be false when you can move your head. Hell, it blows my mind that the UI holograms are exactly that, you can view them side-on or from the reverse side, and the Vulture cockpit slopes down under a massive canopy in a way a 2d view just cannot convey.

I'd also add that I think you may be seeing the effect of the cockpit immersion wobble, a name I've just invented. It definitely rolls on an odd axis, but it's a lead-in effect on movement replicating head wobble I think, it's not the vessel itself rolling or moving along the line of the player view.
sometimes a game company shouldnt be thinking about trying to make money for every single improvement to a game and just needs to do it because its whats best for the game and for the players playing it. small things like this can make the biggest impact. You're probly right in that its never going to happen. but I'm going to keep trying on this anyways and keep bugging them till they do. And if enough of us bug them about it, they just might. As the old saying goes, "the squeaky wheel gets greased"
This is a pretty shameful post, OP.

It’s a purely a ‘It’s designed to be a certain way, but I don’t like it so it’s wrong.’ situation.

You’re nevertheless portraying it like FD are somehow immoral for it, and you’re making out that you’re on some kind of moral crusade on behalf of players.

And you’ve made clear you’re not going to stop until you get what you want.

So what you’re actually doing, despite how you’re trying to portray it, is sticking two fingers up at anyone who likes it the way it is.

And yet you’re banging on in the first post and making out that FD need to do what you want to show they care about the community. What a shameless attempt at manipulation.

Down with this sort of thing.
.... its not a pleasure yaght... the dolphin is a pleasure yaht. the orca is a pleasure yacht. the baluga liner is a pleasure yaht. the cutter and clipper can be be called a pleasure yaht. the FDL is literally purpose built for combat. its focus of utilities, weapons, speed and maneuverability in exchange for lack of internals and jump range shouldve made it clear already of what its designed for.
In case you need more confirmation of this, here's the direct description from the game itself...

The Fer-de-Lance is a heavy combat ship manufactured by Zorgon Peterson. With four medium and one huge hardpoint, the ship is a veritable powerhouse, able to mount a challenge even to the Anaconda and Federal Corvette. If the vessel has a drawback it is that it is highly speciailised - consumers are advised that the Fer-de-Lance Is unsuited to activities other than combat.
— In-Game Description

It literally starts off emphasizing its a heavy combat ship. even emphasizing that its purpouse built soley for it alone. so lets get this irrelavant discussion to the current topic straight right now.... It is not a pleasure yaht. Please dont derail the main topic and keep it to the main poste.

It used to be a Described as a Luxury Personal Transport

This Saud Kruger ZGP collaboration is the version we see in ED

Elite Dangerous said:
The Fer-de-Lance is another classic design that has now been in production for two centuries. The ship became famous for its popularity with top business executives and wealthy bounty hunters, being a fast, well armed vessel, with luxurious accommodation and high quality components fitted as standard. Early models were built by Zorgon Peterson, but more recently, limited numbers have been upgraded by Saud Kruger in a rare collaboration, resulting in even more lavish creations, without spoiling the original design and specification requirements.

The Oriignal ZPG FDL was just as Luxurious
1984 Elite said:
A Zorgon Petterson Group (Zee Pee Gee) designed vessel favored by well- heeled bounty hunter and freewheeling business corporations. A sophisticated craft, capable of both limited trading, combat, and leisure function. The spacious hull is mainly given over to sophisticated weaponry, defences and navigation equipment at the expense of cargo capacity. Cabin accommodation is large and luxurious with extensive Owndirt Inc. recycling facilities, encouraging extended live-in periods (useful whilst pursuing a quarry). Fuel scoop is a standard fitting, ensuring complete self-sufficiency.

but to keeps to the main post

In VR the Cockpit of the FDL is perfect for combat awareness
Sometimes I wonder how you guys manage to drive to the store and back without losing your minds.

The top pilots in the game don’t seem to have any issue making it work, I don’t see why the average player can’t handle it.

I’d rather see Fdev spend time on more pressing issues, like bug fixes+future content myself.

Look into the mamba sometime, it’s got a nice centered pilots seat.
The issue is most apparent with rolls, in this picture I marked in red the actual center of rotation of the ship in game and in green approximately where it should be. If the ship rolled properly the pilot's point of view would move in an arc around the green circle. Instead the ship moves in an arc around the center of rotation on the pilots point of view.
Having tested in VR, it works correctly and the same as 2d, the pilots seat in the ship and the HUD are aiming at the central rotation point of the ship off into the horizon (or infinity. Or the skybox). In effect you are looking slightly inward at a point on the horizon, the same point where if you were sitting in the middle you'd be looking at. I can show it in VR.

I started the recording in the seat, put the mouse widget on. Moved the ship so it was aiming exactly at a star, the mouse widget on the star. The mouse widget is fakery, but it works to mark a star and see if we roll exactly on that axis. Flight assist off, started a slow roll. The ship from the seated position rolls perfectly on that dot, as in 2d. Stand up, move left to the centre of the ship (the video jumps as I pressed the recenter view button just so I could move left without falling out my window :D ) and you can see it's perfectly aligned with the roll, the dot on the star. Moving far left and far right without recentering and you can see the ship is rolling the way you think you should be seeing, ie the other side of the cockpit moving much more than the centre, but you aren't taking in to account the hud and seat are pointing correctly at the actual point on the skybox where the ship is pointing and rotating, marked by the mouse widget. You're thinking the hud and cockpit should be pointing parallel to it I think. Also - the ship is HUGE in length, and the seat is only like 2 feet offset from the centre. Your image with the red and green circles you're expecting to see the rotation at the green circle which is just under the window, but the ship goes so far out in front! In fact, the nose is out pointing where your red circle is, the cockpit up really high above the long nose that slopes down out of sight. It's correct.

In VR it really is clear the ship IS rotating around it's centre axis. Because where I'm looking (in VR) is irrelevant to what the ship is doing. In 2d it doesn't seem that way, but it genuinely is.

I don't have youtube to upload, here's the video: Source:
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