Measurements and Where to Find Them

Does anyone know where the measurements are stored in the game files? I would like to change kilometres over to miles and such. Since there is no in-game option to do so, I am planning on seeing if I can just do it by editing the files directly.
Or you could just learn to convert km's to miles and vice versa. It's a handy skill to have in general.
I live in Estonia for half of the year and grew up in South Africa... I can convert from Metric to Imperial, but I prefer Imperial.
I'd be very surprised if the use of metric wasn't baked in to the code.. Given the current lack of countries that use the alternative, I can't imagine we'd still be using imperial measures in the 3300's.
To be fair... We are flying space ships with talking a computers. I would be more surprised if you could not customise the interface and user experience to suit you better... As for using Imperial, I am willing to bet it will be around.
Ah... Sorry, what does that mean?
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I live in Estonia for half of the year and grew up in South Africa... I can convert from Metric to Imperial, but I prefer Imperial.

To be fair... We are flying space ships with talking a computers. I would be more surprised if you could not customise the interface and user experience to suit you better... As for using Imperial, I am willing to bet it will be around.

Ah... Sorry, what does that mean?

I'm an Australian, who grew up and was educated long after we went metric in 1971 in Australia, I understand both. But I will always work in metric as a preference - the calculations are all easier. We only teach metric here and the few hangovers, like miles per gallon, are rapidly disappearing from regular use. Give it another generation here and imperial measures will be nothing more than a historical footnote. That said, I think the games use of measures is a little wacky.
I'm an Australian, who grew up and was educated long after we went metric in 1971 in Australia, I understand both. But I will always work in metric as a preference - the calculations are all easier. We only teach metric here and the few hangovers, like miles per gallon, are rapidly disappearing from regular use. Give it another generation here and imperial measures will be nothing more than a historical footnote. That said, I think the games use of measures is a little wacky.
You forget the continental empire sized mass of obstinance and conflicting urges known as the United States of America. Also, my preference for Imperial mostly comes from woodworking. As things go, despite learning Imperial second, I clicked with it a great deal more and just use it more often. As for calculations... It depends. If we are talking about how much a measure a volume of liquid weighs and such, then yes. Metric is easier once you are used to it. That said, for most things, I would say whichever one you are more used to is easier.

Personally, I think it would be nice if the world went with the whatever system was easiest to use... Though, that would likely require everyone and their mother to learn base twelve counting, since that makes things like multiplication a lot easier to do withotu a calculator.

Edit: Also, yeah, I tend to use the measurement numbers and how fast they are changing to figure out if I am going fast or not. The measurements themselves very rarely mean anything to me, except for when I am dogfighting. In which case, I am looking at kilometres.
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I live in the U.S. and can't stand imperial units. It's like working in the stone age. Why would anyone who doesn't have to want to use imperial. Nothing would please me more then if the U.S. would drop this c**p and take a giant leap into the present!
Being from EU I can attest that changing a metric system is fairly easy on the population. Whole of EU went to euro and lived to tell about it. IMO currency has a far greater impact on people than metric system.
I live in the U.S. and can't stand imperial units. It's like working in the stone age. Why would anyone who doesn't have to want to use imperial. Nothing would please me more then if the U.S. would drop this c**p and take a giant leap into the present!
Ah... All right then... While I was not exactly wanting to debate this and in fact just want to know how to modify the game, I would like to ask a simple question... Why? Most things are automated and the difference in usage is... Not actually that great. If we are talking modern tasks, all you have to do is know the different formulas used (if you are in the sciences... Which usually do not use Imperial anymore) or input the values you want and badda bing badda boom, you get the result you are looking for. In practical usage... Imperial is kind of designed to be rather easy to use... Given that a yard is about a man's stride, a fathom is a man's wingspan (and I can tell you how to measure them rather easily for soundings too), and an acre is actually designed to be the most efficient area a man can work with a plough and an ox (one chain by one furlong). So overall, it does not make that much of a difference.
Being from EU I can attest that changing a metric system is fairly easy on the population. Whole of EU went to euro and lived to tell about it. IMO currency has a far greater impact on people than metric system.
I would disagree with that. Unless we are talking about something like mosing over from L.s.d. to Pounds and Pence, currency is pretty straight forward. You have a numebr you are asked for and you give them that amount or greater and then check that the amount you are given (if the amount given to them was greater) is the remainder left over from the amount asked. Compare this too... Figuring out the difference between a mile and a kilometre. I mean... If you actually know the Imperial System, the difference is three furlongs (kilometre is five, a mile is eight), but for most people, it is a bit of a pain remember that a mile is something like 1.6 kilometres... Especially once we add in things like speeds which are time over distance. But, I digress... Also, fun fact, they did try to convert the U.S. over at one point. It was received cooly.
This old nugget... It's not a big deal. Either work fine. For calculations, I often (but not always) tend to prefer metric, because I can be lazy at times, also millimeters for measuring smaller things and the speed of light being close to 300,000 KM/S come in handy, but otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
This old nugget... It's not a big deal. Either work fine. For calculations, I often (but not always) tend to prefer metric, because I can be lazy at times, also millimeters for measuring smaller things and the speed of light being close to 300,000 KM/S come in handy, but otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
Pretty much... Like I said, it is just a matter of preference.
Out of curiosity - in a game where basic measuring unit is stated in light years and light seconds - what is the point of converting km into miles? To see that your ship goes 327 yards per second?
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